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Creating with Conscious Intent

My team recommended taking some time off (working with them as a conduit and/or channeler for them). I didn’t ask why, I just took time off and enjoyed it.

I sat down to write today, and my team remained respectfully quiet. I asked why they were still being quiet.

They said it was time to clearly state what it is I want to do and accomplish.

I started with what I didn’t want. My team acknowledged what I stated, and then let me know that wasn’t what they had asked.

Creating with Conscious Intent

Of what we want; where we want to go (or end up); or what goal do we want to accomplish…

…and maintaining that in our conscious mind.

Most of us already learned:
  • To remember the energy and attitudes we put out today creates our tomorrow.
  • Our thoughts attract the same – for better or worse.
  • To create a list of what we want.
But some of us haven’t yet defined clearly what we want and haven’t maintained, or sustained, the thought energy to carry it through (manifest).

We focus hard, thinking through the details and what it will feel like, sound like, look like, etc. and then…


We are off and running in the direction of the new shiny distraction.

That shatters the uncompleted manifestation creation.

We are being asked to consciously stick with our thoughts to help them to manifest (become “real”).

A Recommendation

I recommend that you do NOT visualize, dictate, etc. HOW your creation(s) will manifest. Just concentrate on wanting ‘X’ and how it will feel, sound, smell, etc. when it manifests.

Please leave the “How’s” to the Universe, Creator, your team.

by Jan Toomer

Something to Get Excited About

There’s a lot going on – energetically, spiritually and physically.

The “buzz” on the Other Side is of excitement and preparation and it has started filtering down to humans, animals and Mother Earth.

Why all the hubbub?

We’re growing up. Seriously.

Humans – generalized – are starting to understand. Understand that:
  • Taking responsibility for one’s own actions, words and deeds is now a must.
  • Freedom is for all life forms.
  • Clean and healthy water and food is for all life forms.
  • Respect is to be afforded all life forms.
  • Rights are for all species, not just some humans.
  • “Ascension” includes understanding that ALL life matters. Period.
We – again generalized – are starting to get it. To feel it. To know it. To remember it.


And this is bringing about so many changes – which we’ve been seeing happening for a while now.
  • Countries closing their governments, banks, etc. and restructuring a more fair and balanced society.
  • Some animals being declared sentient beings. How about more countries and all animals being included?
  • Zoos, and/or portions of inhumane captivity being closed down and the animals being rescued and relocated to sanctuaries for a better quality of life.
  • Animals knowing that humans are beginning to awaken and are showing us  - more than ever before – that they know. How? Being more supportive and/or gentle with the innocents and change-bringers. (Note: This does not mean wildlife is tame and approachable. Please use caution and common sense. They will protect themselves and those under their care…just like we do.)
  • Push for organic and non-GMO food, as well as growing one’s own food.
And changes are not limited to Earth experiences. Many off-worlders (aka aliens, non-Earth beings, etc.) are gently making their presence known and/or more prominent.

Why? To let us know that we are not alone and to work with those who are ready and willing.

Personal Level

One a more personal level, some people have experienced:
  • Purging old, stuffed emotions.
  • Adapting to the higher frequency energy vibrations.
  • Their physical body making it known that certain foods are no longer acceptable for their body.
  • “Spiritual flu”, also known as Growing Pains. Joints, skin or body feeling achy; fever; lethargy; etc. – usually lasting three to seven days.
  • Increase in synchronistic incidents.
  • Those who are not resonating harmoniously with our energy are separating from us or we cut the connection.
Growing and Changing

And as we grow and change, we become / have:
  • More access to our Creator-given abilities.
  • Clearer reception (in whatever way each individual communicates to and/or receives information from their team of guides).
  • More freedom from duality energy.
  • Limitless opportunities – slowed or hampered only by an individual’s self-created boundaries and/or where one is in the journey of self-growth.
Growth Spurt

Each growth spurt opportunity (such as utilizing new energies sent to Earth to give us a boost), brings us closer to our true spiritual selves as well as closer to our spiritual kin.

It brings us closer to the fifth dimension and further from the denseness, heaviness, confusing, consuming duality of energies of the third dimension.

So why all the hubbub and excitement?

Because we are remembering who we really are.

