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Welcome to this edition of Strata News.

The BIG NEWS in strata this week was the NSW Parliament approval of the major reforms to the state’s strata title laws. For more information about this matter, please read our article below: Strata Title Reforms Pass NSW Parliament.

Don't Forget About Competition Time!

We have been receiving lots of entries into our competition over the past week. Thanks to Stephen Raff and the release of his new book, Strata Living Stories, we have three copies of the book to give away to our newsletter subscribers. See details of how to enter below. Get writing - you have until Friday to get your entries in!

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NSW: Q&A Building defect claims and the Home Building Act

Pierrette Khoury, Turnbull Bowles Lawyers
Concerning building defect claims and the Home Building Act, it would appear that there is much confusion over defects and warranties, and the correct action Owners Corporations should be considering.

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What can your strata community do to reduce crime?

Stephen Raff, Ace Body Corporate Management
Crime is a big problem in our society and unfortunately strata communities are not immune. There are ways you can help.

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Unit Fire and Safety Issues

Chris Kerin,
Kerin Benson Lawyers

Why is it that in 21st-century Australia, strata title fire safety issues are still making headlines and what can investors do to protect themselves from such issues?

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Does the tax cut for small business apply to strata schemes?

Kaylene Arkcoll, Leary & Partners
The Government has just reduced the tax rate for small businesses with a turnover of less than $2 million per year from 30% to 28.5%. A number of strata committee members have asked us whether they should be using this lower tax rate when we prepare their sinking fund forecast.

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NSW: Q&A Strata levy increases - how much and how often?

LookUpStrata &
Premium Strata

How much can strata levy increases be & what timeframe is reasonable? Are there limitations for time & cost or are they at the discretion of Strata Management?

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QLD: Backing out of an off-the-plan contract

Hynes Legal
What do you do when the property you were promised falls short of what is delivered? In what circumstances are you able to cancel off the plan contract?

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Why are Strata Managers so difficult to get along with?

Paula Byrnes,
Metropolitan Strata Inspections

Mention “Strata Manager” & people get riled up. Many owners don’t know duties of strata manager & there is confusion about how much of the levies they get paid.

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11 Brilliant Blog Posts for Empty Nesters Planning to Downsize Their Home

Bettina Deda,
Downsize With Style Author

Empty nesters have lots of decisions to make and things to consider. Here we share 11 blog posts worth reading when planning to downsize to an apartment.

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NSW: Collective Sales - Windfall When Neighbours Work Together

David Bannerman and
Mark Pollinger,
Bannermans Lawyers

For strata buildings, new legislation makes redevelopment of apartments possible even where some owners don’t want to sell.

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WA: Q&A How to handle a strata manager or council of owners who are not working in your interest

Sandy Papalia,
Realmark Corporate

If you a WA lot owner who is unhappy with your strata manager or believe that you have a corrupt council of owners, what can you do?

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Strata Title Reforms Pass NSW Parliament

Victor Dominello MP,
Minister for Innovation and Better Regulation - NSW Finance, Services & Innovation

The NSW Parliament has approved major reforms to the state’s strata title laws. Victor Dominello said the new laws would come into effect in July 2016.

Competition Time

We all know that strata living can sometimes be interesting. If you have an amusing story about life in strata, share it with the LookUpStrata community and enter this fun comp. Entries can be a few of lines or a complete story - its up to you! A collection of the best entries will appear (anonymously if requested) in a LookUpStrata blog post and the top 3 will win a copy of Strata Living Stories valued at $36.90, thanks to Stephen Raff and Ace Body Corporate Administration.

In the new book, Strata Living Stories, Stephen Raff has compiled a collection of unique stories that have been sent in by people involved in the strata sector and showcases some of the weirdest, wackiest and downright hilarious stories the industry has witnessed.

Send your entry here NOW. Competition closes 6 Nov 2015. Winners will be announced in the 11 Nov Newsletter! We look forward to receiving stories from both people living in and working in strata - so get writing.

