Mexico Weekly -  Considerations for the “Green Dilemma” debate in Mexico: to legalise or not?
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Considerations for the “Green Dilemma” debate in Mexico: to legalise or not?


In perhaps one of the most awaited decisions of the Mexican Supreme Court of Justice (SCJN) in history, the Court granted an appeal to 4 members of the Mexican Society of Responsible and Tolerant Self Consumption (SMART) that allows the harvesting and self consumption of marihuana. This appeal, with 4 votes in favour and 1 against, has been subject to debate both in Mexico and abroad not only due to its current implications but also possible consequences. In order to understand this situation further, we should refer to the legal rationales of the appeal.

First, the sponsor of this project, Minister Zaldivar, argued that in spite of the damages generated by this drug, the “extreme prohibition measure is disproportionate in relation with the scientifically proven damages”. Similarly, Minister Sanchez-Cordero contended that a person has the right to choose its fate and life model within law in spite of moral counterarguments. Additionally, with perhaps the most controversial argument, Minister Cossío highlighted that this response evinces the issues with an ineffective prohibitionist policy of the Mexican Government.

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Mexican consumer prices rose in line with analyst estimates in October, pushing the annual inflation rate to the lowest in almost five decades for the fifth consecutive month. Policy makers may not have it so good again for years.

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Mexican investment banking rides out the economic storm

November 12, 2015

Mexican investment banking revenues have dropped “just” 24 per cent this year — a far better relative performance, even if it pales next to the 10 per cent drop in global investment bank revenues.

For the complete article please click here



Mexican start-ups at end of the queue for venture capital backers

November 12,  2015

With capital not available for all industries equally, the government is determined to make sure key infrastructure and energy projects are first in the queue.It has created new instruments modelled on the successful real estate investment trusts, known in Mexico as Fibras, which have raised more than $11.3bn since 2011, according to Dealogic, a data provider.

For the complete article click here.


Mexican policy makers were unanimous in Oct. 29 rate decision

November 12, 2015

Mexican policy makers were unanimous in their decision to keep the key interest rate unchanged last month, with a majority saying that weak growth and inflation argue for leaving rates at a record low as long as U.S. borrowing costs don’t rise.

For the complete article click here


Fat city: the obesity crisis that threatens to overwhelm Mexico's capital

November 13, 2015

Mexico City – like the rest of the country – is in the grip of an obesity crisis. While the reasons for this are far from black and white, close analysis suggests that a lack of physical activity could be the main contributing factor.

For the complete article click here.


Mexico's nuclear ambitions get a boost from senator's proposal

November 11, 2015

The nuclear effort follows Mexico’s move to build up its oil and natural gas industry by inviting investment from foreign companies. The government set a mandate in 2012 to get 35 percent of the country’s energy from non-fossil fuel sources by 2024, up from 21 percent now.

For the complete article click here


Human Trafficking survivor: I was raped 43,200 times

November 12, 2015

Karla is now 23 years old. She has become an outspoken advocate against human trafficking, telling her story at conferences and public events.She told her story to Pope Francis in July at the Vatican. She also told the U.S. Congress in May.

For the complete article click here.


From 1968 to the missing 43- why Mexico's dead and disappeared refuse to go away

November 13, 2015

The exhibition is immersive: black and white shots of detained students, stripped to their underwear and bloodied by the police, have been enlarged to human size, forcing visitors to look at them eye to eye. 

To read complete article please click here

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