The survey results are in and I have analysed your responses. Very interesting and illuminating. Read, digest, share and act!

The Navig8or Newsletter

It's time to succeed!

Welcome Navig8ors
Well, the survey results are in and interesting reading they make. I would like to offer a big thank you to all of you who took the time to complete the survey in whole or part. I was actually really pleased with the response rate. Although the newsletter goes out to over 850 subscribers only about 25-30% of those people ever bother to open each issue (about 27% for the survey issue which equated to 227 individuals) , therefore to get well over 100 responses (136 at the time of writing) was very pleasing. Unfortunately, the free version of survey monkey only performs analysis on the first 100 responses, however every response was gratefully received.
Although the specific percentages in the survey results are interesting I think the patterns and trends are even more thought provoking, revealing as they do readers individual understanding of how we are doing as a people and their take on cause and effect in the world.
I am not going to lie to you, it's another bumper edition of the newsletter. You are going to need a quiet room and some food supplies. My only mitigation is that there are a lot of survey result tables included which makes the newsletter longer than it would have been with just the plain text! 


Before we get into the survey results, there are two other issues.
Firstly, a request. I have seemingly got the survey bug and thought as we approach the end of another Gregorian year it would be a good time to get some reader feedback on the newsletter. Therefore I have put together a short reader feedback survey which you can complete here. It is very simple. No complicated questions, so I would be grateful if you could let me know what you think of the newsletter.

I am going to take you through each of the responses, providing analysis where helpful; and letting you know my responses to the questions and the rationale behind my thinking. As usual I am going to challenge some of the ideas that I think underpin the scoring trends and of course you are welcome to challenge back when you have digested this issue.

Secondly, a confession. You no doubt spotted the not so deliberate omission in the survey questions 8 and 9. Just in case you didn't't, I missed 'Politics' off the list of people activities! What a numbskull! Anyway my apologies, just goes to show that you have keep focused at all times and that I could do with an assistant! I will therefore mention the role of politics in the analysis of questions 8 and 9 even though it is not covered in the scoring.

OK, let's go through the questions and the results.

As you would probably expect the age profile of my readership reflects my own age. By far the largest single age group are the 45-54 year olds at over 41% of respondents and I am 49 years old, so slap bang in the middle of this age group. If we repeated this exercise in ten years time, no doubt 55-64 year olds would be the biggest group of respondents. It's good to see a few young people amongst the respondents. Hopefully you will spread the word amongst your peers and tell me the issues you think would appeal to your age group.

Once again the male majority of readers, probably just reflects that I am a man and that I know more men. However if the sisters out there feel there are issues that I should be covering that I am not (within my range of knowledge) then feel free to let me know.

I was a little surprised at the scores for this question. I was not expecting such a high percentage of married respondents or for single people to be the smallest group of respondents, however I think it reflects both the age profile of my readers and that as a group you are atypical of the wider Afrikan population in the UK and US where the vast majority of my readers reside. I can see through mailchimp that over 90% of the opens of the newsletter emails were from people in those countries and the marriage rate for Afrikans in the UK and US is not particularly high. 

Q4-Q7 Analysis
It is very interesting that my readers do not, overall, show a strong; or should I say growing, optimism in relation to our group prospects over a 12 months or 5 year timeframe, but show strong optimism in relation to their personal prospects over the same timeframe. This sentiment corresponds with my own feelings and also reflects the overall low scores (although still somewhat generous in my opinion), detailed later, assigned to the ten areas of people activity under consideration. I get the sense that whether it be the 'conscious' community or Pro Black community our people are at a loss as to what we should be doing and where we should be going. Confusion, apathy and resignation rule. Only Negroes seem clear about their purpose. They are going to sell us out hard like the 'familiars' in the Blade trilogy of films, who were humans who served the vampires loyally in return for being allowed to live. These humans had accepted the inevitable triumph of the vampires and were pragmatic about doing whatever it took to survive.

