CALPELRA Alert:  Kin Care/Child-Related Activities Leave Changes
On October 11, 2015, Governor Brown signed SB 579 into law, making significant modifications to the current Kin Care law (Labor Code section 233) and the Child-Related Activities Leave law (Labor Code section 230.8)SB 579's changes to the Kin Care and Child-Related Activities Leave law will have a major impact on the current policies and practices of most California employers.

This Alert summarizes a significant recent court case, arbitration decision, legislation, or other important information.  The Alert format is not intended as a periodic review of all significant cases, but instead provides labor relations practitioners with key information for immediate guidance in day-to-day activities.
2015 CALPELRA President:  Scott Chadwick, City of San Diego
Alert No. 15-28 Authors:  Gage Dungy and Stephanie Lowe, Liebert Cassidy Whitmore
The information contained in this publication is not intended to constitute professional counsel or a legal opinion. Although we consider the information to be timely and accurate, there is no substitute for personal counsel with a professional. Provided with specific facts, your attorney can fashion a solution sensitive to your needs.
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