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Editors picks not be missed this week:

Media - Enjoy a bird's eye view of The Interlace Apartments in Singapore and discover why they were recently awarded the "World Building of the Year".

Article: What happens when the chairman resigns before the AGM? - find out the NSW answer, with thanks to Premium Strata.

News: The release of the NSW report - Renewing the Compact City. For more detail, please see our News of the Week section below.


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holiday security

Apartment and Unit Managers Urged to Review Security

Stephen Raff, Ace Body Corporate Management
Thieves to target empty properties over the holiday period. Get your holiday security checklist for your building organised now.
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Chairman agm

NSW: Q&A - When the body corporate chairman resigns before the AGM

LookUpStrata & Leanne Habib, Premium Strata
Could you please tell me the correct procedure when the body corporate chairman resigns before the AGM.
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ACT: Asbestos Compliance and Group Title in the ACT

Christopher Kerin, Kerin Benson Lawyers
Group title schemes, such as strata schemes and company title schemes, may be subject to various requirements to reduce the risk of asbestos under both statutory and common law duties.
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Indemnity Insurance

NSW: Managing agents - Professional Indemnity Insurance Required

David Bannerman and Mark Pollinger, Bannermans Lawyers
The Property, Stock and Business Agents Amendment (Professional Indemnity Insurance) Regulation 2012 commenced on 1 January 2013. We have some concerns in relation to the requirements outlined in the regulation.

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Emergency access

VIC: Q&A Emergency exits from common property areas

LookUpStrata and Layton Gale,  Australian Essential Services Group
It is a requirement of all buildings that there must be a safe and unobstructed path of travel and discharge from exit to the road or open space.

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insurance rebuild valuations

Interpreting Insurance Rebuild Valuations

Tyrone Sandman, Strata Insurance Solutions
Increasingly we are seeing incorrect interpretations from clients on what sum insured should be provided from insurance rebuild valuations.
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NSW reform

NSW: Real Strata Reform Issues Smoke-Screened as Parliament Approves

Erik Bigalk
Strata Title Law reform NSW: while some important aspects of the strata law have been well addressed, others throw open a myriad of uncertainties.

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too many tenants?

VIC: Q&A - Maximum Number of Tenants Allowed in Apartments

LookUpStrata & Daniel Hunt, Ace Body Corporate Management
Could you please advise if Victoria has laws around maximum number of tenants/occupiers in units? In this particular case a 2 bedroom unit.

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News of the Week


NSW: Renewing the Compact City

Laurence Troy, Hazel Easthope, Bill Randolph, Simon Pinnegar
City Futures Research Centre, UNSW

Economically viable and socially sustainable approaches to urban redevelopment.
"The aim of this project was to explore equitable and viable solutions to what has emerged as a fundamental issue facing Australian cities in coming decades: how to effectively, efficiently and inclusively redevelop older areas of privately owned multi‐unit strata titled housing to achieve the higher densities needed to accommodate population growth without exacerbating social inequalities and collateral social disruption."


Melbourne most liveable city

Why Melbourne is the world’s most liveable city

Joanne Brookfield, Domain
Melbourne has been named the world’s most liveable city in The Economist’s annual study for the fifth year running. 
Interlace Apartments

The Interlace apartments, Singapore

Trends Ideas
Find out why this apartment building in Singapore was recently voted the "World Building of the Year" at the World Architecture Festival 2015.

Site Sponsors

We welcome Strata Insurance Solutions as a Site Sponsor with their
FactSheet: Strata Insurance Banner.
Great to have you on the site,

Strata Insurance Solutions!

The most read article from our last newsletter?

strata problems

The three most common strata problems and how they can be resolved

Stephen Raff,
Ace Body Corporate 
In my experience, there are three common strata issues from owners that rise above all else when living in a strata community: Pets, Parking and Noise!

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Have Your Say

Plan Melbourne refresh discussion paper

The Victorian Government is undertaking a refresh of Plan Melbourne, and is seeking your input. Click through to read the discussion paper, and share your ideas for the future of Melbourne.

Submission will be accepted until 5.00pm AEST 18 December 2015.
Dec 7:
SCA (WA): The Role of The Council

Dec 11:
SCA (VIC): VCAT Dos and Don’ts

Dec 15:

SCA (WA): Lot Owners Forum
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Breaking News

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NSW: Strata reform: Six points the NSW government ignored Domain

New strata laws to shake up urban renewal in Sydney UNSW Newsroom

Strata laws rushed without research, says NSW opposition SMH


QLDProperty Market Focus On South East Queensland: Report The Urban Developer

WAState unlocks $20m of land near rail stations for apartments The West Australian


VICNightingale’s sustainability song falls on deaf ears as car-centric planning rules hold sway The Conversation

Queensland Waters Down ‘Off the Plan’ Protection Laws - See more at:
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