Raku and Verse 
by Jim Belcher

letter: let it be Friendship the shape of water

Barefoot Friends
written by Megan Hollingsworth

Joy-Giving: Remembrance Day for Lost Species ~ 11.30.15

Relevant Links 
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ex·tinc·tion wit·ness 
project statement

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ex•tinc•tion wit•ness

wherever you are, the practice is
Remembering by Jim Belcher

It was perhaps a bowl
serving fruit or
a leaf serving tree feeding

bird, or a vessel 

carrying mourners to night ritual.

Or ribs containing

lungs of a great cat, breathing

in, breathing out

feeding cubs.

Whatever, the fire was too much

is something to remember

Remembering by Jim Belcher:
Raku and glaze. 
Exploded in first firing. Fragment cooled and re-fired.
Verse written by Jim Belcher and Megan Hollingsworth
Remembering by Jim Belcher


 O, the book, it will perish, and the steeple will fall,
    But the Light will be shining at the end of it all.” 

                                  ~Sydney Carter, The Ballad of George Fox


Dear Friend,

Last week, I joined vigil here in Bozeman inspired by the Paris attacks for the experience of mass murder everywhere. A poetry reading reminded me that grief makes peace possible. What was not possible before November 13 is possible now. With every terrible reaction followed by a more terrible reaction, we are one step closer to peace. The question is, how much more will it take until we see that revenge is the culprit? Who will be the first one to feel the blow and choose to feed the striking fist rather than strike back?

I hope you will join for Joy-Giving to Lost Species: 108 Bell Rings, 11.30.2015. We practice 108 bell rings to move through emotions inspired by loss of individuals among an estimated 75 to 200 species per day in the past year of the present mass extinction event. In Bozeman, 3 bowls
representing past, present, and aniticipated emotions will be rung 36 times each. Inviting all the emotions, we remember and celebrate lost species, acknowledge their joy in living, and restore peace to those surviving their loss. 

Wherever you are, the practice is. Bells can ring the 24 hours of November 30. With singing bowls ringing an average of 20 seconds with each strike, allowing a moment of silence between, and a group beginning practice every 30 minutes, there will be overlap. Please post to the Facebook event page or be in touch with me if you intend to practice. It will be a pleasure to know that, throughout the day, somewhere a bell is ringing. You can review the Bozeman schedule at the Bozeman Dharma Center website.

Humanity is on the list of anticipated losses given species extinction is a rule and humanity is at the cliff edge deciding whether to stay or go. The embrace of that possibility along with all other possibility, the way of uncertainty, can pull us through this transition. What we'll get then is nothing like the vessel we thought we were crafting, yet something unashamed of rough dark edges always beneath the shimmering surface. There is no surface without what is underneath and at the center of it all is love's blinding light.

Let us be blinded by the light that we may see no difference between the terrorist and saint who join the ends of the circle, one existing only to meet the other, both on a holy mission for peace, neither offering anything very meaningful except the inspiration to live honestly. If there must be religion, please let it be Friendship.

We have been here before and this is the most challenging time, a time when the common response is to let love go and succumb to hatred because hatred is catching like wildfire in thick tinder. Someone with a curious knack for cooling me down recently told me to "be water". My initial response was, "I am water, water on fire. That is the challenge. I am so sensitive. Everyone is hurting". Then I remembered that just as water has sensitivity enough to take the shape of the container, water has strength enough to shape the container. Because of this strength, water can do what is helpful. Water's strength is fluid emotion.

Each can be a fluid vessel, allowing emotion to shape their person and become someone strong enough to shape the larger body. And in that becoming, influenced by the spirit of all elements, as if someone long in hiding is found, the vessel cracks at the fragile spots to reflect the lasting light. 

