


Upcoming Events: 

  • ASGSO Movie Night 
    December 3rd (Thursday)
    HEAV G4
    Movie: Promised Land 

  • American Studies Day
    January 28th (Thursday)
    10am - 4pm
    STEW - West Foyer

  • Colloquium Series - Dr. Paisley Currah
    February 8th (Monday)
    4 - 5:30pm
    HEAV G4
    Talk Title: TBD

AMST News: 

--  Thank you to all who joined Dr. Scott Shoemaker for lunch/dinner and came to hear the talk.  Many great discussions were had.  Be sure to join us Spring semester for our next colloquium in the series. 

--  We hosted two students for the Purdue Multicultural / HBI Visitation Program.  Thank you to everyone available to meet with Felicia Fowler, Lane College and Tabatha Holley, Spelman College. .  Special thank you to American Studies Graduate Students: Jonathan Freeman, Kadari Taylor-Watson, Na'eemah Webb, Megan Williams, and Annagul Yariyeva for being available throughout the day to escort as needed.  

--  Cheryl Cooky talks about Fighting for Camera Time, in the CLA THiNK magazine.  
American Studies field trip through the history of music: 
This past June, students in the American Studies course: American Youth Culture/History of the American Teenager taught by Ph.D. Candidate Arthur Banton went on a field trip to JL Records store in West Lafayette, one of a few independent standalone record stores in Indiana. But JL Records is more than just a record store; it’s a history of music. A few years ago, Jim Pasdach the owner transformed part of the store into a retail museum. Madeleine Holmes, a Liberal Arts major and admirer of music noted “it's the kind of place one could get lost in for hours.  What was particularly interesting was the amount of musical history that was present in the store.”
JL Records is full of music memorabilia which include concert and fan posters, T-Shirts, CD’s and tons of records. Arthur Banton noted, “The store provides a history that complements the course well.” He added, “Previous generations of teens have a much different interaction with music than young people have today.” Jim noted that Purdue students do patronize the store and are quite surprised what they find. “They have Aliens on videotape!,” replied a surprised Aysha Davis a Junior majoring in Biochemistry. She added “This place is so awesome!”
The store also has inventory on VHS Cassettes which were a mainstay of home entertainment in the 1980s and 1990s prior to the mass production of Digital Video Discs (DVD) and now internet streaming. The store really shines with its celebration of music history with an impressive display of record players, transistor radios, guitars and portable boom boxes. There is even a restored and fully operational 1904 Edison Cylinder player on display. But what really drew the fascination of the students were the stories Jim told about his experiences as a fan of music, what inspired him to make the investment of purchasing his own store and how fan culture and consumption has evolved over the years. Ms. Holmes summed up the experience, “I was impressed by the amount of knowledge the owner had and loved hearing him talk about how listening to and buying music. This was a great experience and it's definitely a place I'll be returning to.”
  • Arthur Banton, Ph.D. Candidate in American Studies
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In an effort to better highlight and celebrate the wonderful work by American Studies students, faculty, and alumni we are launching Last Friday, a monthly newsletter for our program.  

As the name suggests, the newsletter will go out on the last Friday of each month during the academic year, an apt moment to reflect on the events of the past month and signal the activities in upcoming weeks
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