Anyway let's consider the rankings question. This question was about what should take priority for us rather than simply a question of activity A is more important than activity B. The reason I stressed priority was because I wanted you to think about cause and effect i.e. What area of activity will have the greatest impact on our current condition. So even if you have a passion for, let's say Education, this does not mean that Education should be the group's top priority if another area of activity can deliver greater immediate benefits to the group, that is to say give us more Power to determine what we do, how we do it and to live free of external domination.

Q8 Analysis
The above coloured bar chart underneath the question shows you not only the average of the relative rankings you assigned to each area of people activity, but also gives you a sense of how close the rankings were. So the longer the bar the higher up the ranking on average that area scored. So you can see that Economic ownership has the longest bar closely followed by Education and Health. Entertainment/Sports has the shortest bar which means that overall you collectively viewed this as the area of lowest priority.

The above table gives you a picture of the range of rankings assigned to each of the areas of people activity. So for example there were 81 respondents who ranked Economic ownership. 31 of these 81 people ranked it as their No. 1 priority (look down under the column headed 1) whereas 6 people ranked it as the No. 10' or their lowest priority (look down the column headed 10). As you can see Economic ownership was ranked as number 1 priority far more than any other area, but surprisingly had the second most No. 10 rankings with 6, as just noted. Unsurprisingly, Sports/Entertainment receiving by far the greatest number of No. 10 rankings with 35 out of 77 respondents assigning this area the lowest priority .
I think some people had some problems with this question as the total number of respondents should be the same for each area.
The ranking list that readers produced is somewhat different to my own which is compared to readers' ranking below:
Ifayomi                                                 Readers
1. Economic Ownership                       1. Economic Ownership
2. Media Ownership                             2. Education
3. Law/ CJS                                         3. Health
4. Safety                                               4. Employment
5. Education                                          5. Media Ownership
6. Employment                                      6. Law/ CJS
7. Health                                               7. Sex & Relationships
8. Sex & Relationships                         8. Safety
9. Religion                                            9. Religion
10. Entertainment/Sports                   10. Entertainment/Sports
N.B. If I had remembered to include Politics in the list I would have put it at number 2.

As you can see the Readers list tallies with mine for the top priority and bottom two priorities.
OK, let me explain the rationale for my list.
1. Economic Ownership - money or control of economic resources is Power. The world is run by money. As Mayer Amschel Rothschild of the famous banking dynasty is reputed to have said (not verified). "Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation, and I care not who makes its laws!"
 One of the biggest failings of the conscious community has been its almost complete failure to recognise and understand both the meaning of money and its importance. As I have explained on numerous occasions, money is simply an efficient means of exchanging dissimilar goods and services in complex societies i.e. You don't need it in subsistence societies, as well as a representation of value and wealth. There was money in Afrika before Europeans arrived and so we need to get over this money is the root of all evil nonsense. All great civilisations are built upon economic success or wealth, which is another way of saying that they create surplus which can be reinvested or transformed. You don't build Harikhuti or Pyramids based on a subsistence economy. Mansa Musa,ruler of the Mali empire in the early 1300s was in relative terms perhaps the richest ruler who ever lived.  This article tells us that "With an inflation adjusted fortune of $400 billion, Mansa Musa would have been considerably richer than the world’s current richest man, Carlos Slim, who ranks in 22nd place with a relatively paltry $68 billion." He brought so much gold on his Hajj that he devalued the value of gold. Why do 'conscious' people celebrate Mansa Musa or ancient Kemet but refuse to understand that the former's fame and the latter's stupendous achievements required wealth i.e. Economic ownership.
Therefore money, wealth, economic ownership, control of the means of production etc. call it what you will has to be number 1 if a people want to be liberated.
If one considers the relationship between Money and Politics my point will be illustrated. National politics is run by money not votes. A politically engaged billionaire in the U.S. has more political influence than a million ordinary voters. Politicians serve trans national corporations, often referred to as multi-national corporations and individuals of high net worth (£500M+). That's why whichever of the two parties (it's nearly always a two party duopoly) are in power; they institute policies that benefit their paymasters. Presidents are selected then elected. We live in plutocracies (societies ruled by the rich). In the 1950s US President Dwight Eisenhower warned of the power of the military industrial complex and we see that his warning has come to full fruition. Even on a more localised level we see the controlling hand of money. In November 2014 Baltimore the Black mayor, Stephanie Rawlings-Blake,  said "...she would veto a city council bill that would require police officers in the city to wear body cameras while on duty."  Of course she had a change of heart after 

