
Viking Coastal Thanksgiving Marathon
0830 Thursday November 26th


We hope you're all fit and ready for the Thanksgiving Day Marathon! Please spend a few moments reading through these pre-race instructions as it'll make your day a little bit easier and our lives a little bit simpler! For any more information please refer to the event website.

For those that have done this event before then it's basically more of the same! Identical course of four 6.58 mile loops from the base camp to the turn around.

The course is 99% on tarmac, so it's a road shoes course. I'll repeat the course description at the start but there really is zero navigation required, you run from the start towards Reculver Castle in the far off distance along the sea wall, you'll come to one gate/kissing gate, go around that (there is a gap to the side), carry on, after about 3.25 miles you'll come to a second gate/kissing gate, touch that and return to the base camp.

Repeat 4 times for the marathon distance. If you run smack into a concrete wall, you forgot to turn around at the second gate, there are no turns or anything. Please watch out for cyclists or pedestrians out for a stroll or bike ride, the route is part of a national cycle trail also, but it's nice and wide so as long as you're even mildly aware of what's going on around you then everyone should be fine! There are no road crossings or traffic issues to worry about.

Just remember the golden rules

  Don't be in the water, on the beach, on a road or in mud.

  Turn around at the gate by the oyster farm close to Reculver Castle.


These open at 0800 (or hopefully a little earlier) so should be time before the start if needs be. They are located in the paid car park and there are also toilets in the car park at Reculver Castle, which is about 400 yards past the end of the turn around if you're in dire need.


Forecast isn't too bad, but looks like it will be quite chilly and rather breezy, with the chance of some showers. So wrap up and remember with laps you can always lose or gain a layer quite easily at the end of a lap.


We've got vegan goody bags for lots of you, If you'd like one and you haven't got a little "V" on your number please let us know as we have a couple spare or if we give you a "black" goody bag then please ask for a "blue" one.


I know a few folk don't drink so if you are one of those and don't want the can of beer or cider in the goody bag then please say and we'll trade you for some coke, we've got a few cans tucked away for those that prefer that.

Viking Coastal Thanksgiving Marathon Website
Race Location

West end of The Parade, Birchington, CT7 9QP

Google Maps »

Race Registration

Opens at 0730. Briefing at 0820. Race Start 0830.


Is a bit of a law unto itself here as there is a paid car park very close to the race start which sometimes is free, sometimes isn't. If you park in the car park please double check! As an alternative there are dozens and dozens of free spaces along the sea front about another 100 yards away, if in doubt, park along there, must be at least 100 spaces so plenty of room. There is a parking map in the FAQ

Aid Station

None of the usual running nonsense at Base Camp, so no isotonic drinks, fruit or energy gels (OK maybe a few), but there will be cookies, crisps, jelly babies, M&Ms, pringles, nuts and all that sort of thing, there is just going to be the one aid station on the course (and it's about a 6.58 mile loop) so we'll have both bottles of water and squash to drink.


Please, please, please don't! We'll have rubbish bags at the start/finish area.


If you are taking part in more than one of the Saxon Shore Seaside Series please keep your number for use on other days, you'll have the same number for each event.


Unfortunately due to permit conditions, and hence insurance coverage, we're no longer allowed to let runners run with dogs.

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Contact Info:

Traviss & Rachel