And that really is something to get excited about.

by Jan Toomer

The Little Things

When we’ve healed and released a lot of the bigger old energies, then we may begin to notice the little annoyances of old popping up.

These are the little things that we each squirreled away; never dealt with; and/or never finished. We shoved them aside, where they were covered up by the bigger, more traumatic experience energies.
  • Annoyed
  • Irritated
  • Frustrated
  • Unfinished
  • Unresolved
  • Unsettled
A previously forgotten snippet of conversation or interaction that spontaneously re-surfaced, wanting to be acknowledged, healed and released. Incidents, thoughts, ideas, situations, etc. that were smaller and seemingly – at the time -- inconsequential when compared to the more major incidents in our lives.

Little incidents waiting to be purged.

For Example

A neighborhood gentleman recently told me that my fast driving made him nervous. I was so shocked by this that all I said at the time was, “Oh,” and we moved on to another topic. That comment, and my response to it, was shoved aside.

I awoke two days later with that snippet replaying in my mind. I knew his comment had shocked me, but it apparently had annoyed me as well.

I brought this up to my husband, and then said, “Mr. X and I are the two slowest drivers out there.”

After he chuckled, he agreed. He thought that Mr. X’s comment was ironic and funny.

The Little Things Matter

Though I used a more recent interaction as an example, the spontaneous re-surfacing can be from any time in your life.

I was surprised at my hidden feeling about the comment, but it confirmed that even the little things matter.

Fortunately, for me so far, the little things appear to take a lot less time and energy to acknowledge, heal and release.

by Jan Toomer
Sky Fire
by Jan Toomer
Reality Undefined
- Reality Undefined's page.
Healing Requests
- Page for people to request free energy healing and a place for healers to offer free energy healing.

Step Out of Our Comfort Zone

My truths are changing; growing and expanding regularly.

Your truths are changing; growing and expanding regularly.

My truths are not necessarily your truths – and vice versa.

And that’s okay.

- -

We set up boundaries and maintain our reality. We get comfortable with our truths and our creations.

Then one day, we are shaken; our perceptions, understandings and/or realities are invaded by something foreign, uncomfortable or painful.

We may be shaken to our core.

We may experience a crisis in faith.

And we’re left wondering what the heck just happened. Why did we have to see, witness, or learn about X? Why couldn’t we just be left alone in our own comfortable reality?

Because that’s not what we are here for.

Don’t get me wrong – setting boundaries and maintaining one’s own reality is a good thing…but we change. Our truths and understandings change.

If you’ve found yourself witnessing some of the uglier aspects of being human, it’s okay to ask, “Why?”, though I don’t recommend going into the victim role (“Why me?”).

Some of us, as we progress on our journey of self growth and of helping others, are often quick at feeling and seeing the positive and beauty in our reality.

We give thanks. We appreciate the beauty and harmony in our life. And we now know that when we need help, it will arrive.

That help can come in the form of an “angel”. The one who showed up at the right moment and was able to provide exactly what was needed right then and there.

Where did this “angel” come from?

When we are in distress, and we call out for help, we release an energy S.O.S. that may be energetically picked up by another being. Whoever is closest, has the correct frequency and ability to aid, will respond. This is not necessarily done consciously.

You or I can become the guide – or “angel” -- for a person in need at that time; just like we had, and have, when we are in need.

And sometimes requires us to step out of our comfort zone.

This happens spontaneously -- it is not something you seek out.

Trauma to Blessing

This may be a traumatic experience for you or I, so what I offer is this:

See the bigger picture, and remember to rebalance your energy if needed.

Expand your awareness or perception of what you saw or experienced. What a blessing to be the one to be able to provide the other person with what they needed at that time.

Keep your faith. Faith in your Creator; faith in your higher self; and faith in your team.

You may have felt like you didn’t really “do” anything. Keep faith. Your presence alone may have been what was needed.

* My vagueness is intentional. I will not provide examples.

These experiences may occur when you are physically awake, or when you are out-of-body (which may be remembered as a dream or lucid dream).

If you have experienced this, you will know exactly what I am talking about. If you have not experienced it, but it comes up in the future for you, you will have this information.

Not everyone will experience this.

by Jan Toomer
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