“The heart that gives, gathers.” ~ Lao Tzu
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Keep Heading in the Right Direction

Travel the Road of Nonviolence

We who try to carry the torch of nonviolence know that nonviolence applies everywhere, so as peel after peel of violence racks the world we find ourselves saying essentially the same thing: “Turn back, you’re going the wrong way.”

With some skill, though, we can always bring out the way nonviolence would be applied to the given situation, flexible and creative on the surface while engaging the same energy beneath.

So it was with the recent shocking attacks in Paris (and San Bernadino, and…). We quickly put together a webinar with famed peace researcher Johan Galtung. That had a huge turnout, and you can find the recording of it, plus an additional video Q&A, here.

In solidarity,
Michael Nagler
Founder & President

Walls Can Fall Down

Claire Anastas, a Palestinian from Bethlehem whose house has been surrounded by the separation wall, joined us on Peace Paradigm Radio.

Hear her story of resisting the wall and occupation, along with meeting Banksy while he was painting the iconic “peace dove” on the wall.



Contribute Your Voice

In 2016, we're changing the name of our magazine from Emergence to one that fully reflects our mission and our message: Nonviolence.

Nonviolence will still highlight nonviolence culture and movements around the world, while serving as an inspiring resource.

Submissions for our Summer 2016 issue are now open.



Take a Healing Retreat

Our Person Power Yoga Retreat is integrative, educational, and open to all who wish to sow the seeds of true peace—in our own lives and in the world around us.

Imagine: gentle yoga, meditation, and lively talks about nonviolence. This is a dream retreat for practical idealists and spiritual activists. Get all the juicy retreat details.

In response to the Paris attacks and the ensuing rhetoric and retaliation, a group in Portland, OR is taking local action. From a member of the group:

Nine of us are forming a first-of-its-kind The Search for a Nonviolent Future book study group. Michael Nagler's book won the 2002 American Book Award and was endorsed by former United States Vice President Al Gore. The plan is to meet and discuss the book in three sessions, with each session covering three chapters (there are nine chapters in the book).

Depending on the outcome of those sessions, including if there are any outstanding questions and/or concerns, we will meet a fourth time with Michael Nagler via Google Hangouts. If you would like to facilitate the formation of such a book study group, or simply want to participate in an online-only study group organized by the Metta Center for Nonviolence, please contact them for some very helpful guidance.
Arvin S. Paranjpe
Sr. Technology Development Manager
Oregon Health & Science University

Mailing Address
PO Box 89
Petaluma, CA 94953

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About Us
Metta Center for Nonviolence is a 501(c)3 educational organization that aims to help people use nonviolence safely and effectively. We advance a positive view of humankind while empowering people to explore the question: How does nonviolence work, and how can I contribute to a happier, more peaceful society? Learn more.