"The city’s police department came under heavy scrutiny in March following the death of Freddie Gray, a 25-year-old unarmed black Baltimore resident who was severely injured in the back of a police van. The Baltimore Police Department has paid out millions of dollars in settlements involving police misconduct in recent years.

In 2014, the Baltimore City Council voted to equip the city’s 2,800 police officers with cameras, but Mayor Rawlings-Blake vetoed the measure, saying the issue needed further study and developed a task force to look into the effects and logistics of body-worn cameras." 
Ms Rawlings-Blake is notorious for having told Afrikan voters in Baltimore that whilst Afrikan people had voted her into office, White dollars (via white businessmen) had paid for her campaign. Baltimore is a Black city run by white dollars, like many others in the U.S.

2. Media Ownership - I know a lot of you are going to be thinking that I am being deliberately obtuse in placing media ownership as number 2, however there is method in my rankings. Anyone who has even a cursory knowledge of military science will know that propaganda is vital to winning long drawn out conflicts, as well as justifying attacks on foes. Propaganda is also important in securing behavioural change amongst populations, in both a positive and negative way. For e.g. In 1929 Edward Bernays the architect of Public Relations developed advertising campaigns on behalf of cigarette manufacturers which successfully persuaded women to take up smoking as a act of defiance against male oppression! He labelled cigarettes as 'torches of freedom' as part of this deeply cynical campaign. This campaign laid the groundwork for rapidly rising levels of female smoking in the following decades. Conversely government has run public information campaigns using shock tactics to persuade domestic populations of the dangers of smoking. You can read about his methods here
If we return to the aforementioned issue of the killing of unarmed Afrikans by Police officers in the US, the power of the media and propaganda should become clear. Whenever one of these incidents occurs there is a very clear, tried and tested response from the corporate media. The first stage is to emphasise the police version of events, which nearly always suggests that the officer felt in fear of their life and made a split second decision with unfortunate consequences. The second stage is to put the victim on trial, for example the 'highly respected' Associated Press went to court to access Trayvon Martin's school records and to check his juvenile record for arrests. If they can find anything - they found something to do with marijuana use or possession in Trayvon's school record - they will intimate that this is a justification for the murder, no matter how inconsequential or unrelated the 'crime'. The next stage is to valorise the police officer/perpetrator if it is possible. In many cases these individuals have a history or racist and or violent, reckless behaviour and so the media job becomes one of silence i.e. not to dig into their past. So for example Trayvon Martin's murderer George Zimmerman who was a wannabe white vigilante had committed acts of domestic violence against his ex-wife and girlfriend and his girlfriend's father. He was also accused of child sexual abuse by his younger cousin and yet none of this received significant coverage in the corporate media. So propaganda is not just about what you say, but what you don't say. The fourth stage - these are not all sequential but overlap seamlessly - is the 'Talking Negroes' stage. This is where you get Negroes employed by media corporations, freelance media Negroes and Negro politicians, ministers and community leaders to call for calm and to say 'don't leap to judgement' 'have faith in the criminal justice system'. This is all part of the process of creating confusion and dissension ( so-called radicals v moderates) in the Black community and turning the spotlight on all manner of incidental issues. By the time this whole process plays out the chance of the killer being charged, let alone convicted are very small and hence we move on to the next extra-judicial killing in another town with the same outcome. Afrikan people need to own and control global media to both defend our group against attacks by hostile groups and to change the way Afrikan people think and act. We are about the biggest consumers of television and social media in the West and yet control nothing of significance.

