Capacity on Euramoo grows
Euramoo is currently being enhanced to create an excess of 1,000 cores of capacity.
Euramoo is a new compute cluster RCC built in collaboration with the Queensland Cyber Infrastructure Foundation (QCIF).
Visit the Euramoo webpage to learn how to get a Euramoo account and to check if Euramoo is right for your research.
Usage of new HPC Flashlite is ramping up. We are still in the early adopter phase, but would welcome applications to use FlashLite from data-intensive research projects.
Visit the FlashLite webpage for account information.
A Barrine problem that recently caused intermittent job failures for large footprint message passing jobs was fixed last week. RCC apologises for any inconvenience.
Read all about RCC’s HPC offerings here.
RCC seminar videos online
Videos from this year's RCC seminar series are now available on the RCC YouTube channel.
View videos on talks by Prof Tony Hey, University of Washington; Prof Jack Dongarra, University of Tennessee; Prof Chris Johnson, University of Utah, and more.
RCC Director Prof David Abramson's seminar on FlashLite, a new high performance computer for data-intensive science, is below. Watch to learn if FlashLite could be useful for your research.
![FlashLite seminar video](https://gallery.mailchimp.com/b63d1ccba1962da643e65ac65/images/cb160650-0e84-4984-b27f-f49525d30090.png)
RCC support over the holiday season
Between 25 December 2015 and 1 January 2016, the following RCC supported systems will remain on and running:
- Barrine
- FlashLite
- St Lucia Research HSM Storage
- Software licenses served from license.hpcu.uq.edu.au and huntsman.hpcu.uq.edu.au, including:
- Ansoft
- Ansys
- Intel Compilers at St Lucia
- Mathematica
However, if a fault develops during this period it may not be fixed until after 1 January 2016.
Users should check RCC's Service Status webpage if experiencing any issues, to check if RCC is aware of the problem. If an issue is not listed, please contact rcc-support@uq.edu.au. Please note the response time may be delayed over the holiday season.
Matlab users should use the centrally hosted licenses. See www.its.uq.edu.au for details.
RCC Director named finalist in education CIO award
RCC’s role in supporting research has been acknowledged in the 2016 ITNews Benchmark awards. RCC Director Prof David Abramson was recently named as one of three finalists in the running for Education Chief Information Officer of the Year.
The nomination recognises the Genomics Virtual Laboratory project, initiated at UQ, and led by the RCC from 2012 to 2014.
Read more
QUT to host Brisbane's first ResBaz![ResBaz logo](https://gallery.mailchimp.com/b63d1ccba1962da643e65ac65/images/6d3a5fd2-1d88-48bc-ba19-0c40e3b35d7e.png)
QUT’s Gardens Point campus will host the inaugural Brisbane Research Bazaar from 1–3 February, 2016, which all Queensland researchers are welcome to attend.
ResBaz, a free-of-charge conference, aims to show RHD students and early career researchers how to pick up the digital skills they need, and help them network with like-minded researchers.
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RCC supports UQ staff to attend SC15
RCC supported three UQ staff to attend the International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis, in Austin, Texas last month.
Jake Carroll (Queensland Brain Institute), Dr Jin Chao (RCC), and Prof David Abramson (RCC) attended the six-day conference, commonly known as SC15 (Supercomputing 2015), which attracted more than 12,500 people.
Read Jake and David’s separate SC15 reports and learn why American actor Alan Alda of M*A*S*H fame was at the conference, and how UQ is faring internationally in terms of its research computing.
The SC conference hosts one of the world's largest technical show floors. (Photo by Jake Carroll).
RCC Director named IEEE Fellow
RCC Director Prof David Abramson was named an IEEE Fellow last month.
He is being recognised for his more than 30 years of research in computer architecture and high performance computing.
Read more
RCC staff co-author papers on wind energy and batteries
RCC's Paul Bell is the lead author of a paper on wind turbines and electricity demand, published in the Economic Analysis and Policy journal on 23 November.
RCC’s Dr Marlies Hankel has co-authored a paper published in the Advanced Functional Materials journal on her research into lithium-rich cathode materials for lithium ion batteries.
Read more
Paul Bell Dr Marlies Hankel
ELIXIR Director gives UQ talk![Dr Niklas Blomberg, Director, ELIXIR](https://gallery.mailchimp.com/b63d1ccba1962da643e65ac65/images/92ce11ac-72ab-4a06-a224-f6daf32b29ea.png)
The Director of ELIXIR, the European life science infrastructure for biological information, delivered a RCC co-sponsored seminar on Tuesday, 1 December at UQ.
Dr Niklas Blomberg (pictured), gave a talk on life sciences data across public and private sectors and how ELIXIR is constructing a distributed e‐infrastructure of bioinformatics services—a data nodes network—built around established European centres of excellence. He also talked about ELIXIR’s approaches to handling, analysing and archiving large and highly diverse data sets.
The seminar was supported by RCC, EMBL Australia and QCIF.
2015's last Hacky Hour
The last UQ Hacky Hour for 2015 will be on Tuesday, 15 December. All are welcome to attend.
The informal Hacky Hour will return in 2016. RCC's Belinda Weaver and UQ PhD student Sam Hames run it fortnightly on Tuesdays, 4–5pm, at St Lucy cafe on the St Lucia campus.
Follow Hacky Hour on Twitter and keep an eye on the blog to find out when the first one for 2016 will be.
![Hacky Hour UQ, 15 December 2015](https://gallery.mailchimp.com/b63d1ccba1962da643e65ac65/images/665b4a17-539a-4c43-8a68-d9c22f6c02fd.jpg)
Attendees of the Hacky Hour at St Lucia on 1 December. (Photo by Belinda Weaver).