News from Verk Produksjoner
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Beat the drum is a series of works by Verk Produksjoner focusing on the present and future. How do we deal with the tremendous problems of the present and how to continue? Can art be a part of this new beginning or not? It is a strong urge for us to transform our work and ask new questions towards our aesthetics and ethics, a wish to construct new stories, new beginnings  and contexts. We are in search after urgent and new ways of sharing and opening up our work. Our ambition is to connect, opening the space and transforming it, evolving together with the audience in producing new realities and visions.

WALK (June 2015)
Beat the Drum: Walk (premiered at CPH Stage Festival June 2015) deals with peoples concerns of living in a bubble, what kind of art is important today and how one can make new stories and connections? In the beginning of the performance we take the audience for a walk through the neighbourhood and ask people to contemplate around the future.
Through stories, bodies, and the space that we share, Verk Produksjoner creates a contemporary ritual that intensifies the understanding of our interconnectedness. People  have shared with us their dreams, anecdotes and thoughts of the present times. The performance is an ongoing research on our present times. “Beat the drum” was our first step in that process. Our question and interest is what do you see around you today, what do you wish to see around you today and what are you willing to offer?
Short video from our show Beat The Drum: Walk in Oslo November 2015. 
Beat the Drum: Wishful beginnings is Verk's next performance opening at Black Box Theatre April 6th 2016. It is an urge from our side to contemplate on the future, we have talked and interviewed people, held workshops with up and coming stars in Dublin and Kokkola, read SciFi novels, travelled to Paris, put flowers on graves, visiting churches, mosques and museums in search for “the next step”, whats the next step in society, in politics and does the arts have any role in the future. Our hope is to find some small seeds, seeds of hope and share them together with the audience. Our wish is to elaborate with the audience and slowly transforming the room where the audience and the performers will become one, one body of work, and hopefully new realities and connections will emerge.

Production periode December - April in Oslo and Paris.
Co-producers: Black Box Theatre, Avant Garden, BIT-Teatergarasjen.
Supported by The Norwegian Art Council. 

"The entire human body - and then some - is mobilised in Beat The Drum. The result is a very wise performance. 
When everything is connected to everything else, it is not so easy to know who is speaking, where somethings starts and ends, or what is more or less important. The question is whether it always is important to know that. Perhaps the need for these clear divisions are connected to our Western culture´s division between body and mind, between you and me, culture and nature, man and technology. In the performance Beat The Drum, reflections upon these issues are happening concurrently and on many different planes. Such a situation could have become too much; quite overwhelming, incredibly confusing, or right out terrifying. Yes, we are on unsafe ground, but neither of these feelings occur when Verk are the organisers of the gathering. On the contrary; the atmosphere is filled with friendliness, quietude, openness and generosity, combined with a definite and decisive performance structure, and perhaps it is exactly the stringent disposition that contributes to the feeling of safety.
Review of Beat The Drum in Bergen October 24th by Grete Melby (10.2015)


Paradise Now, Tromsø (NO) / Rådstua / TIFF, January 20th

Beat The Drum: Walk, Oslo (NO) / Black Box Teater / Oslo International Theatre Festival, March 4-6. 

PREMIERE: Beat The Drum: Wishful Beginnings,  Oslo (NO) / Black Box Teater, April 6 - 17. 

Beat The Drum: Walk, Trondheim (NO) / Avant Garden, April 29 - 30. 

 Beat The Drum: Wishful Beginnings, Copenhagen (DE) / FÅR302 / CPH Stage Festival, June. 

Beat The Drum: Walk, Luzern (CH) / Südpol, June 25 
For more info about Verk's work and touring please contact producer Pernille Mogensen; 


All the best, 
verk produksjoner
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