Tidbits to take with you on this journey called life.
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Hello <<First Name>>,

It's nearing that time of year again when we reflect on what we've accomplished over the last year, look to shed what we no longer need and visualize what we want for the future.
Let's get together THIS SATURDAY and create road maps to success by making our own vision boards--a collage of images, pictures and affirmations of dreams and desires--participating in coaching activities and releasing worries by way of helium balloons.
The workshop will include:
Vision boarding (supplies provided)
Helium balloons
Coaching exercises
Soft drinks
Date: Dec. 12, 2015
Time: 1-5 p.m.
Price: $45
Location: 425 Park Avenue South, #3C, in Manhattan
Check out photographs of past vision board workshops.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Or else, you can sign up and safely pay HERE.
Vision Board Workshop Testimonials: 
"I meditated tonight for the first time in a long time due to Lauren's workshop and making myself accountable. Thank you, Lauren!"
-- Tiffany Kallhovd, psychotherapist 
"This was truly a fantastic life coaching and visioning workshop to kick off the New Year in all of its abundance. What a needed treat to end this year off right. Thanks, Lauren! When's your next workshop?"
-- Jacqueline Valencia Rodriguez, psychotherapist 
"Lauren's vision board and life coaching workshop was like a magical mystery tour of the soul. It really awakened me to what my values are so I can take the next steps toward achieving my dreams. In particular, it helped me get clear on how important it is for me to be creative. This is a great workshop for anyone to do." 
-- Kelli D., licensed real estate broker
"The workshop gave me an opportunity to pinpoint what my values really are and what concrete actions I can take that are consistent with those values. Also, it helped me identify small steps I can take that don't feel too overwhelming or intimidating. The exercises showed me how small actions can make a difference. Overall, it was a wonderful, enjoyable, contemplative, spiritually-nourishing afternoon. I'm psyched for next year already!" 
-- Candice S., educator
"I loved the workshop. The activities were very useful and Lauren kept each of us thinking about what we really wanted. She also validated what we had to say or felt. Great coaching!" 
-- Marisol Castellanos, psychotherapist and life coach
Here's to a great holiday season!
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