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Serving at Haven of Peace Academy in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania
through Christian Reformed World Missions


On 25-October, Tanzania held its fifth presidential election since its independence in the early ‘60s. Since independence, Tanzania has had only five presidents and they have all been from the same political party, the CCM. This year presented the CCM with its first real threat to power as many Tanzanians have become fed up with corruption and have grown weary of political business as usual. The opposition party lost by a relatively narrow margin and the CCM retained its grip on Tanzania’s political system.
But something unexpected happened. The newly elected president, Dr. John Pombe Magufuli, was sworn into office and literally went right to work fighting corruption and cleaning up the country. He cancelled Independence Day celebrations on December 9th and asked citizens to spend the day cleaning up their communities, using the money saved for an important road expansion. He has banned all but essential travel by public servants.  He cut the budget for Parliament's inaugural party from $100,000 down to $7,000 and used the saved money to buy beds for a national hospital he had recently visited where patients were laying on the floor. He cancelled ceremonies to commemorate Worlds AIDS day and used the money to purchase life-saving AIDS medicine. He has even been so bold as to dream that in ten years, Tanzania will be a donor nation instead of one dependent on foreign aid. All this and more in his first six weeks in office. He has turned skeptics into believers - there is a new sense of hope in Tanzania.  
In the gospels, we see that people were expecting hope to come through political change, through a King or ruler who would save the people. Jesus, however, has shown us that hope can come from unexpected places. He came forth from a virgin, was born in a lowly place, laid in a feeding trough, and was greeted by stable animals and shepherds. The gospels recount numerous doubters and skeptics to Jesus’ ministry, to the point that even in Acts we see that the disciples still did not quite fully grasp what Jesus had done as he ascended into heaven.
It is wonderful and refreshing to see a politician do his or her job well in such a way that benefits the masses. The climate and attitude in Tanzania is shifting in positive ways and there is still much work to do. But it is even more satisfying to see the work that Jesus has done and continues to do in the lives of young people. Having conversations with students whose lives are filled with sin and brokenness and showing them how Jesus’ work brings them peace and reconciliation with God is far better than any newspaper headline. In this Christmas season we remember and retell the story of a glorious King whose work accomplished salvation, whose kingdom and reign will never end.


We have been completely overwhelmed with the generous outpouring of financial gifts, encouraging emails and prayers that we have experienced since our October Prayer Letter. We shared our need and our heart, and the Lord has so graciously provided through many of you! In October alone, we took in 18% of our yearly budget. We have received some large special gifts, a few new monthly supporters and a new partner church. We are so incredibly grateful and humbled. Please take a minute to read through the rest of this email to see what your support is enabling us to do here in Dar Es Salaam! 

NEW SUPPORT NEEDED: If you have not previously financially supported us, but are considering the possibility, would you take a moment to let us know? We are still in need of regular monthly gifts. Getting a feel for where our pledges are for the July 2016 - June 2017 school year will greatly help us make the decision about if we are staying next year, which we need to make in the next few weeks. Send us an email at if you would like more information.  
My friend, Omolola (pictured above), is a wonderful seamstress. She and her husband, Cole, attend God's Tribe church and last May began a small Christian, non-profit preschool for kids in their area. They are from Nigeria and came to Tanzania out of obedience to God's call. Regular work has not been easy, however, and they do not have regular support, like we've been blessed to have. This season, I had Omolola make some Christmas stockings out of local fabric. We went to a few Christmas fairs with our stockings, and by God's grace, were able to sell over 70 stockings! It has been a blessing to watch Omolola  see the fruit of her labor and provide hundreds of dollars of unexpected income!

Please pray for Cole and Omolola as the continue to follow God and develop this preschool. Pray for more students to attend in this New Year! 
Our church, God's Tribe, continues to grow and is experiencing some of the pains that come with growing. While our roles have been shifting and changing  there, we still love and support the church and celebrate the recent baptisms of  twelve individuals.

Please pray for more Tanzanian men to rise up into leadership within the church.  Pray for our church to continue to faithfully preach the Gospel and reach those who have not heard the good news! Please also pray for some of the women in our church who have started ministering to prostitutes.  *
I am just wrapping up the first term of my third year teaching Bible at HOPAC. For the month of January, I will be covering for another teacher and will be teaching two English classes in addition to Bible. During our term break in March, I have the opportunity to climb Mt. Kilimanjaro with a group of students which I'm really looking forward to. (Pic: 2015-2016 teaching staff at HOPAC. Credit: Rebecca Laarman) 

Please pray for my relationships with my students - especially the ones who come to me for counseling, prayer and discipleship. *
Geneva turned three on November 4. She spends most of her days with me but has been expressing interest in trying out preschool with Hope. Mbezi chapel, where Hope attends, was just able to build another classroom, so beginning in January they will have a class for the young 3's and a separate class for the 4 and young 5's. We will give it a try a few days a week and see!