3. Law/CJS - The legal/criminal justice system of any country is of vital importance, however one has to recognise the limitations of the law and what influences the operation of the justice system. One must understand that a law is only as useful and effective as the willingness and ability to enforce it. If you cannot enforce a law it is of no relevance and provides no protection. So to continue the theme of extra-judicial killings of Afrikans in the US by Police officers ( and some vigilantes such as Zimmerman), one can posit that theoretically Afrikans in the US are protected by the law against murder, manslaughter and assault. However we know that in practice there is little to desire in the US amongst the dominant group to enforce these laws. Hence Afrikans are murdered with impunity by 'law enforcement' officers. As I have mentioned previously these murders will not be reduced or stopped by 'a change of heart' or racial reconciliation. They will be prevented by cold hard consequences i.e. Police officers being sentence to long hard time in prison, where they can be welcomed into prison life by their fellow inmates! You will see the magical impact Police officers being convicted for these murders has on the police population. Suddenly Afrikan men's hands/keys/snicker bars etc. will start to look like hands/keys/snickers bars and not guns. Suddenly arresting an unarmed Afrikan will rise up the list of preferred options. However none of this can happen without Power and the chain of power runs like this. Afrikans acquire economic power. Afrikans buy, lease or rent politicians. Politicians create laws and allocate resources (In the US politicians also double as legal officers and law enforcement in some jurisdictions e.g. Where District Attorneys and sheriffs run for office). Politicians also appoint top legal officers e.g. Supreme Court judges in US, Lord Chancellor in UK. The legal system soon gets the message from politicians that murdering Afrikans is no longer without consequence and a virtuous circle replaces a vicious cycle.
Unfortunately, if Afrikans want justice we are going to have to buy it!

4. Safety - In theory this should be any group's number one priority, as without safety and security a group cannot flourish or enjoy a good quality of life. However once again one need to appreciate cause and effect. What brings about safety and security? Well at a most basic level a group must have the ability to defend itself against external and internal threats. If the family living next door to you hates you and has an armoury full of high powered rifles and machine guns and your family has sticks and religious scripture to defend yourselves, you are going to be sleeping with one eye open for the rest of your life, or moving house pretty quickly. As they say don't bring a knife to a gun fight. Metaphorically speaking Afrika has sticks in the face of enemies who are armed to the teeth and who have no compunction about using their weapons of mass destruction. In an ideal world there would be no guns, bombs, tanks etc, however we live in a far from ideal world. If the bully keeps taking your lunch money every day and there is no one to stop them, you either go without lunch for the rest of your school days or fight back. If you are going to fight you want to have a reasonable chance of success. In the days of the Cold War between the U.S. And Soviet Union there was a shared understanding of the futility of either side initiating a nuclear war known as MAD, Mutually Assured Destruction, I.e. Each side had the capability to destroy the other therefore there was no sense in initiating a nuclear war as it would inevitably lead to total destruction of both sides. Unfortunately the new-con madmen who have taken control of foreign policy in Washington actually believe that a nuclear war against Russia and/or China is winnable, which places us all at peril.
How do you create the ability to defend yourself? Well, on a nation state level you need an industrialised economy capable of manufacturing weapons sufficient to strike fear into your enemies hearts. You cannot fight a war on the understanding that you are going to ask the people you are fighting to provide you with guns, bullets, tanks planes etc. Only South Africa has any type of arms manufacture capability and of course the silly ANC dismantled all of the chemical and biological weapons infrastructure in order to prove to Marsa that they were good obedient boys! So in effect Afrika is defenceless. No economy and no independent capacity for serious military defence.
For Afrikans in 'the West' we cannot defend ourselves using arms on a large scale, therefore we need Money to purchase power, influence and protection and we also ultimately need strong Afrikan countries that are willing to accept us and protect us if push comes to shove.

