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Oklahoma Conservative Political Action Committee
"We are about religion and politics, the only two things that matter."
-John Michener, President

1.  Program Nov. 18:  Avi Lipkin on Immigration, Refugees, and Terror
2.  Immigration
3.  Grass Roots Uproot the Chamber Crowd
4.  Growing Deeper Grassroots
5.  Free Market Warrior a Huge Hit
1.  Program Nov. 18:  Avi Lipkin
Our speaker this Wednesday at Mama Roja will be Avi Lipkin.  Avi was raised on Long Island, New York, and he is an unabashed Israeli apologist—two good reasons to have an extreme reaction to his person and politics.  Like him or not, he always spins a good yarn.  Come hear about the refugee situation and immigration from the perspective of a man who makes Jerusalem his home.  Given the recent news from Paris, this should be an interesting discussion.
2.  Immigration
We identify ourselves in different ways:  Christian, Conservative, Libertarian, Constitutionalist.  What unifies us is our belief in principles.  In any given situation, there are right actions to take and wrong ones, based on principles.  These principles come from God’s just nature.  Should a person be able to choose where he lives and works?  Yes, because we believe in liberty.  It is a godly principle.  But should a person be able to move onto my property, live there, and set up shop there without my permission?  No, because we believe in private property.  It is a godly principle.
Immigration is the story of two principles colliding:  liberty versus private property.  On one extreme some say we should have open borders or no borders.  How dare we draw an imaginary line on the map to restrict people’s liberty?  Why persecute and prosecute anyone who dares to step over?  On the other extreme are those who say no one should ever cross the line without an affidavit signed by God, notarized by Jesus, and delivered by the Holy Spirit.  How dare we allow any riffraff over the line to destroy our property?
How should we view these principles in conflict?  We suggest this is a paradox, which means there is only an appearance of conflict; harmony is actually achieved when both principles are properly applied.  We do not pretend to know the perfect answer.  We live in an imperfect world full of crooked people and especially crooked governments.  There are thousands of good articles out there exploring these ideas.  Read just one this week to challenge your thinking.  Here is one we recommend.
3.  Grassroots Uproot the Chamber Crowd
Last Tuesday a primary vote was held for Oklahoma Senate District 34.  OCPAC endorsed and contributed to David McLain.  This liberty-loving grassroots favorite pulled out the win by thirty-one votes.  It was great to see him defeat the pick of the Chamber Crowd and Republican establishment.  Ironically, this is the Owasso area seat once held by Randy Brogdon who was recently bullied out of his state GOP chairmanship by the same crowd who were just defeated.  The people of Oklahoma are tired of progressive, economic development schemes.  With the looming state budget shortfall, we need to elect more limited government candidates like McClain who will work to end corporate welfare.  Obviously, we endorse McClain in the upcoming general election on January 12, 2016.
4.  Growing Deeper Grassroots
As we head into the 2016 campaign season, we invite you to join us in helping more liberty-minded candidates like David McLain to find success.  All OCPAC memberships for 2015 will expire on December 31, but we begin asking now for you to recommit for 2016. 
We are an organization of volunteers.  All of your membership dues and contributions are used to help worthy candidates and provide continuing education to legislators and voters.  Join us in making Oklahoma a more free and more godly state in which to live.
We are building an online portal to join or renew memberships, but in the meantime, download our membership form, or follow the instructions on the right side of the online newsletter.
5.  Free Market Warrior a Huge Hit
Two weeks ago our guest was Loren Spivack, the Free Market Warrior.  His presentation was lively and entertaining.  We laughed so hard!  Not always pretty over Mexican food, but well worth it.  We hope to bring the Free Market Warrior back next spring for an extended seminar.  In the meantime we recommend to you the video from our meeting.
The views expressed in this email are the personal opinion of John Michener and do not necessarily reflect the views of OCPAC, its leadership team, or its members.


Charlie Meadows


OCPAC supports public servants who oppose expansive government while promoting liberty, free markets, and Judeo-Christian standards.

OCPAC has been meeting every Wednesday at noon since 1991.  We currently meet at:

Mama Roja
9219 Lake Hefner Parkway
Oklahoma City, OK  73170

Please tip the wait staff with or without lunch.


We are an organization of volunteers.  All membership dues are used to help worthy candidates and provide continuing education to legislators and voters.

To become a member for the calendar year, send the information below with your check to:

P.O. Box 2021
Edmond, OK 73083

I want to join OCPAC for this calendar year as a:

-Basic Member, $50
-Elephant Provider, $180
    (or $15 per month drafted)
-RINO Hunter, $360
    (or $30 per month drafted)


Printed Name:

I have freely given from my own resources and have not been compensated for this contribution.  (Corporate contributions are not allowed by law.)

Signature _______________

For Elephant Providers and RINO Hunters we accept automatic monthly contributions.  Simply include a voided check, and we will draft your account each month.  You may discontinue monthly support at any time.
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