Thanksgiving, 2015
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Dear Friends,

I wanted to wish you each a very happy thanksgiving.

I love the time to be relaxed with family, cheering any team playing against the Lions (Christians have usually had a difficult time cheering lions), and eating food prepared with love. Surely there's a lot to be grateful for.

In the tradition we call our weekly thanksgiving the "eucharist," which is derived from the Greek word for giving thanks. It's a reminder of how central the practice is. Even one of the great mystics remarked, if there is one prayer worth saying "Thank You" would be enough. Modern spiritualists commend daily practices of thinking 3,5, or whatever number of things you're grateful for. It's a good way to begin the day; and a calming way to end the evening. 

And so I too am thank for for my friends, family, my church, and neighbors. As I drive down to New Jersey (we have an interfaith family. They live in both NJ AND Connecticut), I'll be thankful as I enjoy a cigar and the new Adele album; thankful for the company; and of course, thankful for butter.

And it's one day to be thankful for pie. And carbs.

Tomorrow however, I'lll be regretting those. Usually I do. 

Of course, I will be thankful for you. That is, if we've met, or even if we haven't, I'm thankful you take the time to read these words, which I offer, out of love for both you and the reflection of God within you. 

As the writer once said, I know that there is nothing better for them than to be happy and enjoy themselves as long as they live; 13 moreover, it is God’s gift that all should eat and drink and take pleasure in all their toil. (Eccl 12-13)

Fr. Gawain +


Service Times

No Morning Prayer Thanksgiving Thursday
Morning Prayer M-Th from Nov 30 - Dec 24;
Resumes January 4th

Thanksgiving Service Time 7:30 @ Grace Church, White Plains. The Rev. Pr. Eric Mathsen preaching.

Advent Begins Nov 29th Year 2,C 
Services 8:00 and 10:00am

Christmas services December 24th
Family Service @2pm
Choral Performance @10:30
Dec 25th Mass @9:30am
Morning Prayer Dec 27th @10am

Advent Education Series:

Wednesday Dec 9th, 16th: The Art of Spending 7:00pm
Saturday Morning Dec 12, 19 A two part Introduction to the BCP 10:00am-11:00am. How to use it for your personal benefit
Three Sundays After Church Dec 6,13, 20: An Introduction the Apocalypse

Pub Theology December 10th (tentative) Ron Blacks 6:00pm
Trip to Cuba!  Last call December 15th
The dates for the trip to Cuba have been changed. We will be flying to Cuba Friday, March 11th and returning back to NYC on Friday, March 18th We hope you can still help us do great work in Cuba.  Please let me know if you'll be able to join us. The cost is $3000, but may go lower the more people who join us. Please consider joining Christ Church Bronxville, St. James Madison Avenue, and us for a great service trip. 

Hanging of the Greens (in place of our St. Nick's Party) is tentatively scheduled for December 19th 4-9pm. More information to follow.

Prayers & Thanksgivings

For Healing Carolyn Lao, Michael Chesterton, Joseph Osborne-Reed, Josephine Pierini, Deirdre Daverin, George Pollock, Ethyl Mull, Chuck Boniti, Muriel Eaton, Natja Kessler, Declan Beaustead, Teresa Reiser, Preston Farr, Robert Hennings, Joann Squires, Jennifer Douglas, Mikey Stagg, Norman Gaines, Richard Burmeister, Ara Powell, Doreen Powell, Vivian O’Reilly, Patricia Wheelhouse, Jane Chase, Margery Hall.

For the Departed Ann Drace, Henry Heliker, Requiescat in Pace

For those who serve our Country William Macvittie, Russell A. Pfeifer US Navy.

For Church Leaders Archbishop Justin of Canterbury; Pope Francis; Michael our Primate; Andrew, and Allen, our Bishops, Greek Archbishop Demetrios,; Archbishop Timothy of New York.

For Our Leaders Barack, our president; Andrew, our governor; Tom, our mayor; Bill, mayor of NYC.

In Gratitude and Thanksgiving for the parish volunteers who prepare and servie in the Soup Kitchen Deo gratias!

In the Diocesan Cycle of Prayer We give thanks for All the Saints.

For Peace In Yemen, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Egypt, Palestine, the Congao, and the Southern Sudan.

Upcoming Events

Morning Message Texting in Advent!
Starting Advent If you'd like a daily verse from Fr. Gawain (M-Th), just text him at 914-572-4962, and he'll text you a quote for reflection once, in the morning. Please give him your name when you text.

Westchester United
Here's my letter to the editor regarding gun violence.

Here is a 9 minute video highlighting our event with Senator Chuck Schumer, and giving a nod to our nationwide campaign: Do Not Stand Idly By. You can see it here on You Tube:
Fr. Gawain speaks at the end!

How the Metro IAF is working with Police and their Communities to protect public safety, but encourage accountability. 

Volunteers Needed


Michael Curry "This is the Jesus Movement"
Book of Common Prayer App - for your iPhone
Daily Office App - also for your iPhone
Why people become extremists
On the Queen of England's Address to the Primates
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