5. Education - This one was number 2 on average for readers. Of course it is vital, however without an economy you always have to sell your labour, even if it is high prized labour, to other groups. A group has to secure economic territory and group security, which the previous four areas are vital to in order to make best use of it's skills, knowledge and intellect. If you have read the MisEducation of the Negro by Carter G Woodson you will know what I mean. how do you pay for a Afrikan-centred or Black school without money? How do you buy the building, renovate it, maintain it, equip it, without money. How do you pay the teachers and other staff without money? As you are probably aware Dr Umar Johnson has been fundraising to set up an independent school in the US. He has been the most sought after speaker in the Pan-Afrikanist community for some years and yet he has struggled to get anywhere near his target. You see Pan-Afrikanists in the US, as elsewhere, are long on rhetoric but short on money and money builds schools; not words. Rich people buy educational advantage through the public school system ( what they call private schools elsewhere, confusing I know). In these schools you have small class sizes, the best equipment and facilities, excellent teachers and highly motivated pupils from well educated families. Success breeds success.

6. Employment - Good education significantly improves your employment prospects. Even your enemies will employ you if you have a sought after skill that they can benefit from, therefore education comes before employment in our priority list. Employment serves three purposes. 1. To pay your bills. 2. As a mechanism for pursuing a vocation. 3. As preparation for going into business. This is what we need to teach our children.

7. Health - Now this ranking is bound to agitate many of you since my readers had this ranked a close 3rd. Once again it's about thinking critically and understanding the causal link between different aspects of life. In every society I can think of the rich people are healthier, on average, than the poor people. Rich people, as well as the merely middle class, live longer, are less obese, smoke less, have less dietary related illness, are taller and look younger than the poor. You can see poverty in people's faces. Poverty is stressful and stress kills. Being oppressed is stressful and therefore oppression kills. Afrikan people are highly stressed and have shorter life expectancy in 'the West' than other groups.
If you look at the history of Western Europe it is reasonable to suggest that engineers did more to increase life expectancy and health, through massive sanitation works, than doctors. If you look at Afrika, one could massively improve health and reduce the terrible child mortality rate just by providing everyone with clean water. The World Health Organization's website provides the shocking and shameful data:
provides the shocking and shameful data:

"5.9 million children under age five died in 2015, 16 000 every day.

The risk of a child dying before completing five years of age is still highest in the WHO African Region (81 per 1000 live births), about 7 times higher than that in the WHO European Region (11 per 1000 live births)." This is about basic stuff not whether Afrikans have access to organically grown vegetables! Improving a person's material conditions improves both their physical and mental health. Improving their education leads them to make healthier life choices, therefore whilst whatever our income levels; we can take actions to improve our health, if we want to fundamentally improve the health of Afrikans we need to dramatically reduce poverty, the flip side of which is creating wealth through economic ownership etc. etc.

8. Sex & Relationships - - It is a well worn cliche to say that the family is the foundation of society, however it is nonetheless true. Therefore one might expect this area to have received a higher priority ranking from me (and readers for that matter). Once again this area highlights the distinction between importance and priority. As I have discussed repeatedly, relationships are not just atomised affairs of the heart between two individuals. They take place in a social, economic, political, cultural and historical context. Therefore whilst relationship counselling might help an individual couple to overcome their difficulties it is not going to address the wider issues that are undermining Black relationships and the Black family structure. As an example, there is a very clear relationship between socio-economic status and relationships. The higher up the socio-economic ladder one climbs the higher the marriage rate and logically the reverse is true. As that great philosopher Gwen Guthrie taught us; there is 'No Romance Without Finance' in a society driven by money. Women do not want to get married to unemployed men and unemployed men are not looking to get married. Even if people go on to jump the broom we find that financial problems are a bigger cause of divorce than infidelity. Marriage is an economic as well as emotional contract between two parties. So, if we want to make a significant change in our male female relationships addressing poverty and economic weakness would be the single most important thing we could do. I have attached a link to an article at the end of the newsletter that highlights how much wealth African-American college graduates have lost in recent years and how they have only 1/20th of the wealth of White college graduates.

