January is Human Trafficking Awareness Month
January is Human Trafficking Awareness Month

January is Human Trafficking Awareness Month, and tomorrow, January 11, is Human Trafficking Awareness Day. Raising awareness about this horrific crime is part of LifeWay Network's mission throughout the year. and this month we renew our dedication to bringing an end to modern day slavery.

Knowledge of this crime is the first step in Knowledge is Power in fighting human traffickingbringing it to an end. More and more people are becoming aware, joining anti-trafficking efforts, taking action, and advocating for both stronger legislation and more services for survivors.We see more advocates in government and law enforcement, who are dedicated to eradicating this nefarious crime.

We encourage you to learn more about human trafficking on our website.

Human Trafficking Facts: Did you know....
  • Human Trafficking has been reported in EVERY state in the United States.
  • Human Trafficking is the 2nd largest criminal industry in the world, second only to the drug trade.
  • There are more people in slavery today than at any other time in human history. (It is estimated that there are 21 million people in slavery today around the world, but is likely higher as trafficking is a hidden crime that is often unreported.)
*Statistics are estimated numbers. Concrete statistics
are extremely difficult and often unavailable.
What you can do...
Working together, we can make a difference!

Launching our 50 for Freedom Campaign

As we enter January, Human Trafficking Awareness Month, LifeWay Network is excited to launch a new campaign.

With the opening of LifeWay House 2, our second long term safe home, we will also be implementing a new survivor economic sustainability program later this year. We ask you to partner with us in both these endeavors through our 50 for Freedom campaign. We are looking for 50 people to commit to giving $50 per month for 2016 as we begin to fund these two new programs.

LifeWay Network has been serving survivors of human trafficking for 9 years, and we could not continue to do this without the generous support of our donors. 

If you're ready to join our 50 for Freedom Campaign, please visit our website to set up your recurring donation now.

For more information, contact us:

Save The Date:

LifeWay Network's annual "Event Towards New Life" Gala will be held the evening of Thursday, May 19, 2016. Please save the date and plan to join us! More information will follow.

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