October 29, 2015  |  Volume 9, Issue 2
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The Engineering Newsletter

Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering | University of Toronto

In this issue


Top 3 Stories

In the Media

Awards & Honours

Announcements & Appointments


Research Grants & Opportunities


Meet Your Colleagues

Social Media Spotlight


A Message from Dean Cristina Amon

The engineering profession is of critical importance to healthy, prosperous and dynamic cities. With high concentrations of people, systems and infrastructure, cities provide a wealth of complex challenges and opportunities for engineers across all disciplines.
In his recent Discussion Paper on Three Priorities for U of T, President Meric Gertler emphasized the importance of reaching out to local partners and strengthening the built environment of the city. Our Faculty has a strong history of improving the urban landscape through smarter infrastructures, more efficient transportation systems and innovative energy and waste management. One example is the Master of Engineering in Cities Engineering and Management program, which prepares students to address the multidisciplinary challenges faced by cities. Benefiting our community also means recognizing the role U of T Engineering plays in Toronto’s social and cultural environments.

In this issue of The Engineering Newsletter, we highlight diverse ways that our Faculty’s research, education and outreach are contributing to urban development, from better traffic flow to smarter cities to improved delivery of social services. We also describe how we contribute to the spirit of the city, whether it is sharing stories of innovation and student life through our street art installation or donating produce from our rooftop garden.
As we continue into the fall semester, I invite you to think about new ways we can strengthen the connections between our Faculty and the vibrant city we call home.

Spotlight: Cities and Urban Issues

A look at our featured stories for this month
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On the right track: new iCity collaboration addresses Toronto’s transit woes

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Engineering a ‘social needs marketplace’ to help the urban poor

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An open data platform for improving Toronto transportation

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A bumper crop atop U of T Engineering’s Sky Garden

Top 3 Engineering News Stories

Some of the most-read stories on our news site
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World’s fastest bike created by U of T Engineering alumni and students

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Toronto's longest single graffiti wall featured at Scotiabank Nuit Blanche

Featured on: Metro News Toronto, BlogTOUrban Toronto, Virgin Radio 99.9, Techvibes, 680 News Radio
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Engineered plant biosensor could help African farmers fight parasitic “witchweed”


For more Engineering stories, visit the news site.

 In the Media

A highlight of media coverage this month

 Awards & Honours

Announcements & Appointments


To view all upcoming events, visit the Engineering Faculty Calendar.

Research Grants & Opportunities

For a full list of grants and opportunities this month, visit our research grants and opportunities page.


The Bulletin is a place for U of T Engineering community news and announcements not found on our news site or Faculty calendar. Please send all submissions to Engineering Communications.

Meet Your Colleagues

Meet Your Colleagues
Dawn Britton,
Associate Director, Engineering Outreach

Fun fact: Dawn once performed on the private stage of Catherine the Great in St. Petersburg, Russia.
Meet Your Colleagues
Kinnor Chattopadhyay
Assistant Professor, Department of Materials Science & Engineering

Fun fact: Prof. Chattopadhyay is a big fan of rock and heavy metal music, especially Linkin Park, AC/DC and Metallica.
Social Media Spotlight

Social Media Spotlight

Thanks to all who visited #CEIExSKAM, our street art installation at Scotiabank Nuit Blanche on October 3! Student volunteers engaged with hundreds of revelers from Toronto and beyond to share stories about our Faculty's proud history of innovation, education and entrepreneurship. 

To have your photo featured in the social media spotlight, simply tag @UofTEngineering in your tweets or Instagram posts!

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