Newsletter Issue.1 Dec 2015

CYNEGETICS  Plural Adjective: Multiple events of or relating to hunting.

"spade-wielding Frenchman became internet sensation after images of him chasing animal rights activists" Read Now

What's going on in the world of Hunting & related Conservation? 

News, Films, Talks, Memes, Books, Articles, Events, selected by social-scientists. 
"Human retrievers, Lebanon gun-dogs replaced with children: Impoverished children, including Syrian refugees, are braving the dangers of shooting fields to retrieve birds shot by affluent hunters - a job usually performed by dogs"  Read Now 
"Romanian conservationists & hunters unite to save a threatened bird: For the first time in Romania, conservationists and hunters are working together"  Read Now 
Digitised archives from 20th century of a famous french hunting magazine founded in 1885.  Read 1940s    1950s 
[Video]"The Healing Power of Hunting: How hunting can teach prisoners to address their crimes"  Watch Now 
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Editor: Abraham Heinemann Credit: A.Zuppi: newsletter name; E.Essen: Video; K.Traboulsi: Gun-dogs.

Any views presented are solely those of their author, and not necessarily of this network.
They have been selected based on variety, research interests and submissions.

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