2015 Annual Campaign
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Your Gift Will Uplift Lives!

People with developmental disabilities want to live with dignity and independence as active, productive persons included in the community.

Meet Andrew

Andrew is funny, laid back, and patient. He gets along with everyone and makes friends easily. His developmental disability impairs his verbal communication skills, but he doesn’t get frustrated if you ask him to repeat something.

Andrew is grateful for all the friends he’s met through Greater Opportunities. Before moving into the Cortez Apartments, he lived in an unsafe environment – he had many of his things stolen and his roommates were unpleasant. Looking back on how much his life has improved, he says he doesn’t know what he would do without Greater Opportunities.
Andrew is enjoying his newfound success as an artist. Here, he’s working on a picture in the Greater Opportunities art studio during the Spaghetti Dinner fundraiser on September 18. Inspired by his talent, customers are now commissioning Andrew to create custom-designed works of art! He loves earning money from his art.
You can help make the hopes and dreams of people with developmental disabilities a reality.Your contribution will enable Greater Opportunities to create their unique pathway to success. Make a significant gift of opportunity – $50, $100, or more – whatever you can afford to share during this holiday season.
Learn More and Donate!
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