Harlesden Neighbourhood Forum sign-up form


We encourage everybody to sign up as a Member or Associate Member*. There is no cost or obligation and your information is not shared. The benefits include being invited to special member-focused activities, and enabling us to monitor how well we are engaging with a wide range of local people.

If you WOULD like to sign up as a member or associate member* please complete the full form

If you want to be on our Email list ONLY (Non-member) please complete just Q1-5

Click here to see the Neighbourhood Forum boundary area map

* MEMBER = You live, work or represent an organisation working within the defined Neighbourhood Forum area. ASSOCIATE MEMBER = You do not
live, work or represent an organisation working within the defined Neighbourhood Forum area, but are interested in getting involved.
* indicates required
** Your details will be kept on the secure Harlesden Neighbourhood Forum database managed by the committee purely for contact and anonymous reporting only. They will not be share with anybody else.
Your home OR of your local workplace/ organisation if relevant
Follow the link http://docs.wixstatic.com/ugd/7734bf_072db8f63b5341d1a6ac85deb87375d4.pdf to the map. Skip to 'submit' if you are mailing list only
- Please complete if you do not live within the Forum area. Please also give your role
Your home OR your local workplace/ organisation if relevant
Could you help the Forum?
This helps us to understand how well we engage with the whole community
This helps us to understand how well we engage with the whole community
This helps us to understand how well we engage with the whole community
To enable to you to access and be involved in our work. This helps us understand how we are reaching the whole community
If you have, please say 'yes'. This helps us to understand how well we engage with the whole community

Harlesden Neighbourhood Forum keeps your details on a secure database for Forum communications and anonymous reporting only. Your information is not shared with anybody. It is a requirement for Re-designation as a NPF that member names and partial addresses (post code only) are shared with the relevant planning authorities. This will be done every five years as required in the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended) section 61F(5) section 61F(7). We need to hold the details you give us in order to be able to email you and for you to be a member. Therefore, IF YOU DO NOT WISH TO GIVE CONSENT TO BOTH OF THE BELOW, please discontinue this subscription and contact us via the details below.

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