The heart must break to know love. Resistance to heartbreak is suffering. Suffering lends to vengeance, the terrorist's approach to peace. 
What emerges through the individual magnifies in the fold. I control only my own influence

With love,


"It’s the history books that warn us about the consequences of staying quiet."
 Dan Satterfield, Scientific Method and the Better Angels of Our Nature

Instep ~ still image from Embodied Creativity: Artists Reflect on Collaborative Process

Barefoot Friends

If I were barefoot and you were barefoot

and we had traveled long over stone and thorns in search of water

to chance upon a pair of sandals and some salve,

I would rub your feet gently, put the sandals on my feet

and carry you until your feet healed.

Then, if you would do the same for me, eventually,

we could each wear one sandal

link arms and learn to walk, if goofily, as one


Note: Written 11.16.2015, International Day for Tolerance. Someone recently asked me what the goal of Quakerism is, offering that the goal of his church is ascension. This brought me pause, because I have not thought of religion or faith in practice as having an end goal. The answer I came up with is Friendship, otherwise translated as right relationship, whatever that means.

Right relationship itself is determined by many factors, so that what is right changes. Sometimes, secrets are to be held. Sometimes, secrets must be told. Sometimes, friends must be allowed to fall down and all around themselves. Sometimes, friends must be stopped from going over the cliff’s edge.

No matter, essential to friendship is a practice of non-grasping, in which devotion/attachment is to loving kindness itself, to the glue that is friendship rather than to identity; form. Friendship loses itself if one allows desire for what a friend has, offers, or is to override the longing for loving kindness. Oh the jealousy, the greed is the unraveling.

Today, International Day for Tolerance, I want to say that while it takes effort and time to mend the cloth, friendship is something that tolerates shortcomings. I do not know to count the times I have fallen short of my aspiration to resist any desire other than to love, be love, and be loved regardless of the bending and surrender this primal devotion may require.

I am well aware of a few instances when I have let desire for a man’s affection override friendship with a woman. I am well aware of when I was cruel to speak something shared with me in confidence. I am well aware of these shortcomings because of the painful division created by my ignorance and greed, and the challenged recovery of my own sense of personal integrity.

The first step in my mending the rift is to trust that I am also otherwise. To see myself not only by my shortcomings, but by my triumphs in friendship. Friends may forgive me a thousand times, yet if I do not embrace my falls, I either stay down or float above in fantasy. Then, either I and I alone am selfish and loathsome or I, and I alone, am a supreme sort of being who is incapable of succumbing to desire and screwing everything up.

Friendship applies in all relations, the most intimate and seemingly distant. These words, do unto others as you would have them do unto you, are as real as the heart capable of embracing the pain of being slighted while understanding that this pain is as universal as the capacity to slight another.

Friends do not seek revenge. As soon as I seek revenge for my pain, I become the intolerant unfriendly culprit and widen the rift. If revenge goes on, the cloth itself may be completely torn apart. The result is a thousand threads with ends unrecognizable to themselves and one another. Eventually another cloth, just as delicate, will be woven and held together by friendship. This eventuality consumes eons when that cloth is the fabric of life.

Sole ~ still image from Embodied Creativity: Artists Reflect on Collaborative Process
Remembrance Day for Lost Species is driven by a growing coalition of artists and educators and is supported by Feral Theatre, the MEMO project, and Extinction SymbolIn 2014, World Wildlife Fund reported in its Living Planet report that half of Earth's wildlife has been lost in the last 40 years. Now is the time to create new rituals, remembering and mourning those who have been lost; celebrating and devoting ourselves to those who remain. 

Since 2011, groups in the UK and internationally have met on the last day of November to hold memorials for extinct species. There have been several ceremonies for the Great Auk (d.1852), including a burial at sea and funeral pyres in coastal Wales and Scotland. In Belgium, families lit candles for disappeared indigenous butterflies. In Brighton, paper flags inspired by Mexico’s Day of the Dead were waved in a procession for the Caribbean Monk Seal (d.1952). 2014 saw a number of centenary memorials to the Passenger Pigeon (d.1914).

Please join in marking Remembrance Day for Lost Species by tolling a bell November 30th in memory of lost species. 

