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The last race of the V8 Circuit - The Sydney 500 - occurred over the weekend at Olympic Park. If you were lucky enough to attend, I hope you had a chance to see the LookUpStrata sponsored 1969 HT GTS Monaro on exhibition in The Dome. He it is with the car's owner and Amateur Car Racer Richard Hodgson - 1980 Champion. Great car - who agrees? Comment on our Facebook page.

Please note: this is our second last newsletter for 2015. After next Wednesday's newsletter, we will be taking a seasonal break and our first edition in 2016 will be sent out on 13th January. We have a few outstanding answers to get back to subscribers. If you are waiting on information, thank you for your patience. We should be getting back to you shortly.

Editors picks not be missed this week:

FactSheet - With news around Strata Reform coming in from multiple states, we have pulled together a FactSheet: Strata Law Reform, to keep you updated. More information will be added as reforms progress around Australia.

Article: QLD: Have your say on body corporate issues - QUT is seeking submissions in response to an issues paper it has prepared about a range of procedural and administrative issues for bodies corporate. Submissions will help QUT identify opportunities to improve and modernise Queensland’s body corporate laws. Information is also provided in our 'Have Your Say' section below.

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Garage security

WA Apartment garage security: keeping strata garages safe from theft

WA Building Manager
Thieves to target empty properties over the holiday period. Get your holiday security checklist for your building organised now.
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Banking games

WHO KNEW? Some Tricks Of The Strata Banking Game

Wayne Stevens,
Unit Owners Association of Queensland (UOAQ)

Body corporate bank accounts: does your Body Corporate Manager park large sums of body corporate funds in cheque accounts earning virtually no interest? 

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NSW: Strata mangers first concern under the strata reform - Agent appointment and extension of agreements

David Bannerman and Mark Pollinger, Bannermans Lawyers
With new strata laws expected to commence on 1 July 2016, the first thing for strata managing agents to address is their appointment.  They should consider entering in to fresh agreements with existing clients as many current agreements will expire on 31 December 2016.

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Young Strata Network launch event

Caitlin See
Read about Young Strata Network's launch event recently held in Melbourne, featuring talks by Darren Vincent from Airbnb and Ori Fixler from Telstra.

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Insurance rebuild valuations

QLD: How often should you get an Insurance Rebuild Valuation?

Tyrone Shandiman, Strata Insurance Solutions
While the requirement by law is to obtain an insurance re-build valuation every five years, for larger properties with a sum insured in excess of $30-$50million (or $20million in North Queensland due to the higher insurance costs) there may be merit in conducting more frequent valuations.

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wet wipes

Time is Now to Review Waste Policies in Strata Buildings

Stephen Raff, Ace Body Corporate Management
Be warned about wet wipes clogging pipes; you could be liable for major repair bills if wet wipes are being flushed down your toilets and drains.
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NSW smoking

NSW: Wake Up and Smell the Smoke – Prohibiting Smoking

Adrian Mueller, Senior Lawyer, J. S. Mueller & Co Lawyers
The recent reform of NSW strata laws generated some media interest in smoking in strata buildings NSW. So can smoking be prohibited?  Let’s find out.

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Qld strata laws

QLD: Have your say on body corporate issues

Chris Irons, Commissioner for Body Corporate and Community Management
As you may be aware, a review of Queensland’s property laws is being conducted by the Commercial and Property Law Research Centre of the Queensland University of Technology (QUT) for the Queensland Government.  The review includes examination of a number of important issues for unit owners and bodies corporate.

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New Strata FactSheet

Strata Law Reform

FactSheet: Strata Law Reform

Strata reform is either happening, or on the agenda in a number of states across Australia. Keep up with the latest news about reforms with our most recent FactSheet. 

News of the Week


VIC: Up to 50 city towers could be high fire risks

Aisha Dow, The Age
Up to 50 large buildings in Melbourne's central city could have flammable cladding, putting them at a higher fire risk, the Metropolitan Fire Brigade says.
It comes as the brigade questions the performance of Victoria's building regulator, saying the response to the Lacrosse fire has been "painfully slow" and warning that residents who remain in the Docklands tower ravaged by a furious blaze  are "at risk".


NW suburbs

NSW: Metro rail: Twenty-storey apartment towers proposed for north-west suburbs

Jacob Saulwick, SMH
Apartment towers up to twenty storeys high will be built near rail stations in Sydney's north-west, under the latest proposals for the area.
Micro Apartments

New York City's first micro-apartment is 302 square feet... and costs $2,750 a month

Tony Manfred & Adam Banicki, Business Insider Australia
“People really don’t care too much about the size as long as the apartment does what they want it to do”
Have you claimed your Premium Listing yet?
We welcome the following NEW Premium Listing to THE Strata Directory this week:

Have Your Say


Review of property law in Queensland

The Commercial and Property Law Research Centre of the QUT is undertaking a review of Queensland’s property laws for the Queensland Government. The review includes an examination of a number of important matters arising under the Body Corporate and Community Management Act 1997 and other community titles legislation, including body corporate governance issues.

You can make a written submission about some or all of the matters raised in QUT’s Issues Paper. Your submission will be considered as part of QUT’s examination of options for improving body corporate governance arrangements for Queensland community titles schemes.

Find out more about making a submission hereConsultation closes on 22 February 2016.

Closing soon:

Plan Melbourne refresh discussion paper

The Victorian Government is undertaking a refresh of Plan Melbourne, and is seeking your input. Click through to read the discussion paper, and share your ideas for the future of Melbourne.

Submission will be accepted until 5.00pm AEST 18 December 2015.
Dec 10:
REINSW: The updates and future of strata law reforms (Webinar)

Dec 11:
SCA (VIC): VCAT Dos and Don’ts

Dec 15:

SCA (WA): Lot Owners Forum
Visit our Strata Events Page

The most read article from our last newsletter?


NSW: Q&A - When the body corporate chairman resigns before the AGM

LookUpStrata & Leanne Habib,
Premium Strata

We received this question from a NSW lot owner recently:  
Could you please tell me the correct procedure when the body corporate chairman resigns before the AGM.

Read more

Breaking News

For the most comprehensive stream of strata news in Australia - follow us on Twitter.

Is it Time to Ditch the Great Australian Housing Dream? Sourceable

How to choose a good strata manager Domain

NSW: Strata owners reluctant to force vulnerable neighbours to sell: survey Domain

QLDSunland Group puts up the ‘Sold Out’ sign on Abian tower, two years ahead of completion Gold Coast Bulletin

WA Perth's Elizabeth Quay secures $100 million in first day sales Property Observer

Perth apartments are getting smaller The West Australian

VICMajor changes could be in store for OC Act Dockland News

Life in a high-rise apartment: I didn’t see a neighbour in weeks Domain

Melbourne Homeowners Double Their Money In Combined Sale Your Investment Property

Nearly 20 per cent of Melbourne’s investor-owned homes empty Domain

Queensland Waters Down ‘Off the Plan’ Protection Laws - See more at:
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