Celebrate career well-being for you and those you serve
Career Key news - big updates in the works
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Celebrate career well-being
During the holidays, we reflect on what’s important to us: family, friends, and the opportunities throughout the year to help others. For career and education counselors like us, we’re lucky that also includes what we do for work.
Career well-being is feeling good about the work you do. It’s answering, “yes” to the question, “Do you like what you do each day?” Thank you for helping those you serve get on the path to career-well-being – a mission Career Key shares.
Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas to you and your family from ours!
Career Key founder Dr. Lawrence K. Jones (my father) and I on the 15 ft. sailboat Jeanine in Maine, Summer 2015
To say thank you for subscribing, please use this special 15% off promo code (45K2D47G24) for Career Key group purchases – good until January 31, 2016.
Big updates in the works
Later this month, the Career Key test will be rebranded as part of a new product line, Career Key DiscoveryTM. This reflects our new and growing capacity in 2016 to offer relevant guidance to different age groups.
We will also include special supplements like student, parent, and adult guides with:
Career Key Discovery for Middle School
Career Key Discovery for High School
Career Key Discovery for Higher Education
Career Key Discovery for Adults
My College’s Majors coming soon
In Career Key Discovery for Higher Education, colleges and universities can match students’ assessment results to the college majors and training programs offered at their institution.
The new Occupational Outlook Handbook (OOH) for 2016-2018 is out! A major highlight is the addition of state/regional information to each occupation profile. Career Key uses the OOH as its primary source of career information.
See related articles in December’s USDOL online publication Career Outlook.
Parenting in America (Pew Research)
If you’d like more insight into parent behavior, this new report shows parents’ outlook, worries, and aspirations are “strongly linked to financial situation.”
The Free Agent
December 2015 Career Key's monthly e-Newsletter for counselors and career/college advising professionals about careers, education choices, and job skills.
Help us create more "free agents" in the world of work!