Platteville Public Library Newsletter: Volume 1, Issue 7
Better deals than any Black Friday sale - always free, all the time!
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The Platteville Public Library is ready to open a new chapter!  On November 24, the Platteville Common Council approved a development deal that will transform the "Library Block." We are planning to move into a brand new 22,000 square foot library at the top of Main Street in November of 2016. For more information on the project, you can watch the 11/24/15 Council's meeting on Youtube  (the specific subject runs from 30:00 to 2:09:00), or read about it online. The Library Foundation is now preparing to enter into a capital campaign to raise funds to provide our new building with furnishings, fixtures, equipment, and technology. For more information about how you can help, please contact
Deb Burkholder has retired from her position as Associate for Access Services. You may have seen Deb downstairs in the fiction section, working the front desk, sitting at the reference desk, running book club, and visiting homebound patrons. Deb was with the City for 31 years and dedicated her career to serving the community through delivery of library materials and services to seniors, assisted living residents, and homebound patrons. We wish Deb a happy and healthy retirement. 

We are pleased to welcome Emma Radosevich to the staff to serve in the Access Services position. Emma grew up in Dodgeville and recently completed her Masters in Library and Information Studies at the University of Wisconsin. Stop by to welcome her on board!
  • November 26 - Closed
  • November 27 - Closed
  • December 24 - Open 9 am - 1 pm
  • December 25 - Closed
  • December 31 - Open 9 am - 5 pm
  • January 1 - Closed
Mark your calendars - we're having a book sale Saturday, December 5 (9:00 am - 5:00 pm) and Sunday, December 6 (1:00 pm - 5:00 pm). Proceeds go to the Platteville Library Foundation. 
Happy Mustache Month at the library! Do you have a great library ‘stache (or library “stash”)? Have you high-fived a mustache recently? Take a picture and share it with us on FacebookInstagram, Twitter, or Tumblr with the hashtag #librarystache. Thanks to @violinist452000 for sharing her #librarystache with us on Instagram.
Holiday Crafternoon
December 4, 1:00 - 3:00 pm (Early release Friday)
Drop in for seasonal craft fun. All ages, children 6 and under must be with an adult. Registration is not required.
Skype with an author
December 12, 11:00 am - noon
Ages 5-11
Enjoy stories, crafts, snacks, and (most importantly) Skype with Michelle Knudsen, author of the picture book 
Library Lion! Registration is required, call 348-7441 ext 3 to register.

This program is the first in the Virtual Visit series and was made possible by a grant from the Claudyne Gies Trust through the Platteville Community Fund, a component of the
Community Foundation of Southern Wisconsin.
Minions (PG)
Saturday, December 19
1:00 pm - 2:45 pm 
All ages are welcome. Children ages 6 and under must be accompanied by an adult. 
Everyone attending must be registered - our "movie theater" has limited seating. Call 348-7441 ext 3 to sign up.
Drop-in Block Party
Saturday, December 28
11 am - noon
Come be creative with LEGOs. All ages, 6 and under must be with an adult. Registration is not required.
Noon Year's Eve 
Wednesday, December 31
11am - noon
Ages 7-11
Why should adults have all the fun? Ring in 2016 with games, crafts, and fun - without staying up past your bedtime! Call 348-7441 ext 3 to register.
Make it Monday: Gingerbread Houses
December 14, 6:00 - 7:00 pm
Each month we try something new that we found on Pinterest. This month we'll be decorating "gingerbread" (graham cracker) houses. For ages 12 - adult. Call us at 348-7441 ext 4 or stop by the library to sign up.
In Stitches
December 21, 6:00 - 7:30 pm (third Monday of the month)
Join us for crafting, chatting, cookies, and cocoa at the library. You bring your own project, we'll bring refreshments. We'll also have lots of moral support for anyone frantically working on last minute holiday gifts. All kinds of portable craft projects welcome. Ages 12 - adult. Come when you can, leave when you have to.
Upcoming Computer Classes

Greeting Cards with Publisher

Wednesday, December 2, 5:30 pm – 7:30 pm
Thursday, December 3, 10:00 am – 12:00 pm
With Microsoft Publisher 2013, you can create posters, brochures, banners, and more. Learn how to use graphics such as clip art, text boxes, and shapes to create a sample greeting card.
  • Skills required: basic mouse and keyboard experience
  • Call 348-7441 ext 4 to register
Look for the next round of computer classes to start in February.
Elf: Buddy's Musical Christmas Not Rated (44 min.) - Based on the Broadway musical and the hit Christmas movie, this animated DVD has the voice of Jim Parsons as Buddy. 

Big Top Burning by Laura A. Woollett - The true story of an arsonist, a missing girl, and the greatest show on Earth.  One reviewer stated "This is juvenile nonfiction at its very best."

I enjoyed Kareem Abdul-Jabbar's book
Mycroft Holmes about early days for Mycroft in his government career, storyline of slavery and the English empire, an early disappointment in love, and a 'cameo' by Sherlock - at school and already rabidly curious about people and their motives.

Cheryl recommends the recently finished
Mad Men TV series.

Robert R. McCammon is one of my favorite authors.  I really liked his early horror books.  Then he stopped writing horror but he's still a really good author.  He just published a new horror novel to my surprise and delight.  I can't wait to start it!
H2O and The Storm by Virginia Bergin were really good and original stories.  I wasn't sure if I liked the main character but I became intrigued by her. They're a fun read.
The WondLa books by Di Terlizzi are some of the best Juvenvile fiction books I've read.  The illustrations are fantastic!

I've been painting a lot of walls lately, and it's been a really great chance to listen to some audiobooks from OverDrive. I particularly enjoyed Lemony Snicket's new series,
All the Wrong Questions. The books are mysteries with an air of melancholy, and the narration is spot on. I should know how smart and poetic Mr. Snicket is by now, but I'm always surprised. Plus, the blatant pandering to librarians is more than welcome.

I may have mentioned 
once or twice before my devotion to the television series The Great British Bake Off, so I am nervous but excited for the upcoming American-ized show The Great Holiday Baking Show with the amazing Mary Berry. If you stop by the library anytime in December, chances are very good that I will be sharing my opinion about the show with anyone who will listen.

Finally, the first snowfall of the year means it's an excellent time to rewatch some
Gilmore Girls (who am I kidding, it's always an excellent time to rewatch some Gilmore Girls). 
Hamilton, by Lin-Manuel Miranda. My favorite part of early United States history? The rap battles. I've been listening to this album non-stop and I feel more patriotic than ever when I'm singing along to "My Shot." Rise up, people! 
Watching: Jane the Virgin. The plot is hilariously over the top, just like the real telenovelas it pokes fun at. The narration, improbable situations, and tongue-in-cheek humor remind me of Arrested Development, but this show is a lot more sincere. 
Reading: Fangirl, by Rainbow Rowell. I'm rereading this book before I start the new sequel/prequel/spinoff novel, Carry On. I love the witty dialogue and the alternate reality Harry Potter series that Rowell weaves throughout the story. She perfectly captures what it's like to be a college freshman who would rather be reading than partying. 
We've already had some readers turn in their 100 books and even 200 books sheets for our new 1000 Books Before Kindergarten program! Any child who has not yet started kindergarten can sign up - stop by the children's desk at any time.
Dine out at Benvenuto's on the third Thursday of the month, mention the library, and a portion of your bill will go to the Platteville Library Foundation. The last Dine Out date for the year is December 18.
Congratulations to our friends in Barneveld on their new library expansion!
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