An opportunity to help...
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Following up on the "Between the Services" meeting of December 6, Vestry has approved the sponsorship of a Syrian Refugee family as a parish project. 
Vestry's approval is subject to it being determined that $40,000 can be raised in the Parish, or firmly committed,
by January 31, 2016. 
Parishioners who wish to support this project may make a donation to the Parish clearly marked,
"Refugee Sponsorship".
 Income tax receipts will be issued.  If you wish to commit to making a donation later -- but before June 30, 2016 -- please give a note to that effect to
Barbara Burrows <>.
Vestry also approved giving the opportunity to people attending the Christmas services this year to make a contribution to the refugee sponsorship project. 
Specially marked giving envelopes will be inserted in the leaflets for those services. 
If the required financial commitment is obtained,
the project will proceed.  A meeting to make further plans will be called in early February or earlier if
the financial aspect is in place before then.