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Welcome to this edition of Strata News.

Competition Results!

The WINNERS have been chosen. Congratulations to Margaret Hogge, Dee Pannell & Jo Veldmeyer. Thanks to Stephen Raff and Ace Body Corporate Management, a copy of the book Strata Living Stories, will be posted out to all three of you in the near future. To read the winning entries and have a good laugh, don't miss our post Strata Living Stories Competition: Best Entries and stand by for the best of the entries in subsequent posts over the next few weeks. We thank Stephen, Ace and everyone who participated in our first competition.

Editors picks not be missed this week:

Hynes Legal article - QLD: What does 'Acting Reasonably' Mean? "If you only read one article from us this year, make it this one." Important to anyone interested in matters effecting strata in Queensland.
Simon Johanson, The Age - VIC: Fancy living in your office? It may now be possible "The recent Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal decision is likely to further inflame growing divisions between property owners and body corporates already at legal loggerheads over the use of short-stay accommodation in apartment buildings."

Paula Byrnes article - Why are Strata Managers so difficult to get along with? has received over 400 reads since it was published to our site last week. Congratulations Paula on a great post!

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Featured Article

Strata Vote

Strata Managers - Give Your Business the X-Factor with Strata Vote

Dee Pannell, Strata Vote
Use of technology is fantastic when it comes to automating tasks and removing the possibility of human error. When jobs are repetitive there is a very good chance that they can be automated.
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strata documents

A Buyer can do their own Strata Report … fact or fiction?

Paula Byrnes, Metropolitan Strata Reports
If you've heard that getting a Strata Report is a waste of money … or that inspecting strata property documents is a quick task you can do yourself? Brace for the truth!

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Caretaker Agreements – Be very careful in taking steps to terminate or pay the price

Paul Taylor, CCGS Lawyers
Two recent decisions, one in Queensland and one in NSW, demonstrate how Caretakers can challenge the body corporate’s notices used to set up termination of their agreement if procedural matters are not followed strictly or there has not in fact been a breach of the Caretaker Agreement.
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buying into strata

What must you consider when purchasing a strata property?

Stephen Raff, Ace Body Corporate Management
Buying property is exciting, but when buying into strata communities, there might be some unexpected and unpleasant surprises lurking around each corner.

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strata lighting

Energy Efficiency and Strata: The Hidden Costs of ‘Upgrading’  Lighting Systems

Christopher Kerin, Kerin Benson Lawyers
Owners corporations need to exercise caution when deciding whether to install energy-saving strata lighting systems as they may contain various hidden costs.

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acting reasonably

QLD: What does ‘acting reasonably’ mean?

Hynes Legal
If you only read one article from us this year, make it this one on acting reasonably – because it is the most significant strata case in Queensland since the High Court’s decision on building defects.
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Competition Time

Strata living stories

Strata Living Stories Competition: Best Entries

We have been running a Funny Strata Stories Competition to celebrate the release of Stephen Raff's new Strata Living Stories book. We have chosen three winners!
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News Stories of the Week

live in offices

Fancy living in your office? It may now be possible

Simon Johanson, The Age
Strata office tenants may find their neighbours living rather than working in the office next door after Victoria's planning tribunal decided that owners corporations cannot ban the residential use of commercial buildings.
Prop clock Nov '15

National Property Clock - Nov 2015

Herron Todd White



The Sideways Elevators of the Future Will be Shown Off for the First Time

Bloomberg Business
For more than 150 years, elevators have gone in two directions: up and down. In the future, you might ride them sideways.

How studio apartments became the new one-bedder

Jennifer Duke, Domain
Studios were once the poor cousin of the one-bedroom apartment, but they’re shaking off their lowly reputation and becoming the housing option of choice for today’s time-poor Gen Y.
High-rise at train stations

High-rise living at train stations is 'suburban cellulite', warns healthy cities expert

Kirsty Needham, SMH
An international expert on planning healthy cities has warned Sydney against following the Asian model of concentrating high rise around train stations to house a booming population.
High-rise at train stations

Legal expert warns of risk of buying apartments off the plan

3AW Breakfast
"So don't picture yourself sitting on the sofa on the lounge room gazing out at this beautiful view on the marketing brochure because it just might not happen."

The most read article from our last newsletter?

strata managers

Why are Strata Managers so difficult to get along with?

Paula Byrnes,
Metropolitan Strata Reports

The mere mention of the words “Strata Manager” gets many people riled up. I often hear examples of how a Strata Manager was “rude and disinterested, hopeless, unorganised, stupid, simply refuses to return calls or emails… and that they do nothing for the money they are paid”. 

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Nov 12:
SCA (QLD): By-Law Enforcement Seminar (Cairns)

Nov 13:
(WA) Green Gurus – Sustainability in WA Housing Workshop

SCA (QLD): By-law Enforcement Seminar (Townsville)

Nov 16 - 18:
SCA (VIC): A100 Introductory Strata Course

Nov 17:
City of Sydney: Strata Skills 101– From Meeting to Minutes: Why good governance matters

Nov 18:
OCN (NSW): Protecting your Investment and Adding Value to your Community

Nov 20:
SCA (VIC): Strata Insurance Claim Trends Update

Nov 21:
NSW: Owners Corporation Network General Meeting


Visit our Strata Events Page

Question of the Week

One of our members had a few questions around "Committee Agendas and the role a Strata Manager has in advising the committee to follow the SSM Act".

If you are interested in this discussion, please take a look at the response by Paula Byrnes, Metropolitan Strata Searches, in the comments section of her recent post.
Read more

Have Your Say

Plan Melbourne refresh discussion paper

The Victorian Government is undertaking a refresh of Plan Melbourne, and is seeking your input. Click through to read the discussion paper, and share your ideas for the future of Melbourne.

Submission will be accepted until 5.00pm AEST 18 December 2015.

Breaking News

For the most comprehensive stream of strata news in Australia - follow us on Twitter.

Melbourne And Gold Coast Most Pet-Friendly Cities But Australia Lags Behind The Rest Of The World The Huffington Post

Rethinking Apartment Design For Kids Sourceable

Singapore is building an entire forest in a high-rise apartment atrium Business Insider

Apartments underpin construction growtNSW: Sunset Clause Rules Will Stamp Out Dodgy Operators The Urban Developer

Houses that would not budge

Apartments underpin construction growth Sky News

NSW: New strata rules set to have big impact Property Observer

Sunset Clause Rules Will Stamp Out Dodgy Operators The Urban Developer

A vacant block of land in Sydney has sold for $21 million The Daily Telegraph


QLD: Aaaaah, Schoolies! It's almost that time of year again... Accomnews


VICDocklands fire left 100s in lurch, so who does today’s building system truly serves? Sourceable


WA: 3500 apartments set for market The West Australian

Queensland Waters Down ‘Off the Plan’ Protection Laws - See more at:
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