
2015 Annual Auditions

A Step Beyond's Second Generation of Students

Over 160 families lined up for A Step Beyond's second annual dance audition. Every year, A Step Beyond accepts another class of approximately 40 low-income third and fourth grade students into our ten-year dance-based youth development program. Students come from both San Marcos and Escondido school districts to audition for a scholarship that will provide them with a rigorous dance education, academic support and family services that includes parent workshops, family counseling and crisis intervention.
Classes for our new students begin the first week of November and continue through high-school graduation and beyond. We could not be more excited to welcome this new cohort to the A Step Beyond family.

DANCE AUDITION: Thank you to our guest judges, Liam Clancy from UCSD and Anya Cloud from CSUSM for helping select dancers.  It is important that our students begin connecting their experiences at A Step Beyond with future college opportunities.  For the audition, judges were looking for students' current capacity and future potential as creative movers.  We are thrilled with the 41 students selected which include a diverse range of third through fifth grade boys and girls representing two San Marcos schools and four Escondido schools.

This year A Step Beyond provided free dance weeks for over 2,000 third and fourth grade students at six schools in both the Escondido and San Marcos school districts.  Students and teachers both raved about the experience.  "Our students love to dance and would not get this opportunity if it wasn't for A Step Beyond," reported one classroom teacher. "I wish we could have dance all year!" students remarked to our Fall Into Dance teachers.  This program serves as the launch to our annual auditions as low-income students from the Fall Into Dance program are then invited and encouraged to audition for a scholarship to attend A Step Beyond's ten-year program.


California State San Marcos Partnership:   A Step Beyond and California State San Marcos are partnering to provide a course on teaching dance in the community.  Cal State San Marcos Dance students will receive lecture courses and practicum experience working with A Step Beyond's students.  This is a wonderful opportunity for college students to receive hands-on experience working in the community while A Step Beyond students receive the benefit of connecting with college students.  
Volunteer Academic Tutors: If you have experience working with third, fourth and/or fifth grade students with academic counsel, we need your help.  
Contact: Christine Taylor

California Center for the Arts Escondido Partnership:  A Step Beyond and The California Center for the Performing Arts in Escondido are partnering this year to provide ASB students with the opportunity to receive docent-led Museum tours and intimate workshops from some of the Center's invited professional musicians and performers.
Students are gearing up to tour the October/November exhibit of Dia de los Muertos, which features work by local, regional, traditional and non-traditional artists who contemplate how memory can reintegrate lost members of families and communities.

Watch a video from our first year of service.
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