Please note: contributions must be from a LookUpStrata Newsletter Subscriber.

News Story of the Week

building approvals

CHART: A third of Australian residential building approvals are now for high rise apartments

David Scutt, Business Insider Australia
In the year to September, Australia approved approximately 227,016 residential building approvals, easily disposing of the previous annual record of 223,715 struck only one month earlier.Fitting with the skylines of many Australian capital cities at present, particularly Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane, nearly one third of those – some 31.8%, or 72,260 – were for apartments in complexes four storeys or higher.



NSW: Strata Law Shakeup

October 29, 2015:  Apartment owners forced to sell under new property laws.

NSW: Homeowners fear new laws could see them evicted from their homes

Penny Timms, ABC Radio
Some senior residents in Sydney say they fear being forced out of their homes, if politicians pass a housing bill that is now before the New South Wales Parliament.

Solar glass

VIC: Ooops! Developer fails to build two promised levels of underground parking

Clay Lucas, The Age
How could this planning failure be resolved? Apartment developers the Brady Group have failed to construct two of three carpark levels planned for the Vision Apartments opposite Victoria Market. So, where could this issue go from here?

The most read article from our last newsletter?


How to deal with noise complaints when living in a strata community

Stephen Raff,
Ace Body Corporate Management

Simply put, close proximity living brings people… closer. Pretty obvious right? It still astounds me the number of owners that communicate to their strata manager that if they were aware of how much noise their neighbours made then they would never have purchased a strata property.

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Nov 6:
SCA (NSW): Annual Convention

Nov 9 - 11:
SCA (WA): A100 SCA National Introduction to Living & Working in the Strata Community

Nov 10:
City of Sydney: Strata Skills 101– The Sinking Fund: A planning essential for strata

Nov 12:
SCA (QLD): By-Law Enforcement Seminar (Cairns)

Nov 13:
(WA) Green Gurus – Sustainability in WA Housing Workshop

SCA (QLD): By-law Enforcement Seminar (Townsville)

Nov 16 - 18:
SCA (VIC): A100 Introductory Strata Course

Nov 17:
City of Sydney: Strata Skills 101– From Meeting to Minutes: Why good governance matters

Nov 18:

OCN (NSW): Protecting your Investment and Adding Value to your Community

Nov 20:
SCA (VIC): Strata Insurance Claim Trends Update

Visit our Strata Events Page

Have Your Say

New South Wales: Adequacy of the regulation of short-term holiday letting (Inquiry)

This inquiry is a current Legislative Assembly inquiry conducted by the Environment and Planning Committee.

The inquiry was established to inquire into the adequacy of the regulation of short-term holiday letting in New South Wales.

If you would like to prepare a submission about short-term lets, you have until 9 November to submit your thoughts.

See this Parliament of New South Wales page for details: Adequacy of the regulation of short-term holiday letting in New South Wales (Inquiry).


Plan Melbourne refresh discussion paper

The Victorian Government is undertaking a refresh of Plan Melbourne, and is seeking your input. Click through to read the discussion paper, and share your ideas for the future of Melbourne.

Submission will be accepted until 5.00pm AEST 18 December 2015.

Breaking News

For the most comprehensive stream of strata news in Australia - follow us on Twitter.


NSW: There's a huge change coming for the two million people living in apartments in New South Wales Business Insider Australia

Con artists are scaring owners over forced strata sales Domain


QLD: Gurner Snaps Up Two Brisbane Riverfront Sites The Urban Developer


Section 167 (BCCM Act) Nuisances – Can this be applied to smoking in a Strata Scheme? Hartley's Body Corporate Management


VIC: A Victorian take: NSW reforms show the way Dockland News

Multiple tents found pitched in Melbourne apartments and rented out The Age


Melbourne: the world's most liveable car park? The Age

SA: DA Lodged For $200 Million Adelaide Mixed Use Project The Urban Developer


NZ: Apartment blues: Time to control the body corporate managers NZ Herald

Queensland Waters Down ‘Off the Plan’ Protection Laws - See more at:
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