Please also consider sewing a Sew the SEEDS quilt panel by November 30th. For details go to:

On Remembrance Day for Lost Species 2015, ex·tinc·tion wit·ness hosts 108 bell rings at Bozeman Dharma Center in Bozeman, Montana. This practice is 'joy-giving' with intent to remember and relieve the fallen. 

To take part in Remembrance Day for Lost Species:
~ Find a bell and ring it on November 30th
~ Organize any kind of gathering and post your plans to: 
~ Follow on Twitter @LostSpeciesDay and use the hashtag: #LostSpecies
Forging the bell for lost species at ONCA Centre for Arts & Ecology
Relevant Links

The top of this external links list revolves according to post topic.
Also included here are sources and services relevant
to the general theme of mass species extinction, self care,
soul/grief support, and regenerative potential.

George Fox and the Quakers
Quakers urgently call for safe paths for refugees

Rivers and Tides Andy Goldsworthy documentary live-stream 

Presence & Mindfulness: Meditative Value of 108 ~Ethan  Indigo Smith

The Significance of 108 ~ Isha Foundation

Moral Free Market
The Trans-Pacific Partnership Trade Accord Explained
Natural Capitalism ~Paul Hawken, Amory Lovins, L. Hunter Lovins
Sacred Commerce ~Ayman Sawaf and Rowan Gabrielle
Tree of Transformation ~Tabi Jayne, Anthony Ogley, Lyn Man, Sami Aaron
Making circular economy scale up ~James Greyson, Blindspot Think Tank
Precycling premiums as a policy tool ~James Greyson

The Change School
Why is Earth's Schumann Resonance accelerating? ~Kathy J. Forti
Quantum Perception and Plant Consciousness ~Joseph S. Gallwitz
The Soil Will Save Us ~Kristin Ohlson
The Carbon Underground
Agroecology: Voices from social movements
Wildlands Philanthropy

INHABIT: a permaculture perspective (film trailer)
The Worldwide Web of Life ~Wade Davis Ted Talk

Peace ~ Climate
Thich Nhat Hanh on 'struggling [for peace] with patience'  
    for more on peaceful climate response, see Peace ~ Climate

Sustaining Oneself In Service
TM Meditation
Ashtanga Yoga
The Maharishi Ayurveda View of Alcohol

TreeSisters Moon Calls
Beyond the Cliff ~Laura van Dernoot Lipsky TedX 
Dealing with Stress ~ Captain Paul Watson (Facebook post)

Mass Species Extinction

What is mass extinction? 
No Easy Answers 
with Elizabeth Kolbert author of The Sixth Extinction

The Current Mass Extinction 
Comprehensive Source of Information

Forum on Religion and Ecology
international multireligious project to broaden understanding

Soul Support
Get That You Matter
inspiring, informing, and igniting global citizen participation

Animas Valley Institute Programs
retrieving the unique, mysterious identity hidden in the soul-waters of each life

The Sacred Work of Grief 
with Francis Weller at Wisdom Bridge
Of Grief and Reverence
   ~Charles Eisenstein in conversation with Francis Weller (Podcast)

The Work that Reconnects 
with Joanna Macy

Radical Joy for Hard Times
creating beauty for the wounded

grief publications

Active Hope by Joanna Macy

Dark Matter: Women Witnessing edited by Lise Weil
Griefwalker a film by Tim Wilson
The Great Grief: Losing the World by Per Espen Stoknes
Trauma Stewardship by Laura van Dernoot Lipsky
World of Wounds a novel by Zack Lehtinen 

The present mass extinction of species can be allayed.
            Many who are now on the edge of existence can be revived. 
The Nature of Subtraction by Bryan Holland

ex·tinc·tion wit·ness
a collaborative art project
celebrating spirit and supporting soul
with attention to cultural and ecological regeneration

project statement

With a primary focus on cultivating personal and global peace, ex·tinc·tion wit·ness acknowledges chronic grief felt in response to ongoing, extreme loss, and celebrates healing collaborations inspired by extreme loss. 