9. Religion - Religion is the single most important thing in the lives of many, perhaps the majority, of Afrikan people around the globe. Afrikans in 'the West' are on the whole less religious than on the Continent, however the majority are still strong believers, if not strong adherents to a religion. Despite this religion cannot not help us as a group, even though it is a source of great comfort and strength to many individuals. Religion cannot help us, it can only divide us because as a people we are overwhelmingly split between the two biggest religions in the world, Christianity and Islam. Both of these religions are universalistic and both are proselytising (meaning they exhort their followers to seek new converts). These two fundamental aspects of these religions mean they have great potential to lead to conflict between their respective followers as they fight for territory (Nigeria being an obvious example of the misuse of religion) and they can easily be manipulated to justify cultural imperialism against followers of non-universalistic, non proselytising religions. Religious texts can be interpreted to justify just about anything people want to do. The Bible is cited as the biggest single source of inspiration for serial killers in the the US. This does not mean that the Bible encourage people to become serial killers. It just means that sick people can find justifications for their crimes in almost any place they choose. Tony Blair and George W Bush found  no contradiction between the teachings of Jesus - they are both declared Christians - and overseeing the slaughter of hundreds of thousands of Iraqis.
As I have noted before, the problem is not so much the religion people follow; as how they interpret the religion and how they then act on 'the word of God'. As Malcolm X said near the end of his life, his religion was a private affair between him and his God. When he came out into the public world he organised as a Black man with other Black people. Marcus Garvey was a Christian, but like Malcolm X came to understand the interface between theology and reality and practiced 'Race First' in the face of an intractably hostile world.

10. Sports/Entertainment - I know that a small number of you placed this as your number 1 priority and my rather unkind initial reaction to this was 'pass the crack pipe', however I am hoping that those people got confused by the question. I won't spend much time explaining this ranking. Suffice to say that Sports/Entertainment is the icing on the cake and not the cake.

The Scores on the Black Door (Q9 Analysis)
I have to say that whilst I think the average reader scores are a bit generous, there is a strong consistency with the types of scores people have assigned to the different areas when I have conducted this exercise at workshops. Generally most people score between 20-40 out of 100 when you aggregate their scores for the ten areas (I have done it in the past with Politics included and Media Ownership not included). You normally get a relatively small number of people, like me, who score less than 20 and a very very few who score us at over 50 out of 100. So once again, even though the analysis of the scores suggests that some people may have misunderstood the question, particularly those scoring areas as 10 out of 10 which is frankly inconceivable to my mind (Note that every area received some scores of 10 out of 10), the overall conclusion is clear. We are a people operating at a sub par, sub optimal level. If you multiply the score by the number of people giving the score from 1-10 and then divide by the total number of respondents for the area of people activity in question; you get the reader's average score for each area. Don't worry, I have carried out the calculations for you and the scores are:

Reader and Ifayomi Scores for each area

Area of People Activity Reader’s Average Scores Ifayomi Scores
Economics 3.35 2
Education 4.19 3
Employment 4.10 4
Entertainment/Sports 4.78 2
Health 3.94 3
Justice System 3.41 1
Media Ownership 3.01 2
Religion 4.60 2
Safety 3.39 1
Sex & Relationships 4.25 2
Total 39.02/100 22/100

The reader average total score of 39% is a failing score, which is appropriate for a failing people. I just happen to think we are failing much more badly than the average reader.




The above results for Question 10 were keenly anticipated by me.  As most of you know investing in Black organisations is one of my hobby horses which I bore you with at every opportunity. I always say that people spend their money on what they believe in and on what they value (certainly in terms of discretionary expenditure). Black people value trainers/sneakers and hence spend heavily on them. Black people value alcohol and hence spend heavily on it. Black people value Christmas and hence spend heavily on it. Black people don't value Black organisations and hence spend hardly anything on them. If any subset of the Afrikan population is highly likely to invest in Black organisations then my readers would surely come near the top of the list, so whilst 56% might sound like a respectable percentage it suggests to me that:
a) many readers can't find an organisation worth investing in, and/or
b) many readers are flat broke, and/or
c) many readers talk a better game than they play

Sounds like another multiple choice question! Answers on an e-postcard!

