Landmine Monitor 2015 available, additional resources
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Landmine Monitor 2015

Landmine and Cluster Munition Monitor

Cover - Landmine Monitor 2015
Available online
Landmine Monitor 2015 is online. Now in it's 17th edition, this year's annual Landmine Monitor report reviews developments in 2014 and up to November 2015 where possible (report).
Landmine Monitor 2015 Launch & Briefing
The 2015 edition of Landmine Monitor successfully launched 26 November with a press briefing at the United Nations in Geneva (video). A separate briefing was held 30 November for delegates to the 14th Meeting of States Parties to the Mine Ban Treaty, also in Geneva. (pictured l-r, Jeff Abramson, Amelie Chayer, Jarmo Sareva [UNIDIR-host], Mark Hiznay, Loren Persi)

In the media
Monitor findings were widely reported by the media, including ARD (German, video), EFE (Spanish), Reuters, and many others (including in Myanmar where 3 dozen reporters attended a national Landmine Monitor launch).
New Special Reports and Factsheets

Equal Basis 2015:
Equal Basis 2015 coverInclusion and Rights in 33 Countries

This annual report presents information on efforts to fulfill responsibilities in promoting the rights of persons  with  disabilities—including  the  survivors  of  landmines,  cluster  munitions,  and  other  explosive remnants of war.

Examining casualties and rights issues, the Casualties and Victim Assistance team released or updated four separate briefing papers and factsheets:
  • Landmines/ERW, Refugees and Displacment (updated) - 1 December (link)
  • Victim assistance challenges and action points: Regional approaches – 1 December (link)
  • Casualties and Victim-Activated Improvised Explosive Devices in 2014  - 30 November (link)
  • The Impact of Mines/ERW on Children - 20 November (link)
The Monitor also released a Support for Mine Action factsheet:
  • Geographic Distribution of International Support for Mine Action in 2014 - 30 November (link)
Map of international support

Additional resources


Visit online country profiles on multiple thematic issues - ban policy, clearance, casualties and victim assistance, support for mine action (some updates still coming!).


Status of the Convention





Major Findings and press release available in French, Spanish and Arabic (see translations).



Available online.

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