The First Church in Albany. Rooted in Jesus Christ and committed to the city and the people of Albany, New York. Come worship with us.

Saturday 12.5

9:30 am
Hanging of the Greens

Come Worship

Second Sunday of Advent
10:15 am

Advent Pre-Service Music
10:30 am
Worship Service
in the Sanctuary
Children & Worship
(during Worship)

11:30 am
Coffee and Conversation

11:45 am
Post Service:
The Way, (parlor)
The Messiah, (main floor classroom)
Children & Worship Training ( 2nd floor classroom)

This Week

Monday 12.7
9:00- 11:30 am

Food Pantry Open
Poinsettia Memorial Deadline

Tuesday 12.8
Bible Study

6 pm
Our Advent Journey

Wednesday 12.9
9:00- 11:30 am
Food Pantry Open

12:30 pm
Weathervanes Christmas Party

4:00-6:00 pm
Farewell Open House
for Rev. Deb Jameson
at the Albany Pump Station

Thursday 12.10
7:00 pm

Choir Rehearsal

Friday 12.11
5:30 pm

Hanging of the Greens
with Light Supper


Looking Ahead

Third Sunday of Advent 12.13
10:15 am
Pre-Service Music

10:30 am
Worship Service
in the Sanctuary
Children & Worship
(during Worship)

11:30 am
Coffee and Conversation

11:45 am
Post Service:
The Way, (parlor)
The Messiah, (main floor classroom)

First Church in Albany


Beloved Congregation of Jesus Christ,

During this Advent season we are planning several events and activities in the life of First Church. Not all of these apply to everyone, but I hope that each of us might find at least one thing here where can serve, or share or learn or receive.
Friday, December 11 is Hanging of the Greens. We’ll begin with a light supper at 5:30 p.m. No need for you to bring anything; we’ll pass the basket to help defray expenses. But do let us know if you are intending to come so we can plan appropriately. There is a sign-up sheet on the table in the lobby. Or you can reply to this email. After supper we will gather for a brief worship service where Sara Bonam Welge will lead us in one of the children and worship stories. Then adults and older children can decorate the sanctuary while the younger children will make Chrismons (Christmas ornaments with Christian symbols on them.) We’ll have all the materials and supplies, but we need some extra hands as we decorate the inside of the church. If you would like to help, please let me know.

After 16 years the Rev. Deb Jameson is completing her service as Community Minister and Executive Director of the FOCUS Churches of Albany. As a way of recognizing her ministry and saying thank you we are inviting you to make a contribution to the FOCUS Breakfast Program in her honor. A special offering envelop will be included in the bulletin this Sunday. There will also be an opportunity to say farewell and thank you at an informal gathering on Wednesday, December 9, 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm at the Albany Pump Station.

After worship this Sunday there are two opportunities for adult study and discussion. (Child care will be provided in the Crib and Crawl room.)
  • The Way: Listening for God in your life and in the words scripture-- prayerful reflection and discussion of the scripture text for the coming Sunday.  Those new to the church and those interested in learning more about the life of faith are especially welcome. (Church parlor, main floor).
  • The Messiah: Written by Old Testament scholar Walter Brueggemann, this four-session study takes a critical look at the four royal titles used in Isaiah 9:2-7: Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. How did people understand those titles during Jesus' time?  How do we interpret these titles today? (Main floor classroom.)
The First Church Food Pantry is receiving donations for the Christmas Toy Shoppe for our pantry clients. We will be providing toys for 75 children on December 15. You could help by donating small stocking stuffers and hats and mittens. There is a box to receive your gifts in the church lobby.

This Sunday is the Second Sunday in Advent, a season of waiting and longing. Barbara Brown Taylor observes that we tend to be shaped by what we are waiting for. When you really want something badly your whole life tends to rearrange itself around that goal. For one person it might be a baby and for someone else a house or for enough money to pay the bills
What are you waiting for and how is it shaping your life? Are you waiting for certainty? for healing? for recognition? How about an end to the destruction of the planet? Or the courage and the wisdom to address the terrible gun violence in our society? Are you waiting for the healing of racial divisions and injustice? How about the dawning of a new age in which nations beat swords into ploughshares and learn war no more? Whatever our hearts yearn for, chances are it has something to do  with our vision  of what it would mean for us to be made whole, to be transformed into people who are not afraid anymore, whose basic needs are met and whose wounds are healed and who are more nearly the people God created us to be. (“Waiting in the Dark,” Gospel Medicine, Cowley Publications, 1995.)
Whatever it is we are waiting for, it will tend to shape our lives. So we begin worship each Sunday in Advent with this prayer:

While we are waiting, come.
While we are waiting, come.
Jesus, our Lord, Emmanuel,
While we are waiting, come.


Copyright © 2015 The First Church in Albany, All rights reserved.
Here is another edition of an occasional e-mail communication about events in the life and ministry of our congregation. If you’d rather not receive these E-notes, please let us know.  And if you know of others who would like to receive them, please pass this on.