At ex·tinc·tion wit·ness, creative witness is the sacred act of remembering aspects of the unified collective, the essentials of which spring eternal. Creative witness enables the expression of sacred rage out to earth and sky rather than at oneself and others. Creative expression heals, engages, and informs those who are witness to yet not directly experiencing upheaval.

Definitions provided on the home page of the ex·tinc·tion wit·ness website include definitions for bare and compassion. ex·tinc·tion wit·ness exposes unconditional love and realized empathyempathy free of suffering.

please see 
Invitation to Pause

   3:44~minute introduction to ex·tinc·tion wit·ness 
        featuring the work of a few contributing artists

see other ex·tinc·tion wit·ness short films

ex·tinc·tion wit·ness films and monthly witness posts are supported by generous creative and financial contributions. Please be in touch to contribute art to the project. Thank You
for a list of ex·tinc·tion wit·ness contributing artists
and other projects we appreciate and support. 
Awake copyright 2013 Jack Gescheidt
Please see VIRGIN
Wildfire: a love story
& Freyja's Promise

The Amazon & Congo
are the only remaining
continuous forests. 

Please help protect
what remains of intact forest
and help expand 

Plant edible yards and gardens.
See #permaculture


No one is to blame.
Everyone is responsible.

Please read: Changing the Climate of Climate Talk

Technology allows live stream.
Why not stay home?

Please read: Riding the Bus of Ecological Fundamentalism
Everyone's action matters.
Please lead with Itzcuauhtli
Itzcuauhtli (Eat-Squat-Lee), an 11 year-old boy, 
went on a 45-day silence strike for climate action.

see INHABIT film
& begin in your neighborhood today

with tips from Transition Streets 
see a project example at Transition Missoula

Please read Climate Won’t Wait for Paris

NOAA Study: speed-up is imminent
Please read the announcement by Joe Romm at Climate Progress 

major new study from NOAA finds more evidence
of long-awaited jump in global temperatures

"Political movement on the issue of climate change
will be like the rise in average
global temperatures ~ non-linear.

Things like the Pope weighing in...
to demand action, tip the balance.

We will look back at this time and wonder how
it could ever have seemed impossible
to get political action on the issue."

~Karyn Strickler in response to


This Changes Everything
by Naomi Klein

Project Drawdown
DRAWDOWN (ˈdrôˌdoun) n. 
The point at which concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere begin to decline.

 ‘What’s Possible' 
2014 UN Climate Summit Opening Film

First Policy Switch: 
From a strategy of reducing problems to reversing them

Blindspot Think Tank, UK
"People are not inherently destructive and economic activity need not remain dependent on exploiting people, planet and the potential of the future. The economic vehicle need not remain stuck in reverse, making reverse progress."  read the First Policy Switch...

Women's Climate Action Agenda 
Women's Earth Climate Action Network ~ WECAN
Derived from the collective efforts of the 2013 International Women's Earth and Climate Summit, major points of the Women's Climate Action Agenda action plan include: limiting global warming to 1.5-2.0 °Celsius ceiling, urgency to protect intact forest and assist with forest regeneration..."  read the Women's Climate Action Agenda...

Climate Disruption 
a film by Kelly Nyks & Jared P. Scott

Peacefully and boldly disrupt the peaceful facade...
read ex•tinc•tion wit•ness


Remembering (Raku twice fired) 
photos courtesy of Jim Belcher

Instep & Sole
still images from Embodied Creativity
with thanks to Gloria Gypsy

Forging the bell for lost species
photo courtesy of Onca Centre for Arts and Ecology

"Discovery Tree" Calaveras Big Trees State Park
photo copyright 2013 Jack Gescheidt


the nature of subtraction
by Bryan Holland
in Invitation to Pause

Oil and mixed media on cradled panel, 31.5 x 48 inches private collection


from Wildfire: a love story (4:23 minutes)
photo ©2013 Jack Gescheidt
Copyright 2015  ex·tinc·tion wit·ness All rights respected.

PO Box 146
Bozeman, MT 59771

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