BSU Insider » November 2015
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BSU News
BSU News

Chancellor Rosenstone and MnSCU presidents issue statement against racism

Recent events on campuses across the country remind us of the ugliness of racism and intolerance and its painful impact on the lives of our students, faculty, and staff. Because we are not immune to racism here in Minnesota, today we stand together – as leaders of Minnesota’s state colleges and universities – to condemn racism and intolerance and reaffirm our commitment to our core value: our colleges and universities are places of hope and opportunity where everyone can create a better future for themselves, for their families, and for their communities.

[Read the complete statement]

Faculty and Staff News

Dr. Misty Condiff (left), assistant professor of nursing, was the keynote speaker at the Aotearoa Indigenous Nurses Conference, Aug. 7-9 in Auckland, New Zealand. She is pictured with Dr. Terryann Clark, senior lecturer in nursing at New Zealand’s University of Aukland.
Bemidji State's faculty and staff have been hard at work sharing their expertise to audiences across the world, from New Zealand to the United Kingdom. More than a half-dozen presentations at professional conferences, two new books, the 13th and 14th courses at BSU to receive Quality Matters certification and more highlight a full month of faculty and staff achievements.

• New hires at Bemidji State University

Campus News

MnSCU Chancellor Steven Rosenstone visited Bemidji on Sept. 30 to gather information and guide his search for the next BSU/NTC president.

BSU/NTC presidential Search Advisory Committee named

A 17-member Search Advisory Committee has been formed to make recommendations on the BSU-NTC presidential appointment to MnSCU Chancellor Steven Rosenstone.

Hagg-Sauer Academic Learning Center Planning Continues

Karen Snorek, vice president for finance and administration, along with Ann Voda and Randy Moe from BTR Architects, held an Oct. 27 open forum for the campus community to share the latest design draft for the Hagg-Sauer Academic Learning Center construction and campus-wide renovation project.

Snorek briefs campus on FY2017 budget

On Nov. 2, Karen Snorek, vice president of finance and administration, provided a fall budget update to the campus community. For those unable to attend, Snorek's presentation was recorded and is available on the Office of the President's website along with her PowerPoint presentation and a handout with budget projections for Fiscal Year 2017.

Professional ed adds autism spectrum licensure

Beginning with the Spring 2016 semester, the BSU Department of Professional Education and School of Graduate Studies will offer a new non-degree special education licensure for autism spectrum disorder. The online program is available to licensed teachers and other students pursuing post-graduate education training, such as the FasTrack post-baccalauerate licensure program and the Master of Arts in Teaching. The new licensure is designed to meet growing demand for the specialized training as a result of new state requirements that schools provide appropriate support and guidance for students on the autism spectrum.

Memorial Hall project expected to wrap up this month

Renovation of Memorial Hall and construction an expanded Central Plaza at the heart of the BSU campus should be completed by the end of November, said Jeff Sande, physical plant manager. An elevator is being installed in Memorial, and final touches are being applied to the building's rear façade and atrium entrance. Safety railings will also be installed around the widened stairway outside Sattgast Hall. The university's entire tunnel system will also be open by month's end, Sande said. The only section now closed is the connection between Memorial and Sattgast, where sprinklers are being installed. BSU will be seeking bids this winter for a new system of way-finding signage in the tunnels to be completed in the spring.

Other Campus News

Butch Holden exhibit reflects on the nature of growth and change

Butch Holden, professor of technology, art and design, is displaying a collection of work reflecting nature, growth and change in a show called “Optimism” at BSU’s Talley Gallery, open now through the end of the semester.

More than 400 attend annual health fair

More than 400 students, faculty and staff attended BSU's second annual Health and Wellness Fair on Oct. 21 in the Beaux Arts Ballroom. Visitors sampled products, participated in a variety of health assessments, viewed demonstrations and talked with many Bemidji-area service vendors. The fair also featured a farmer’s market and craft sale.

BSU nursing students administered 99 of the 295 total flu shots given at the clinic, and visitors also had four lipid profiles done and received five TDAP vaccinations, four HPV vaccinations and three meningococcal vaccinations. 

Jordan Kralewski (pictured), a senior in environmental studies, won the fair's grand prize of a FitBit.

• More Health Fair photos

Student News

Senior wins Women@Microsoft scholarship

Hannah Hell, a computer science major at Bemidji State University, wants to harness the power of big data to predict the future.

To support her pursuit of this visionary goal, the Littlefork, Minn., senior has won a $1,500 Women@Microsoft Hoppers Scholarship from the Fargo-Moorhead Area Foundation.

Photo Galleries

Click photos for complete galleries from each event (top, then L to R):
  • More than 1,100 students attend Northern AdvantEdge Career Expo
  • Nov. 6 Jazz Atavist concert featured sounds, images from golden age of Jazz
  • Limnology class counts and details fish found in Lake Bemidji

Beaver Athletics Update

Football finishes as NSIC North co-division champs

Wide receiver Juwaan Richard (pictured) and his Bemidji State teammates wrapped up their 2015 regular season with a 41-24 road victory at Northern State, a win that helped the Beavers secure a share of the NSIC North Division championship. Junior quarterback Jordan Hein threw for 363 yards and three touchdowns and helped BSU finish its 2015 season with a 7-4 overall record.

More BSU Athletics News

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"BSU Insider" is a publication of the Bemidji State University Office of Communications and Marketing. It is published nine times yearly, on the first Tuesday of each month during the academic year (except January). Do you have a story to share with us for publication? Contact Andy Bartlett, associate director of communications and marketing, via email or by calling OCM at 2041.
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