Provider: NSW Department of Justice
Amount: Up to $250,000
Location: NSW
Closing Date: 22 Jan 2016
Summary: Funds innovative projects designed to prevent crime and fear of crime and help people feel safe and proud of their community.
Provider: Sport & Recreation Victoria
Amount: Up to $450,000
Location: VIC
Closing Date: 14 Dec 2015
Summary: Assists state sporting associations and state sport and recreation bodies with initiatives that increase participation in sport and active recreation.
Provider: WA Department of Local Government & Communities
Amount: Up to $20,000
Location: WA
Closing Date: 17 Dec 2015
Summary: Assists with the establishment or development of community gardens in local communities.
Provider: Multicultural NSW
Amount: $150,000 - $1,000,000
Location: NSW
Opens: 18 Dec 2015
Summary: Supports an alliance of community partners who are committed to addressing and
resolving community issues and tensions and safeguarding Australia’s peaceful and harmonious way of life against extremist hate, violence and division.
Provider: The Ian Potter Foundation
Amount: Up to $20,000
Location: All States
Closing Date: 27 Jan 2016
Summary: Offers senior staff of not-for-profit organisations the opportunity to spend time overseas visiting like-minded organisations to learn international’s best practices in their areas of operations and then disseminate the learnings through their sectors.
Provider: VIC Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport & Resources
Amount: Up to $50,000
Location: VIC
Closing Date: Always Open
Summary: Funds research and development projects that will help the sector remain profitable and sustainable into the future.