Anyhow, all that to say this. We are in trouble, big trouble, we are in deep do do. I guess I knew this intuitively prior to 1995 when I started to get deeply involved in community activism, however the last 20 years have only strengthened and deepened my understanding. One thing that has really been reinforced over the years is the recognition that the 'conscious' community has got things really badly wrong. I am sure you are all familiar with airplane safety announcements and guidance. One of the things they always emphasise is that if the oxygen masks drop down due to loss of cabin pressure etc. the first thing you should do is put your mask on and then try to help others, not the other way around. You need to be alert, conscious and strong to effectively help others. If you pass out you are no good to anyone else and become a burden.

This is precisely what the conscious community has failed to understand. It has preached/taught/encouraged/exhorted Afrikan people to undertake all manner of significant behaviour changes without any tangible evidence of success and from a position of almost complete financial weakness. It lambasts the 'non-conscious' community but then wants money for donations towards worthy, but often non viable projects. People see the conscious community's weakness, see that most members are weekend warriors who work for the Council or some other part of the government bureaucracy, see that this community's organisation has little or no assets and say to themselves 'Why should I follow you?'. Iron sharpens iron, strength builds strength. The conscious community has tried to build strength from weakness which never works. It's why the idea of uniting all of the countries of Afrika (even if you just include those with majority Afrikan/Black populations) would be of no benefit to the majority of Afrikans on the continent or elsewhere. All it would do is to create one gigantic dysfunctional state out of dozens of dysfunctional small states. Afrika has never been one country and  Afrika does not need to be one country. We bang  on about our glorious past and yet never stop to draw the obvious conclusion that these were created without continental union. Afrika  needs strong countries that co-operate in the interests of Afrikan people. The most powerful states, such as Nigeria, would emerge as Continental and global leaders, just as the U.S.A. leads the White world and Germany, the  UK and France lead the sub-division that is called Europe.
The micro lesson is that we all need to strengthen ourselves individually so that we can build a strong chain, because you don't build a strong chain from weak links.

Now of course these things can happen concurrently, however you can't neglect the me. Personal success is what gives one credibility in any area of life. If someone is always lecturing you on health and they look mash up and always seem to be unwell; you will naturally  view their advice with caution, even though it may be good advice. That's how life works. Practice is theory made manifest, Example is better than Precept. It's not always about doing what you want to do, but about doing what you need to do. I encourage all if you to build upon that groundswell of personal optimism that the survey revealed to do bigger and better things for yourself and our people.

People love to follow success. Manchester United football club has millions of supporters around the world. This is not because people have a natural affinity with Manchester, but because they have an attraction to the club's success. The conscious community has to deliver success on the field of play and then 'the community' will follow.

I said earlier that I would highlight the growing impoverishment of Afrikans in America which should be a salutary lesson in what happens to a disorganised people even if they are supposed to be 'the richest Black people in the world':

Sobering Truth: Black Households Lose Half Of Wealth Despite Having College Degrees

Well, that's the conclusion of this saga on the State of Afrikan Disorganisation, which has covered three issues of the newsletter.  Imagine, it all started with a request from a reader from over a year ago and his timely reminder! Only this week I was given a nudge as to the importance of the topics I have covered in this mini series of newsletters when I bumped into an acquaintance I had not seen for a while when I was in a local Caribbean take away shop i ordering some Gungo Pea soup. I asked him how he was doing and he said 'Struggling'. I didn't question him on this, I just thought to myself; Struggling really is most Black people's mantra along with 'Surviving'. Negative self talk never solves any problems and we have to move to more enabling, empowering language. It really is high time to move from struggle mode to Success mode. So if not now then when? And if not you/me then who?

Don't forget to complete the Navig8or customer satisfaction survey

And very finally you could assist a good friend of mine, Mark Dunwell, by forwarding this survey to anyone you know that suffers with hip arthritis. It is 12 multiple choice questions that should take less than 5 minutes and can be completed anonymously. It is basic discovery research around the area of hip pathology.
Thank you for your help.
No survey in the next issue, I promise!



'It's time to turn struggle into success'




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