
Holiday Blessings to you and your family!

No matter what holidays you celebrate, or whether you do not celebrate anything at all - have fun while doing it. We all have the free will and the ability to choose what we practice. May this holiday season be joyous and spent the way you would like it to be spent. 

It seems as if the weather spirits are choosing to keep the beginning half of December fairly mild with no harsh cold fronts as of yet. I'm excited and enjoying the weather! Get outside, enjoy yourself with your family and the ones you hold dear!

When I find myself stuck inside, one of my favorite things about being indoors is the exciting smell of cinnamon around the holidays. Cinnamon brings a strong masculine smell that creates strong boundaries so we don't overextend ourselves (which a lot of people tend to do during the holidays because there is a theme about pleasing other people that at times it can leave us depleted). Bringing a cinnamon broom into your house, or putting cinnamon essential oil in the diffuser can certainly help remind you to take care of yourself. 

Peppermint is also a favorite of mine regardless of the season. Since I have so many food allergies it can be a challenge for me to find food I can eat at holiday parties or gatherings. At times when I am feeling down or feel that a pick me up is in order, I love making gluten free and dairy free peppermint/spearmint brownies. I grab a gluten free brownie mix from the store, replace the milk with chocolate soy, and add 2-4 drops of peppermint and spearmint essential oil to the recipe. I like to top with crushed almonds or walnuts and it’s a treat that I can happily enjoy while at holiday parties. I tend to bring my own so I don’t have to worry about not having anything to eat. Peppermint and Spearmint bring a wonderful and uplifting spirit that can brighten even the darkest of days. For more delicious recipes involving essential oils, visit the doterra blog site.
Brightest Blessings for the month ahead. May you find the light in this time of going inward as the days grow shorter and the nights longer. 
Blog Post
Chronicles of Little Bear: Getting Lost
Events Calendar! See what's brewing for the month and see future events for the sound circles and journey groups

Speaking of Holiday Parties, join us for our essential oil holiday party! Yours truly will be manning the station for lip balms at the party. Come get personalized blends mixed with essential oils right there! Enjoy fun give aways, and for those that bring items for the essential oil potluck will be entered into a contest for a free Doterra blog book! Come join the fun and smell pretty for the holidays. Learn more about how essential oils can benefit you and your family. 
December 16 5-9pm
Special December Promotion for those on my Doterra downline!

For more information, follow the link. If you are in my doterra downline remember that you are entitled to a free aromatherapy consult or 15 minute intuitive session. Call, text, or email to redeem a session. These can be done by phone as well!
What is the journey group up to this month? 
For the month of December we will be continuing the work of Angeles Arrien and exploring the courageous heart. Click here for outline. Last month we explored the love of the healer. This month we will be exploring the wisdom of the warrior, and diving deeper into what it means to live with a courageous heart. 

Interested in journeying and how it can help deepen your practice? Read this brief synopsis for more information.

Interested in the structure of the Journey Group in Fairfax? There is now a digital version where people can journey at home and participate in community! If you have google hangouts and a will, you can choose to be here with us no matter the distance! Either RSVP on Facebook by joining the Facebook group to get the link to join us on hangouts, or shoot an email to 

Previously the journey groups have been run off of donations, but starting in January we are going to start charging for journey groups. To ease into the transition, suggested donation is $10 for the month of December. First journey group experience is always free for people that want to try! Support is always included. The purpose is to find a community where you feel safe to explore your spirituality in a safe way with no judgments
Showcased Event:

New Years Purification Ritual
Enter 2016 from a centered place of peace. Release the energies of the last year, and set a harmonious tone for the year to come. Sacred Space will be held from 7 to 9 pm in the Sanctuary of the UUCF in Frederick, MD. 

Attendees are invited to move through the Elements, releasing the shadows of 2015 as they go. Elemental Guides will be available at each Quarter to offer a way to move into the energy of a new year (This year I will be stationed at the Fire element table). End your Purification journey with a walk to the center of the Labyrinth to receive any messages for the new year.

This ritual is an opportunity to move through Sacred Space. As such, there is no set start and finish time--it does not have a formal ritual structure. Your journey will be self-guided. We will hold the space open from 7 to 9 pm, and you should expect to spend somewhere between a half hour to an hour on your journey :)

All are welcome to attend.
Interested in more blog posts that help with the trends of the month? 
Follow some of these interesting links that help support your personal development and nourish your soul.
Monika Coyote has a great blog, and you can follow her December links here. She is a fellow Shamanic Practitioner that is actively teaching at conferences and making a difference in the world. 

The Power Path Forecast is something that I personally check into once monthly to see the trends of the month and how that plays into interacting with others. This month the theme is about transition. A lot of people are having difficulty because there is this energy that's circulating which makes us feel like we are "up in the air". The Power Path forecast helps bring insight to deepen your practice. 

Sandra Ingerman is another person that I follow. She is a leading Shamanic Practitioner who has laid the foundation for a grounded Shamanic Practice. Here is a link to her transmutation news. Her insights are always brilliant and add layers to the way one sees the world around us. 
Be the change you want to see in the world. Fly high and have a great month!
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