Dear <<FIRST NAME>>,
Did you know that it's University Press Week? This is a great thing, because it means that the Association of American University Presses (the other AAUP) is doing its darnedest to pull back the curtain on the academic publishing process, which can sometimes seem mysterious.
I'm writing today chiefly to let you know about one upcoming—and free—online event that I think you'll be happy not to miss. This Friday, a panel of university press editors will discuss "the art of getting published with a scholarly press." They're calling the conversation "It's Not Scary."
Indeed, becoming more familiar with what it's like to work with an academic publisher is the first, key step in the process of making that goal a reality. I hope you will join me in watching the Google+ hangout. (It's a streaming video, and I believe a recording will be available for watching later, too.)
Also, I'm now booked through at least mid-January for book-length projects. Articles and smaller projects could be worked in here and there, but my schedule is essentially at capacity for the next two months.*
So if you've been thinking about working with me on a manuscript (or a book proposal, or application materials . . . ) in the new year, please get in touch soon.
I'm currently prioritizing projects in the humanities and qualitative (nonexperimental) social sciences (e.g., cultural anthropology). If you're working on something that falls outside that rather fuzzy-edged disciplinary sphere, I can still help you find a great editor for your project.
I will make this announcement on the Tweed Editing blog soon, but I wanted to let you faithful newsletter subscribers know first.
Remember: watch that online AAUP panel!

*When I can, I do offer to work overtime for a rush rate, but I think it's healthiest for everyone to keep that a last resort.