Lakewood Hills Holiday Party
December 11, 7 - 8 p.m.
When? Friday, December 11 from 7 - 8 p.m., but we encourage you to stay longer Where? The Ginger Man - 6341 La Vista Drive What to bring? A new, unwrapped children's gift for Genesis Women's shelter, your LHNA Membership dues (to get drink tickets)
The Details:
The Ginger Man will be hosting our annual Holiday Party this year. We will have food and if you are up-to-date on your 2016 Lakewood Hills membership dues (Single Family $25/year or Senior $12/year), you will receive two drink tickets per person. You may become a member by paying via PayPal on our website and bringing the receipt with you, or bring a cash/check to the party.
Please bring a new, unwrapped children's gift, as we're helping the Genesis Women's Shelter this year. We ask that the gifts be non-violent in nature. The Genesis Women's Shelter provides safety and shelter to battered women and their children through crisis intervention and short term crisis therapeutics.
We hope to see you at the Holiday Party. Happy Thanksgiving!
Have you thought, "I want to get more involved with the neighborhood." Well, here's your lucky day, we have several open positions, whether it's on the Board or on one of our committees, there's something for everyone. We have many great neighbors who have been working tirelessly for many years in the same positions or have rotated through several positions, on a purely volunteer basis, and they have decided to take a break. That's where you step in. Without volunteers, the neighborhood activities and communications will cease, so we need your help in continuing to make this neighborhood, the best it can be.
Read more below to find out the positions available. Please contact if you’re interested in any of the positions.