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Merry Christmas to you!
"Do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself.
Sufficient for the day is its own trouble"

- Matthew 6:34

I don't know about you, but the Christmas season seems to always be busy for me.  It's a good busy, and a fun busy, but with so much going on, it flies by, and usually with a bit more anxiety than normal!

Coming into December this year, my desire is to continually remember the Peace that came to earth 2000 years ago.
To remember daily the incredible gift of Jesus.

Faith in Jesus assures us of eternal life with God,
but also brings rest from the world's worries in this life too.
I'm hopeful that this season will truly be one of peace and by God's grace, that peace will result in delight in Jesus.
Wycliffe Bible Translators: Serve: Volunteers & Interns!
Here's a bit of what's going on at work!
I'm currently working with 17 candidates for short-term missionary service with Wycliffe Bible Translation.
* 3 have just returned from their overseas assignment
* 7 are still overseas
* 7 are new candidates departing for the field over the next few months.

The countries they are serving include: Cambodia, Indonesia, S. Asia, Ethiopia, Papua New Guinea, and others.  One who recently returned shared, "I got to witness the approval of an alphabet in the minority language...12 years of work being completed!"  This means the next step of getting God's Word into that language can begin! 

My team, which is now called the Volunteer & Intern Placement team (VIP) continues to meet together to figure out our new application processing system.  I've recently started training some of my colleagues and we are working together to find the best way to get folks overseas to help meet the critical short-term needs of our Bible translation teams.

Thank you for praying:
- for those who recently returned
: for their re-entry and future steps.
- for those who are in the application stage waiting for their assignments.
- for those who are on the field now - for their health and ability to serve the teams well.
- for my colleagues who have a sharp learning curve, and for patience and good communication as we work together.
We are so very thankful that our parents have been able to visit us the past few months.  I'm also thankful that my parents and sister, Natalie, could celebrate Thanksgiving with us!  My mom cooked a delicious turkey :-)
"God is always doing 10,000 things in your life,
and you may be aware of three of them" - John Piper
This quote came from an encouraging article titled: "If I Only Knew Why."
Thank you for your prayers for us 
as we continue to wait on the Lord
for His timing to have a baby.  
Thank YOU for your support - prayerfully and financially this past year.  Most of you know that my income is dependent on your gifts and generosity.  I am in awe of how God takes care of us, according to our needs.  If you have any questions about partnering with me, please let me know, or check out this link!
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