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The items listed below are shown at final clearance prices.  No further discounts or promo codes will apply.   $2.50 packing plus our actual cost of shipping will be charged for orders with Black Friday Clearance Items.  Selections are extremely limited and will sell on a first come basis.  Sale ends Sunday November 29th, 2015.
Paph. Henrietta Fugiwara
3.5" pots, $16.50
Blc. Owen Holmes
2.5" pots, $9.95
Blc. Bryce Canyon
x Dennis Kone
2.5" pots, $7.50
Lc. Canhamiana coerulea
2.5" pots, $7.50
Lc. Hawaiian Satisfaction 'Romantic'
2.5" pots, $7.95
Cym. High Hopes
x Poetic Fair
2.5" pots, $7.95
Connie Moody
3" pots, $9.95
Triple Action Plus
32 fl oz, $7.50
GrowMore Fertilizer
6-30-30 Bloom Booster
1.25 lbs, $7.50
Paph. Raisin Jack x sib
2.5" pots, $7.50
Cattleya Sea Breeze
'Blue Ribbon' 
3" pots, $9.95
Blc. Waikiki Gold
2.5" pots, $7.95
Phalaenopsis corningiana
3" pots, $13.50
Lc. Amphion
'Cherry Pie'
2.5" pots, $7.95
3" pots, $7.95
3" pots, $12.50
GrowMore Fertilizer
20-10-20 Urea Free
3lbs, $15.00
GrowMore Fertilizer
6-30-30 Bloom Booster
3lbs, $15.00
Blc. Edisto 'Newberry'
3" pots, $7.95
 Super Ise x Ise
6" Basket, $19.95
Crown Point
3" pots, $9.95
Phalaenopsis tetraspis
3" pots, $13.50
Encyclia profusa
x aromatica
Bare Root, $7.50
Bc. Anita Gierok
x sibling
2.5" pots, $7.95
 Meda Ballard
3.5" pots, $16.50
GrowMore Fertilizer
30-10-10 High Nitrogen
43 oz, $15.00
Dithane M-45
Broad Spectrum Fungicide
6 oz, $12.50

You are invited to our Christmas Open House & Sale


Thursday, December 3rd; Friday, December 4th
and Saturday, December 5th

* 25% off orchids including items from our new Christmas 2015 Catalog
* 40% off an assortment of beautiful ferns and houseplants
* 10% off decorative containers, potting mixes, fertilizers and other growing supplies
* A variety of Blooming Orchids & Living Gift Baskets to Decorate Your Home for the Holidays!

Programs on "Home Orchid Growing" each day @ 10:30 am & 1:30 pm

Complimentary lunch with any orchid purchase (serving 12 Noon to 1 PM)

Please RSVP for lunch and for the workshops: * (800) 873-7086 * Open 9am to 5pm

Welcome to our New Christmas 2015 Catalog!  


Christmas 2015 Catalog Cover
Christmas is almost here! This digital only catalog is full of new items, old favorites, and great gifts for your Christmas list.  Many of these are sure to “sell out”.  We have been waiting for a few of our personal favorites inside to be ready to offer in a catalog, like children (of all ages)  wait for Christmas day. 
  Thank you for considering our orchids and houseplants. Your orders allow us to s
upport our families while doing something we love.
    We appreciate you and promise to work to provide you with the best variety of healthy, virus free orchids.  As always, we’ll watch the weather and guarantee safe delivery to homes and businesses where someone is available to accept them.


Start shopping now!  Download our new Christmas 2015 Catalog


Let Us Watch the Weather for You!

Carter and Holmes OrchidsWe check the weather en route every morning before shipping plant orders, and we guarantee safe delivery to any address where someone will be available to accept delivery.

We can safely ship orchids in bud and bloom through temperatures of 32 degrees and above, and we can ship orchids not coming into bloom soon through somewhat colder temperatures using heat packs.

The Promo Code for November is STEVEN W'S

See more about Steven W's Downtown Bistro in Downtown Newberry

Carter and Holmes OrchidsPlease give us this promo-code when you place an order to be sure that you get any applicable discounts.

With these email updates, you not only get notices of weekly specials, invitations to open houses and other events, and advance copies of new catalogs, but we also give you a 10% discount when you place orders of any size for plants listed at our regular prices. Just type the secret code above into the "Comments Box" during checkout to receive your 10% discount on any regular priced plants.

Each code is only good for its specified month.

Thank you for your continued patronage. Our family business has been here since 1947 because of you and customers like you who love orchids. We appreciate you!

And thank you so much for all of the orders over the last few weeks!

We generally ship orders that customers place without requesting a special ship date within 7 to 10 days of receiving them or sooner.

If we have to hold orders in the coming months for longer than 7 to 10 days because parts of the country are extremely cold, we will set aside plants for those orders in the sequence that we receive the orders.

For all orders, we email tracking information when we ship so customers will know when to expect delivery, and we guarantee safe delivery so long as someone is available at the shipping address to accept delivery.

Mac Holmes
803-276-0588 (fax)

PO Box 668
629 Mendenhall Rd.

Newberry, SC 29108

Copyright © 2015 Carter and Holmes Orchids, All rights reserved.

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