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December 2015 Newsletter

Carrie O'Brien
Christian Education Director

Trinitarian Congregational Church

December 6th

Angel Breakfast
Church School
Choose Pageant Roles
SEEKERS and City Mission

Music Sunday,
December 13th

Church School

December 15th

Christmas Story Hour

December 20th
Church School
4PM Pageant Rehearsal
6PM Pageant Rehearsal

Thursday, Christmas Eve
December 24th

3rd/4th Grade Pageant
5th - 8th Grade Pageant

December 27th

Family Worship
Childcare available up to age five


  - Carrie's Comments-

How many of us have sat through one of our wonderful Christmas Eve pageants, read the story of Jesus’ birth to our children or know the story from our own childhood?  Most of us I imagine, with many of us claiming to know the story very well. After all this is not a very long story. Out of the 31,173 verses in the Bible the birth of Jesus, one of the most important events in Christianity, is covered in just 59 of them. How well do you know the story? Here are some fun questions to test your knowledge of Jesus’ birth.
1. After Mary became pregnant her first action was to …
a. Explain to her parents what happened
b. Explained to Joseph what happened
c. Visit her cousin Elizabeth who was also pregnant
d. Go in to hiding because it was shameful to be pregnant and unmarried

2. What did Joseph do when he found out Mary was pregnant?
a. Complain to her parents
b. Throw her a shower
c. Call off the marriage
d. Send her flowers

3. In which two gospels does the nativity story appear?
a. Matthew and Mark
b. Matthew and Luke
c. Luke and Mark
d. John and Mark

4. How far did Mary ride the donkey before arriving in Bethlehem?
5. What animals were present at Jesus’ birth? Be specific.
6. How soon after his birth was Jesus named?
a. That day
b. Eight days later
c. Two years later

7. When did Joseph meet the Wise Men?
How do you think you did? Answers are at the end of this newsletter. Better yet, take a moment and read the story with your family from the Bible. Won’t take long … 

In peace,



City Mission Christmas Shop
Sunday, December 6th
12:30 - 3:30PM

SEEKERS ... help Santa bring toys to disadvantaged children by sorting and organizing tons of gifts for him at the First Congregational Church in Winchester. City Mission need our SEEKER help setting up the distribution area and sorting donated gifts. What a great opportunity to make hundreds of children happy this year!

Please RSVP no later than Thursday, December 3rd by clicking here. We also need at least two chaperone/drivers.

Holly A., Jansen B.
Levon B., Sydney E.
William F., Milly K.
Aiden M., 
Carrie O.
Henry P., Lindsay P.
Amalia P., Olivia P.
Alexis S., 
Lily W.
Thomas W.

This Sunday, December 6th


The Angel Breakfast, a TriCon tradition, is a special time for our Pre-Kindergartners and Kindergartners.  Each child is invited to bring one special adult guest (parent, grandparent, friend, babysitter, etc.) to this memorable breakfast.  Invitations have already been sent to Church School registered children.

Festivities begin at 9AM, prior to the 10AM worship service, in the Parish Hall.

If you have not done so already, please click here to RSVP to Mark House by Tuesday, December 1st.

Thank you to our Angel Breakfast Committee Alisha Boyajian, Liz Colgan, Jen Nash, Liz Crowell and Mark House for creating such a magical morning. Don’t forget to bring your cameras!

6:30 - 7:30PM

On Tuesday, December 15th, 6:30 - 7:30PM, children ages four to eight are invited to join Rev. Lombard and Rev. Brown around the fireplace in the parlor for a Children’s Christmas Story Hour. A special book has been chosen just for this occasion. Parents are welcome to join in fellowship during this time in the Parish Hall.

The evening will conclude with hot cocoa and Christmas cookies. Please RSVP by clicking here.


We are excited to once again present our two Christmas Eve 4PM featuring our 3rd and 4th Graders and our 6PM pageant casted by our 5th - 8th Graders. 3rd - 8th Grade families have been sent an email with lots of information about our pageants. Please check below for important reminder dates....

Tuesday, December 1st
Please RSVP to Carrie if 1. your child would like to participate, and 2. If they will be here for their rehearsal.

Sunday, December 6th
Participating children will choose their roles during Church School.

Sunday, December 20th
3rd-4th Grade Pageant Rehearsal: 12:30 - 1:30PM
5th-8th Grade Pageant  Rehearsal: 2:00 - 3:00PM

Christmas Eve, Thursday, December 24th
3rd - 4th Graders arrive at 3:20PM for 4:00PM Pageant
5th - 8th Graders arrive at 5:20PM for 6:00PM Pageant

Pageant Volunteers Needed

3rd and 4th Grade Pageant: Need two people to help Beth Vause, Hunter Hutchinson and Jennifer Monaghan

5th - 8th Grade Pageant: Need one person to help Leslie Lilly, Janet Wilkinson and Russ Campanello.

Please contact Carrie by clicking here to volunteer to help and/or RSVP for your child.


Please contact Carrie O'Brien if you would like to submit Church School photos for inclusion in our newsletter.

If you would prefer us to not publish your child's photo, please contact Carrie O'Brien as soon as possible. We never include children's names with photos.
TriCon Mission Unit
Members from our Mission Committee visited each Church School classroom the beginning of November and shared information about some of the mission organizations we support. At the end of the unit, each class made a display project about their specifically studied organization.
TriCon Family Potluck

Close to 100 people of all ages came together on a November Friday night for a delicious potluck meal and lively conversation.
2015 - 2016 Class Liaisons

Our program would not be as rich or successful if it were not for the efforts and dedication of our Church School Liaison Committee, a sub-Committee of the Christian Education Committee.

We are particularly grateful to each member for their thoughtful, creative and varied contributions and their willingness to jump in to help at a moment’s notice. In addition to providing valuable programming feedback and suggestions, they are instrumental in staffing teachers for Church School and offering support and guidance to these teachers.

Liaisons are also available to parents to help answer classroom questions. To contact your child's Class Liaison, please click on their name. 


Blended Pre-K and K Class
Pam Brown

1st Grade
Jennifer Monaghan

2nd Grade
Monica Woodman

3rd Grade
Melissa Liazos

4th Grade
Beth Vause

5th Grade
Kristi Detweiler

6th Grade
Susan Ledoux

7th and 8th Grade
Melissa McMorrow
We strive to provide ....

1. A foundation in Christian education including learning the components of worship, the stories of the Bible, the history of Christianity and what it means to be a member of our denomination, the United Church of Christ.

2. A foundation in the important faith traits such as generosity, responsibility, courage, joy, stewardship and humility so that they will include and apply them to their daily lives.

3. Opportunities to serve others through participation in activities of our faith community and programs outside our community.

4. A safe and nurturing environment to learn and grow with other children and supportive and caring adults.
1. c) Visit her cousin Elizabeth who was also pregnant

2. (c) Call off the marriage

3. (b) Matthew and Luke

4. There is no mention in the Bible that she rode a donkey or any animal. In those days though, most people owned at least one donkey to carry people of their possession.

5. There is no mention in the Bible of any animals present at Jesus’ birth.

6. (b) Eight days

7. There is no mention that Joseph was present when the Wise Men paid their visit to Mary and Jesus. One could assume that he was there.
Trinitarian Congregational Church
An ecumenical community of faith in the tradition of the United Church of Christ
Copyright © 2015 Trinitarian Congregational Church, All rights reserved.

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