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GWP Bhutan introduces IWRM to leaders

Local leaders in the Bhutan districts of Tashi Yangtse and Samdrup Jongkhar participated in GWP workshops to learn about integrated water resources management (IWRM). Read more >>

November 2015

Benin youth give White Paper to authorities 

Young parliamentarians, acting through the National Youth Parliament for Water and Sanitation (PNJEA) of Benin, organized a ceremony in Cotonou on 29 October to present a White Paper to the Beninese authorities. It collects observations on youth participation in water governance. Read more >>


Rainwater harvesting initiative in Jamaica

GWP Caribbean teamed up with its partners, the Caribbean Youth Environment Network-Jamaica Chapter (CYEN-Ja) and the Water Resources Authority (WRA) of Jamaica, to host a Rainwater Harvesting (RWH) Outreach Initiative at the Jamaica Climate Walk 2015. Read more >>

GWP in the news
Global water conference in Karachi from 17 November (Business Record)

China's quest for food security: Challenges & policies by Amrita Jash (IndraStra)

More news >>

Up-coming events
19 November, World Toilet Day, UN

30 November-11 December, GWP at COP21 - urging parties to act on water, Paris, France

9-11 December, Water Security 2015, Oxford University, UK

More events >>

Vacancies at GWP
Project coordinator/Chief technical advisorDeadline 18 November 2015.

More vacancies 

New resources 
Guidelines on natural small water retention measures (GWP Central and Eastern Europe)

GWP Technical Focus Paper: Forecasts of mortality and economic losses from poor water and sanitation in Sub-Saharan Africa (pdf)

More resources >>

2016 World Water Week (SIWI)

More calls >>

GWP Central America identifies youth focal points

GWP Central America joined two Latin American youth networks in the organization of the Latin American Youth and Environment Conference, held in Mexico City from October 21-23. GWP supported the participation of six people from each of the countries in the region. Read more >>

More from Central America: 

Symposium promotes
water sector interaction

GWP Southern Africa and partners held a symposium on the island of Mauritius 28-30 October, under the theme 'Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) and Infrastructure Planning for Water Security in Southern Africa’. Read more >>


GWP contributes to climate services tutorial

The UN Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) and The Global Framework for Climate Services (GFCS) have developed an online tutorial for decision-makers. GWP contributes with a video interview. Read more >>

GWP at COP21 - urging parties to act on water

GWP is preparing its participation at the upcoming UNFCCC conference COP21 in Paris, France, taking place 30 November-11 December. Funding for water resources management and future financing mechanisms are two topics that GWP will bring up at the conference. Read more >>

Global Water Partnership (GWP)
PO Box 24177
SE-104 51 Stockholm, Sweden

Phone: +46 8 1213 86 00

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