The latest news and events from Bridge for Health
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Bridge for Health Fall 2015

We have some exciting news to share as the year winds down.


In September we carried out our first social media campaign #EngagewithWHO aimed to influence a World Health Organization (WHO) global conference happening next year in China. As part of our advocacy and influencing efforts, the goal was to get youth actively involved in global health policy discussions and promote leadership development. With the support of many young people, Bridge for Health wrote a briefing report and submitted it to the conference steering committee. We are very proud to share that since then, we have received notice that the WHO is considering taking action on some of our recommendations. Click here to read 
Engaging the Leaders of Tomorrow: Briefing report on youth engagement for the 9th Global Conference on Health Promotion.

Strategic Planning

We are very pleased to share that after a year of strategic planning, Bridge for Health social enterprise is incorporating as a Co-op Association to advance our work. We are grateful for the financial support of
Vancouver City Savings Credit Union (Vancity) and the logistic support from BC Co-operative Association. We are currently forming our first Board of Directors and will be getting in touch with you in the new year on how you can become a co-op member to support our mission to advance health and wellbeing for all.
Below we also have a few networking opportunities we would like to invite you to attend in the Vancouver Mainland Area over the next few weeks!

Burnaby Public Library Partnership

We are thrilled to continue our partnership to host our monthly Bridge for Health Speaker Series at Burnaby Metrotown Library.
Please get in touch with us at if you are interested in being featured as a speaker in 2016.

Our founder Paola Ardiles was invited to chair a session at the International Conference: From GNH Philosophy to Praxis and Policy on Gross National Happiness in Paro, Bhutan early this month. The Centre for Bhutan Studies & GNH Research held this conference to bring together hundreds of delegates from around the world that are championing alternative ways to define and measure societal progress. Delegates included scholars, activists, scientists and artists from around the world who were sharing how they were creating and implementing new approaches that ranged from agriculture, economy, education, media and technology. The conference opened with a speech from the Honourable Primer Minister of Bhutan, Lyoncheon Tshering Tobgay, who welcomed delegates to the celebration of the 60th birth anniversary of the great leader, the Fourth King, His Majesty Jigme Singye Wangchuck who gave Bhutan the legacy of Gross National Happiness, and gave birth to the youngest democracy in the world today. His son, the Fifth King Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck came to visit the international delegation on a surprise visit on the second day and gave every single delegate a special welcome and blessing. 

Bridge for Health is excited to be a part of the 2nd Annual Winter Holiday party for the social change community in the Lower Mainland. #newmoonsparkle

Join us for the New Moon Sparkle Party: A Holiday Soiree for Changemakers; an opportunity to support the work of your extended community, network, schmooze, cheers and DANCE!

When: Friday, Dec 11th (9pm-late)
Where: 326 W5th Ave, The Beaumont Studios, Unceded Coast Salish Territory

Click here for Tickets! Bridge for Health friends receive discount when using sparklebridge as your promotional code!

Surrey Public Events

On Friday November 27th, 2015 one of our partners, the Public Health Association of British Columbia is hosting a Poverty Reduction workshop in partnership with the BC Poverty Reduction Coalition entitled: The road to a poverty free . Friday 27th November at 1:00-4:00pm in Surrey. Click here to RSVP.

The same day at 4pm, the Public Health Association of BC will be holding their Annual General Meeting, along with a free networking event at 5pm. Click here to RSVP. You are all invited to attend.

Both events are generously supported by the SFU Surrey Health Innovation Hub. 

We would love to hear from you!
Please get in touch if with us at if you would like to contribute a story or an idea.

On behalf of Bridge for Health core team and global advisory circle, we wish you a safe and happy holiday season!
Copyright © *2014* *Bridge for Health*, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
3186 East 4th Ave
Vancouver, BC, V5M 3R4 

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