“If the only prayer you every say in your entire life is thank you, it will be enough.”

-Meister Eckhart
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thanks + giving

can't have one without the other

Give thanks. Why? Because your eyeballs are capable of seeing the screen in front of you, your breath is moving and your heart is pumping without you telling it to, your brain is translating the meaning of these words and how it relates to your soul. Need I go on?

Give. Period. Why? Because it will fill your cup until it runneth over. By being of service to others you will learn to offer the same love and attention to yourself, and vice versa. Give hugs and high fives. Give unconditionally.

Times are sometimes tough, the planet is not always peaceful. If we as individuals can give whole heartedly and practice gratitude on a daily basis, however small, we can add to the collective love the world so desperately needs.

I am thankful for each of you every day for reading what I share, for your feedback, insight, and for believing in this work. My hope is that these gifts will inspire you to give yourself the love and compassion you deserve, and to spread the health worldwide.

Who's with me?

Read on for a heart warming recipe, upcoming goodies, music and more. 

Happy Thanksgiving friends!

*Above: goddess warriors at last week's incredible Goddess Awakening event. Photo by Marisa Erin Photography.

recipe: apple pumpkin pudding porridge

After a recent consultation with Dr. Pratima Raichur, I was advised to steam my food for a few months to balance out imbalances. This was one of the several delicious concoctions to follow.

Most importantly, I was reminded to tell myself how much I appreciate myself every day: my functioning body, beating heart, alert mind. Dr. Raichur explained that worry was one of main causes of my issues, which can often be avoided simply by repeating each day, "I am happy, healthy, fulfilled."

Try the recipe, try the self-love exercises, and let me know how it goes.

holiday recipes

My soul sister Ksenia of Breakfast Criminals has compiled the tastiest, healthiest holiday recipes from her kitchen, myself and other like-minded wellness geeks.

Click here to download the FREE digital deliciousness.

Spread the holiday health!

barbados retreat

Show yourself you care.

You will not regret this decision.

Click here for details and to register!

special discounts

Don't forget to use my codes from some of my favorite brands. Perfect for spreading the holiday health:

Hyde: sasha10 for 10% off
Ohm K: SashaIsOhmK for 15% off

music pick

Mura Masa featuring Shura

Love For That

farewell for now...

I've always loved a good pumpkin...

Happy Thanks. Happy Giving.

Thank you for all you do. Please know I am here to support you!

Spread the wealth, spread the health.

peace, love, thanks + giving.
Copyright © 2015 sasha yoga + wellness, All rights reserved.