Please pray for Geneva as she begins preschool in January! 
Isaac and his classmates dressed for International Day. Over 30 countries are represented at HOPAC. *
The Sunday before thanksgiving, we were blessed to open our home to almost 70 other Americans who live here in Dar to celebrate Thanksgiving! While we didn't have any turkey (about $75 for 10lbs of meat!), we had just about every other staple of thanksgiving including green bean casserole and stuffing. It was a hot but great day of fellowship and food! 

Please pray for the many missionaries in Dar right now who are missing "home" during this holiday season. 
The last two years, I have coached the U13 and U15 boys and girls basketball teams. Beginning in January, I will be co-coaching the U18 boys team. Coaching is fun, but having the opportunity to connect with students outside of class is another reason I do it. 

Please pray for opportunities for the coaches to minister to students through athlectics at HOPAC. 
We have six stocking hanging on our wall this year! Chrispine is a grade 11 student who is new to HOPAC this year, and who's family lives quite far away. He had been living in a rented room nearby, but the landlord kicked out all of the tenants with little warning. He has been living with us for over a month and we are all enjoying him as a part of our family! 

Please pray for Chrispine in his studies at HOPAC and his adjustment to living with an American family with three little ones who always want to be by him! 
I continue to take Swahili lessons twice a week from the Swahili teacher at HOPAC. I have moved into the advanced class, where I am usually still overwhelmed and feel pretty inadequate with my language skills. Even though I'm 'advanced', I still have so much to learn and am no where near fluent.

Please pray for my continued language development as I long to connect more with Tanzanian women in their heart language. 
Hope had a preschool program at the end of November where she sang songs in English and Swahili, and was able to play the "big bad wolf" in their rendition of the Three Little Pigs. She is off for the month of December and will start back in January. She is enjoying all things Christmas, especially the Christmas carols. Her favorite is Hark the Herald Angels Sing, which she belts out in the car every time we listen! 

Please pray for Hope as she begins school five days a week in January, instead of two. 
Marc and the grade 11 students on the ferry as they went on a weekend long bonding trip earlier this year. 
In the first half of 2015, we had two different groups come to visit us. A group in January was a Winterim trip from Grand Rapids Christian High School made up of ten students and two teachers. In May, we had two students and one staff from Western Michigan Christian come. We love sharing our lives and ministry with others, and helping them learn and get a vision for why we are here. We are so grateful for the encouragement we receive from these groups. We anticipate another two groups in 2016!  
Please pray that these trips will continue to impact those who come, and for the details of the upcoming trips as we begin to plan. 
In addition to leading worship twice a month at God's Tribe and weekly at HOPAC, opportunities continue to arise for me to lead or help lead worship. In Mid-November, several churches came together and put on a Women's Conference. I was blessed to be a part of the worship team for that event, where several women gave their lives to Christ for the first time, people were healed and God was glorified. My friend, Dyan and I also put together a women's night of worship in early December where we focused on Advent. We do those three of four times a year, and have women from all many different walks of life attend. 

Please pray for more Tanzanians to rise up to help with worship at God's Tribe. 
Taken from the HOPAC website:
"This is an exciting time at HOPAC as we continue to grow and improve. Come and be a part of God's work here in Dar es Salaam. Our needs for next year include: 
* Middle School Teacher
* Lower Primary Teacher
* Economics & Business Teacher
* Special Needs Teacher
* PE Teacher
* Librarian 
* English Teacher
* Psychology Teacher
* Geography Teacher

Contact for more information but please be aware that all teachers at HOPAC must meet the following school and government requirements: 
* Committed Christian growing in faith
* Bachelor degree or higher, preferably in education 
* At least 3 years of teaching experience
Isaac has finished his first term on the swim team, which goes the entire school year. He has really enjoyed being on a team and growing in his swimming abilities. He's doing well in school and continues to love learning. He just lost his fourth tooth - he's now missing his two front teeth.  We've been singing "All I Want For Christmas is My Two Front Teeth" a lot these last few days. :) 

Please pray for Isaac and his friendships at school to grow. 

Copyright © *2015* *The Driesenga Family*, All rights reserved.

December Prayer Letter

Our mailing address is:
C/O Driesenga
P.O.Box 70027
Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania

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