The monthly report to keep you up to date on the SystemX happenings
Welcome to Newsfeed: the monthly report to keep you up to date on the SystemX happenings

Hot topics

BFM Business
On October, 29th, BFM Business came to SystemX's premises in order to shoot a television coverage about security of the connected car and how SystemX research activities take care of that. François Stephan, International and Development Director, was also invited to participate in the live TV show "Les décodeurs de l'Eco". Watch the replay

Breaking news

Third IRT Forum
On October, 13th, SystemX participated to the 3rd IRT Forum that took place in Grenoble and was hosted by IRT Nanoelec. This edition was marked by the participation of Thierry Mandon, Minister of Research and Higher Eductation and Louis Schweitzer, General Commissioner for Investment. SystemX presented three projects : ELA, MIC and SCE whose research teams had the opportunity to show them the results of their projects. Find out more

Charles Kremer joined SystemX as Director of the Smart Territories Program
SystemX has just welcomed its Director of the Smart Territories Program, Charles Kremer. The goal of this program is to satisfy the future need of deploying new highly-innovative solutions and services that make use of digital technologies in order to contribute to making districts, towns, regions, countries more inhabitable, more sustainable, more secure and more attractive for citizens and economic stakeholders. Discover his detailed background.

SystemX signed a collaboration convention
SystemX signed in October, a collaboration agreement with IHEDN. This collaboration will be focused on research activities in cybersecurity and cyberspace geopolitics. Find out more about IHEDN.

Alstom Grid European User Group Conference
François Stephan was invited to talk to the 14th annual Alstom Grid European Users Group Conference. The goal of this event was to set the trends for the future. François Stephan shared the stakes of SCE project for smart cities.


2015 Ambition PME Day
Systematic gathered almost 400 participants at the 6th edition of its Ambition PME event that was dedicated to " Digital innovative SMEs & access to market".  Systematic seized the opportunity of this event to announce the launch of SOLAINN : its online platform facilitating start-ups and SMEs' innovation purchasing in digital field. Find out more


Live and Work in 2030
SystemX contributed to Alliancy special issue entitled "Live and Work in 2030". SystemX engineers collaboratively wrote two articles. The first one details the typical day of the future engineer, describing what our future days will look like. The second one explains why mathematics are the new eldorado. Find out more about the special edition

R&D projects

LRA Project
Oktal Day
Oktal organized the first SCANeR
Day at SystemX, on October, 15th and gathered its main partners. This event was  focusing on SCANeR™ technology and projects. During this day, the participants got the chance to attend a demonstration of LRA research team on the driving simulator. They presented the technologies in work (the new interactions between the driving and his car, etc.), that will be implemented in the future vehicules. Find out more about LRA project

Survey about the driving of an autonomous car
Raissa Pokam, PhD student in LRA project, launched a survey about the driving of an autonomous car. This survey seeks to understand what information people would like to see or have when their car is in the "automated mode". You can help the project by filling their form.

EIC Project
Philippe Wolf, EIC project manager, participated in "the Cybersecurity in the smart cities" event that took place on October, 15th at the Hôtel National des Invalides. He presented CHESS, the simulation and analysis collaborative platform for assessing the systems architecture cybersecurity. Find out more about our platforms

Technological platforms

SystemX's Forge changed its name and is now called "Factory". As a reminder, Factory is a collaborative software engineering platform which brings together project tools with the aim of controlling the software lifecycle and guaranteeing its quality, continuity and technological transfer, but also supplying effective and dimensioned means on demand which can handle data-intensive computing, mass data processing and storage in secure cloud mode. Find out more about SystemX's platforms


OVH, among the winners of the 2015 BFM awards
BFM organized its 2015 BFM awards that highlighted successful entrepreneurs and companies contributing to the French recognition. Octave Klaba, founder and CTO of OVH, has been elected "Entrepreneur of the year". Find out more
On October, Jacques Printz, Emeritus Professor at Cnam, and Gerard Le Lann, Emeritus Research Director at CNRS, both ran a seminar@SystemX, respectively on complexity and safety of automated cars. Next seminars:
November, 12th - Christian Surace, research engineer at CNRS
- agility in a scientific project. Register here
November, 25th - Sébastien Tremblay, professor at Laval University - R&D partnership for smart solutions to city issues. Register here

Coming soon!

18/11: FEN 2015
18-19/11: Paris Open Source Summit
23-25/11: CSD&M 2015

24-25/11 : Big data Business Convention
25/11: SIA's day about digital simulation with the participation of Laurent Gasser, Senior Research Engineer at SystemX
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