Copy Newsletter September 2015
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The Business of Pho Restaurant and Serving Pho
Hello phở restaurant operator:

This month, we're touching on several important subjects at the same time, all having to do with good restaurant operation.

First up is some tips on up-selling as a tried and true technique to increase sales, followed by an article on recognizing that you have a systematic problem in your restaurant and how to fix it. Next is a discussion of an all important subject of employment law and how it affects us pho restaurant businesses, then we end on a little lighter note with fake restaurant reviews.

I hope these ideas help you run your pho restaurant effectively and successfully

Cuong Huynh

Up-Sell Specialist – Would This Work in a Pho Restaurant?

Up-Sell Specialist – Would This Work in a Pho Restaurant?A solid way to increase ticket average and profit.

Who wouldn't want to increase average customer ticket amount? That's the name of the game isn't it?

But not all pho restaurants do this. In fact, most pho restaurants don't do this. A lot of time, I see a customer ordering a bowl of pho and a glass of water. Nothing wrong with this. In fact I do it as a customer too. I just want a bowl of pho, that's it.

But as a pho restaurant operator, you have to make an effort to increase your sales, and up-selling is one solid, low effort technique that works. Of course you want 100% of your customers to say yes to your up-sell. In reality, you may get 20%, but that's still more than 0%, no? So who wants to say no to increasing sales?

Read more... Up-Sell Specialist – Would This Work in a Pho Restaurant?

Training and Consistency: Find a Good System, and Stick to It

Find a good system, and stick to itEpic communication fails and the value of training.

Restaurants, including Vietnamese-run pho restaurants, need to have good systems and consistent use of those systems in order to operate profitably.

There may be some pho restaurateurs who disagree with this statement. But that's fine. They're just lucky running their restaurants without good communication and a good system. Once their luck runs out, they'll have the same problems as those who don't follow good systems.

In this article, Adam Weiner shares some valuable information about finding a good system for your operation and stick with it consistently throughout your business. The first step is to even recognize that you have a problem. I hope this article helps at least some pho restaurateurs. There are some good lessons to take away. 

Read more... Find a good system, and stick to it

Restaurant Law Update

Current issues in employment law affecting food service operatorsFoodservice Radio spoke with Carolyn Richmond of Fox Rothschild / New York about current issues in employment law affecting food service operators.

Planning for your new restaurant opening is tough and requires absolute discipline. One area you don't want to gloss over is employment laws and employee policies.

Here's the link to a podcast with some valuable information on this subject. Foodservice Radio spoke with Carolyn Richmond of Fox Rothschild / New York about current issues in employment law affecting food service operators.

If you follow these good advice, you'll not only stay out of trouble but also sleep better at night as well.

Current issues in employment law affecting food service operators...

Fake Restaurant Reviews

Someone Created a Fake Restaurant to Prove That TripAdvisor’s Reviews Are Bogus

These days, restaurateurs depend a lot on online reviews such as on Yelp, Facebook, TripAdvisor and sites like these. In fact, many smaller restaurants don't even have their own websites. They rely solely on these sites to get their presence known to the world.

They provide good service for the restaurants, that much is certain. But on the other hand, many restaurant reviews are questionable, and the way these sites can make or break a business can show how much control they have over your business.

Here's a story on a fake restaurant on Trip Advisor, what they did and what happened to them. Use these sites with caution.

Read more... Someone Created a Fake Restaurant to Prove That TripAdvisor’s Reviews Are Bogus

One of my Fav Sài Gòn Street Foods:

Vietnamese fresh rolls bewitch international travelers

I love bò bía when it's done right. It should be simple and delicious. This month's photo comes from an article titled Vietnamese fresh rolls bewitch international travelers.

There are many other beautiful photos from the same articles, notably bánh cống, bánh khọt, bánh xèo, bánh cuốn, bò cuốn lá lốt and bò nhúng dấm, among others. Enjoy.

Click on the photo above to read the article, or follow this link Vietnamese fresh rolls bewitch international travelers.

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