
 Volume 2 | Issue 2 | October 2015

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The AdamBots have had another very eventful month, preparing for the FIRST season, competing in OCCRA competitions, and participating in a multitude of outreach opportunities. On October 17th, we held our FIRST Boot Camp, which included a variety of team building activities to prepare our team members for forming a cohesive team for the upcoming FIRST season. On October 18th, we held an outreach event at Dinosaur Hill where team members volunteered to help clean-up Halloween Hoot. This month, there have been three OCCRA competitions and our team has placed well in all of them. Looking forward to November, the AdamBots are excited for our last FIRST off-season event, the Bloomfield Hills Girls Competition, and we are prepared for the new FIRST season.

General Motors

FCA Foundation

R&G Drummer


Valeo Thermal Systems


Oakland University

State of Michigan


Rochester Advanced Dentistry

Karen Bennett

Family and friends

Thank you all so much!

OCCRA Competition #4 - Orchard Lake St. Mary's High School
November 12th

FIRST Off-Season Event - Bloomfield Hills Girls Competition
November 14th

OCCRA Competition #5 - Walled Lake Western
November 21st

Relay For Life Fundraiser Event
November 22nd

Our team operates year-round, so we are appreciative of all donations, whether they are monetary or otherwise. If you would like to contribute, please contact us at:

Examples include internships, welding mentors, build space, etc.
For the most up to date information on our team, check out our website at


The AdamBots have been extremely busy preparing for the FIRST season. This month, we had our first annual FIRST Boot Camp on October 17th. This event was an opportunity for the new members of the team to get to know the veteran team members and gain an understanding of what will happen during the FIRST season, which begins in January. We held various breakout sessions to get acquainted with each other and with the different aspects of the team. This session has aided us in forming our new 2016 FIRST team. We had a great time learning about the process of forming a united team through putting "Form, Storm, Norm and Perform" into action!

Starting this month, the AdamBots business teams have been meeting every Monday evening to prepare for the FIRST season. The business teams have been working on updating the website and business plan, updating posters to represent the team, and covering events via social media, pictures and videos as well as organizing the FIRST Boot Camp.

Meanwhile, the AdamBots engineering teams have been holding workshops for the new students every Wednesday, with topics including hand tools, power tools, safety, and quality control. Future topics for meetings in the next month will include programming, CAD, and electric motors, pneumatic and gears. The veteran students have also been meeting on Wednesday evenings to prepare the police robots our teams was given for use in the holiday parade in December.

Additionally, our OCCRA team has been busy with competitions. At the first OOCRA competition, we placed in first and also received the Technical Excellence Award. We placed second in the second OCCRA competition and third in the third OCCRA competition. We have two more OCCRA competitions left this fall season, and we cannot wait to see how all the teams improve!

In the next month, the AdamBots are looking forward to our last FIRST off-season event, the Bloomfield Hills Girls Competition on November 14th. We will also be wrapping up the 2015 OCCRA season and continuing to mentor FIRST Technical Challenge (FTC), FIRST Lego League (FLL), and Junior FIRST Lego League (Jr. FLL) teams.


The AdamBots feel that it is very important to give back to our community, especially through inspiring young students to take an interest in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) as well as robotics. Our team encourages students in robotics by mentoring FTC teams, two Jr. FLL teams, and one FLL team. Pictured above are the RoboGeeks, the FLL team that the AdamBots mentor. In addition, we have also contributed to the community this month by organizing and volunteering in a Halloween Hoot Clean-Up at Dionosaur Hill on October 18th. The AdamBots look forward to cooperating with and contributing to our community through future mentorship and outreach opportunities!

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