Information Sharing & Security
Welcome to your November 2015 EISS newsletter!
Hello all,
WELCOME to your November 2015 newsletter!
I hope you find this newsletter interesting reading with news of events and activities.
If this is your first newsletter, welcome to the iNetwork Information Sharing and Security community ~ please do feel free to get in touch if you have any questions, comments or feedback at ajike.alli-ameh@tameside.gov.uk .
We also like to hear from you if you have any case studies, stories that you would like to share OR ‘Requests for Help’ that you would like to ask the rest of the community. Together, we can collaborate and innovate our way to create a successful platform for the spread of good ideas across our community.
If you have any colleagues that would like to receive a copy of this newsletter – please feel free to forward them this newsletter and send me their contact details (with their permission) and I shall be happy to add them to the mailing list so that they receive the next newsletter direct into their inbox.
Signing off...
DWP looks to social media for social services' digital future
THE DWP is taking inspiration from Facebook and LinkedIn to design its digital approach to social security. The new system will adapt to people’s needs by using external data feeds to create a bigger picture of people’s circumstances. The Department wants to become a network hub of data sources about people’s lives. This approach will allow the DWP to follow what is happening in people’s lives and also would allow people to see where they stood with DWP at any moment. For the full article, please click here
Congratulations to our i-Network Information Sharing and Security Award Finalists
IN less than a couple of weeks, we shall have the iNetwork Awards Ceremony and shall know the Winner of the Information Sharing and Security Award.
In the meantime, I am pleased to announce the finalists in our category:
- North Mersey Health and Social Care Economy nominated for ILINKS Informatics Transformation Programme
- Lancashire and Cumbria Information Governance Group nominated for the Information Sharing Gateway
- Cheshire West and Chester Council nominated for Becrypt tVolution Mini for Child Protection
For details of the different projects please click here
EU Privacy Symbols
I got this list of privacy symbols via one of the regional Information Governance Groups and thought to share it as I am not sure if everyone has come across this. I haven’t been able to look into this in great detail but thought that it would be useful to include the link to the European Parliament’s decision and can be found at the bottom of their amended text (Annex to Art 13a). Please click here
For those of you who keep an eye on Europe and have some information to share on this, please do get in touch ajike.alli-ameh@tameside.gov.uk
ICO Guidance on how information about the deceased may be managed under FOI
THE ICO has produced some guidance on how and what information may be released under FOI and how this applies to deceased people.
There are no specific exemptions under FOIA however, in cases where information about the deceased requires protection, certain exemptions will apply. For full guidance document, please click here
Information Governance Alliance
I thought to include a link to the IGA website which lists documents and publications that have been released and also those that are in the pipeline. This will be quite useful to keep an eye on.
Department of Health Consultation "Role and Function of National Data Guardian" - there is still time to make your views known!
(Closing date: 17 December 2015)
THE Department of Health is inviting your views on the responsibilities of the statutory National Data Guardian for health and social care. Your responses will form a major part in shaping proposals to establish this role on a statutory footing.
The National Data for Health and Social Care will help ensure that personal confidential data is held and used to support better outcomes for patients and at the same time provide confidence that there are safeguards in place to protect personal confidential data.
For more information and to take part, please click here
THIS is a section where we keep you posted about colleagues that have moved to new roles either within their existing orgnaisation or in another organisation. This space is for YOU to let others know about your new role/ projects/ job.
- Have you recently changed job role/ organisation?
- Would you like to let Community members know about what new projects you are leading?
If yes, please do get in touch at ajike.alli-ameh@tameside.gov.uk
JARGON BUSTER ~ What acronyms, jargon do you use?
Air gapping, what is it?
Air gapping is a security measure that involves isolating a computer or network and preventing it from establishing an external connection.
This is to prevent authorised data extrusion through electromagnetic or electronic exploits. For complete definition, please click here
Snowden effect, what is it?
THIS is an increase in public awareness about information privacy and security as a result of the Edward Snowden leaking of documents that revealed the extent to which the NSA used provisions in the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act and USA Patriot Act to obtain electronic data from third parties since 9/11. For full explanation, please click here
Cyberextortion, what is this?
THIS is a crime involving an attack or a threat of attack coupled with the demand for money to avert or stop the attack. It can take many forms such as ‘Denial of Service’ attacks against corporate websites. It could also be ransomware which encrypts the victim’s data. In this case, the extortionist’s victim may receive an email offering the decryption key in exchange for a monetary payment. Typically these attacks are initated through malware in phishing emails or a compromised corporate website. For more information, please click here
IF you have any technical or service specific jargon/ acronyms that you would like to share or have heard any recently that you would like to understand what these mean, please send these to me at ajike.alli-ameh@tameside.gov.uk and I shall include them in the next newsletter.
iNetwork Winter Conference 2015: Delivering on Devolution
(19 November 2015, Manchester)
THIS year’s winter conference is being held jointly with the Public Services Transformation Network and the NHS Advancing Quality Alliance. It promises to be an excellent event and currently we have a waitlist for those who haven’t been able to register but would like to attend.
If you have signed up and are no longer able to attend the conference, we encourage delegate substitution or failing this, please let us know asap by contacting my colleague Jill.lees@tameside.gov.uk so we can offer your place to those on the waiting list.
National Cyber Security Programme: "Think Cyber - Think Resilience" - Regional Events
iNETWORK is working with Department for Communities and Local Government to deliver a series of regional workshops across the country. The first workshop took place last week in Newcastle and was well-attended and positive feedback was received by delegates. Our North West Region workshop is fully subscribed and we are operating a waitlist however, there are other workshops that colleagues are welcome to register to attend.
These workshop will provide delegates with a view on the ways leaders, policy makers and practitioners can develop the cyber-aware culture within their organisations.
If you are Senior Leader, Head of IT, Head of ICT, Head of Information Security, member of regional Local Resilience Forum, this workshop is for you. Click here to register now!
InfoSec 2016: Building Cyber Security and Resilience in a Digital World
(22 April 2016, Manchester)
IT is not too early to register to attend InfoSec 2016. This is a must-attend conference for information security professionals and will be of interest to those with responsibility for their organisation’s cyber and/ or information security. To register, please click here to register.