A weekly newsletter from the desk of Todd Coopee
NOVEMBER 27, 2015
Here are a few highlights from the blog this week:
Barbie Queen of the Prom

Board games can be categorized into two camps: those that stand the test of time, and those that serve as windows into a moment of time in popular culture. Released in 1960 by Mattel, Barbie Queen of the Prom relies on a series of clichés and politically incorrect attitudes towards girls that today seem cringe-worthy, but which permeated and defined culture 50 years ago. READ MORE
Book: The Real Toy Story


Part history primer, part exposé, The Real Toy Story is a literary roller-coaster ride. Author Eric Clark offers up a robust, hard-hitting look at the toy industry circa 2007.

Toy Chest: Super Science Friends Edition

Fight bad guys with Super Science Friends and 7 other things I wanted to share this week.
  1. Science meets superheroes with Super Science Friends, an animated series about a team of super scientists who travel through time-fighting bad guys.
  2. Here's a YouTube that shows the simple but brilliant engineering behind a Nerf Blaster.
  3. LEGO has commissioned a line of slippers to protect your feet when you step on... LEGO!
  4. Danger Will Robinson! There's a Lost in Space remake on the horizon at Netflix.
  5. Topps has published a book containing scans of the original Star Wars trading cards from 1977-78.
  6. 14-year old Lucas Etter set the world record when he solved a Rubik's Cube in under FIVE SECONDS!
  7. Someone disassembled Mattel's new Wi-Fi enabled Hello Barbie doll to see how it works.
  8. As part of your next family game night, indulge in some of the history behind the classic game of Twister.
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