Sims metal Fire update
Next BCRG Wed November, 11th
Containerspace Site Tour Nov 11


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Hi everyone

Quick update regarding the fire this week.
1)  Sims Metal Fire Update - Chris Bydder, EPA Victoria

Environment Protection Authority Victoria (EPA) was notified on Monday night (19 October) of a fire at Sims Metal, a scrap metal recycling plant on McDonald Road in Brooklyn.
The Metropolitan Fire Brigade (MFB), as the control agency and in line with agreed and established emergency management procedures, notified EPA of the event, discussed environmental issues, but EPA attendance at the site was not required.
On Monday evening, MFB advised residents within a one kilometre radius to stay inside to minimise exposure to smoke from the fire.
EPA attended the site on Tuesday, 20 October to assess whether there was any subsequent and/or ongoing environmental impact from the event and to investigate if any clean up advice was required.
EPA officers found no further offsite contamination of the environment had occurred due to the fire.
EPA officers found all water used to extinguish the fire had been contained in a retention pond usually reserved for storm water. The company has since informed EPA that the water in the retention pond would be re-used onsite to cool machinery and would not leave the site.
EPA provided advice to the company that the pond must be tested for contamination before any discharge from the site occurs.
The fire occurred in steel stockpiles, containing mainly wrecked vehicles. These vehicles go through a shredder as part of the recycling process and metal and fibres are separated.
All vehicles burnt in the fire can still be recycled.      
2)  Next BCRG Community Forum

The next BCRG Community Forum will be held Wednesday, November 11th, 2015 at the Brooklyn Community Hall, Cypress Ave, Brooklyn, 6 - 6.30pm.

RSVP Please to: Email: or phone: 0427 338 482
3) Invitation to Containerspace Site Visit.  

Following my presentation at the last BCRG meeting, I would like to extend an open invitation to come and visit our site prior to the BCRG forum in the evening.

DATE:       Wednesday 11 November, 2015
TIME:        Arrive any time after 5.15pm (Please park in the car park at front of office)
PLACE:     Containerspace Office, 465-467 Somerville Rd, Brooklyn, 3012
PHONE:    9314 5589
This is a great opportunity for us to show you some of the improvements we’ve made to our business and give you an opportunity to ask any questions.   

I look forward to seeing you on the day.
Best Regards,


Download July draft meeting notes
Download July meeting Snapshot
Download Rolling Action list
5)  July 22, 2015 BCRG community meeting notes_draft

The complete draft meeting notes from the July 2015 BCRG forum are now available from the BrooklynIP website. Click here to download.
The notes include updates on the works for sealing Jones Rd and Bunting Rd, the Containerspace story and the EPA dust, odour and noise update.

6) July Snapshot
The July meeting Snapshot is out Now!

This is a great way to spread the word about what's happening in Brooklyn.
Feel free to post it on your websites and share it through your networks!

Click here to download the Snapshot.

7) Rolling Action list
The updated BCRG rolling list of actions that have been identified during the community forums is now available on the Brooklynip website. Click here.
8) BCRG Advertising and ongoing publicity and posters
We have produced a promotional poster for BCRG and put a few up in community centres in Yarraville and south of the freeway but it would be great to get them posted in more places. If you would like to put a poster up the document is available on the Brooklynip website.
  • Other ways you can help is to use this text and the links to the website and Facebook in your promotional material/social media.
Are you concerned about dust, noise and odour issues in the Brooklyn area?
The Brooklyn Community Representative Group Community Forum (BCRG) is an opportunity for members of the community, industry, local and state government to discuss issues about the air quality of the general Brooklyn area. It also enables the communication of plans and progress by individual industries, local government and EPA
The next Brooklyn Community Representative Group Community Forum is
Wednesday 11 November 2015, 6.00 for 6:30 – 8:30pm
Brooklyn Community Hall, Cypress Avenue Brooklyn.
All welcome
RSVP Please to: Email: or phone: 0427 338 482


BCRG is on Facebook
and we'd love you ‘like’ it!

Help us reach a new audience.
Andrea and Jen are the administrators of the site – anyone wishing to contribute should message via Facebook or send an email to

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Andrea Mason

Executive Officer
Brooklyn Community Representative Group
Ph: 0427 338 482
PO Box 8001, Rippleside, Vic, 3215

PS BCRG Community Forum final meeting date for 2015 is Wednesday November 11.

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The contents of this update and any attachments are forwarded for information purposes. They do not necessarily reflect the views of BCRG, including the Convenor, Executive Officer or its membership. BCRG is not aligned with (or influenced by) any political entity or any one organisation. It exists for the purpose of facilitating community, industry, local government and EPA to work together to ensure that public concerns and aspirations regarding odour, noise and dust in the general Brooklyn area are consistently understood and considered. That being said, real engagement necessitates dissemination of a range of ideas, opinions and views in order to enable informed participation from a broad base.

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