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Happy New Year!


Heightened Senses

I’ve heard from people about having ishcombibbled, or extremely heightened senses: smell, hearing, taste, and/or tactile or touch.

Thankfully for me – and hopefully others – I’ve been experiencing one heightened sense at a time.

It first went wonky – an almost disoriented sensation. I questioned if I really heard ___________ (for example); doubting because I was a bit off.

Then it moved to super sensitive hearing…more centered and no doubt of what I was hearing.

I am currently going through heightened sense of smell. For me, it’s either really good, or really bad.

Good smells are the mostly natural smells.

Bad smells are the chemical smells, including any fumes and perfumes. Yes, those smells bothered me before, but right now my discomfort includes the smells inducing severe nausea.

These should even out as we each begin to adjust to the new degree of the recently updated sense.

What Can Cause This?

Purging, removing toxins, beginning to honor your body, and a bump up in your energy frequency – also known as a Metaphysical Growth Spurt (MGS). Can read more on MGS here.  

If you get overwhelmed, I recommend slow deep breaths (through your mouth if you are experiencing a heightened sense of smell) – and meditating may help.

Also, if you are able to squeeze in a bit of quiet time, this may help (no radio, tv, talking, etc.).

by Jan Toomer

Ascended Master Newsletter - #192

Something to Get Excited About

Dear Friends,

A friend from America inquired recently about whether she had missed the newsletter for November. I assured her that she had not. We did not send one last month. Many factors contributed to this, first and foremost my trip to the U.S. to visit family on the west coast. Another factor is that I have frequently posted messages in real time on our Facebook page rather than gathering information for the month to then post by newsletter.
But the most compelling factor in the delay is that events continue to unfold so rapidly that it is hard to know where to begin to address the multitude of issues that have arisen for so many. We have communicated with friends and family by phone and email who are trying to cope with the rapid changes in their personal lives that are, in reality, a reflection of what is occurring globally. The microcosm and macrocosm are the same. This is a phrase we have heard frequently from the Beings of Light. How can one address what appears to be so many different issues in the space of one newsletter?
Today, however, we received an email from another dear friend with the good news that she is engaged to be married. She asked if I could look at the astrology and help her choose a date in January that would be suitable for her wedding. When I opened the astrology site and began to search, I recalled what many astrologers have forecast about the first quarter of the coming year and I then combined that information with what we have heard in many channeling sessions. In my search for a suitable wedding date, I turned to my calendar book for the coming year. It fell open to the second weekend in May. I asked if that was the soonest date. "Yes," came the answer. "Really?" I asked. And once again I heard, "Yes."
Then I knew it was time to offer a newsletter.

Many Blessings of Love and Light,

Linda and Martin

* * *
Knowledge is Not Always Wisdom  
From The Ascended Master St. Germain    
So, beloved Leia, you and Manalus [Linda & Martin] have been receiving a great deal of information from many sources in recent days. You see that news travels quickly in your world - seemingly more quickly with each passing day. And this news tells you that the world is becoming less safe and more frightening for many people. Not only are people having difficulty in their personal lives, but whole nations and indeed the world as a whole is experiencing frightening events.

Then, of course, you have used your skills as an astrologer to see that events may, indeed, continue to be perilous for some time to come.

What conclusions can one draw from such a set of circumstances? The logical response based on the knowledge one has received would be most naturally to become worried and afraid. You see many people choosing such a response pattern, do you not?

And as you and Manalus exchange information that you have read, seen, or heard regarding global events as well as personal events, you wonder if there is any hope for the future for you personally as well as for the whole world.

We know of these thought processes because we hear the cries of humanity and know of the pain so many are experiencing at this time.

What is the world coming to? If we are to rely on the Light to help us, why does it appear that there is less reason to hope and not more? Why are events unfolding in such a manner that more humans appear to be suffering? These are the thoughts you are having at this time.

We understand very easily how you can come to these conclusions. But you see, dear friends, from our perspective, suffering in one form or another has always been part of the human experience. It is simply that now you have the means at your disposal to see globally with great ease how this suffering is happening.

And because of these means, those who choose to be perpetrators of suffering have the ability to frighten great masses of people most easily now. As the esteemed leader of America recently said, those people are winning the war through using these technologies to intimidate others.

Having knowledge of such events is not always beneficial if it is creating more suffering and fear of suffering. Yet humans often pride themselves on being well informed.

But what are you learning? That is the crucial question to ask oneself now. Am I happy with my ability to know so much when what I am learning is confusing and frightening?

And there are people on your human plane who are also using these tools of communication to manipulate your thought processes so you will think that by attacking one group of people, you will align with those in power who wish to keep you subjugated. "Divide and conquer" is a process used since ancient times to keep power over the people.

You see this level of confusion proliferating and exacerbating the suffering that so many are experiencing at this time.

We have offered a simple solution to Leia and Manalus when we have addressed this discomfort with them. First and foremost, let go of judging what you are thinking and feeling at this time. Compassion is the key.

What do we mean by compassion? Have compassion in your heart for all the pain and confusion you are experiencing as you observe the suffering of others. Have compassion in your heart for those experiencing the suffering. Breathe the Light of the Buddhic ray -- the luminous Blue Light -- through your heart as you let go of the thoughts that are causing you so much discomfort.

Then have compassion not only for the victims but the perpetrators of the suffering. For you see, all continues to remain in karmic balance. You may not see the whole picture with your ego consciousness. In fact, most will not. But the anger and pain that cause cruelty is a direct response to others causing the reason for the anger and pain.

Nothing comes from nothing.

All are deserving of compassion. Any other response within your heart will only close your heart and lead to even more suffering and pain within you. An open heart, filled with Light is the only answer under all circumstances.

Becoming angry and wishing to retaliate only perpetuates suffering for all. You are here as a vehicle of Light in human form, not as an avenger.

The Light knows what to do. Simply invoke the help of the Light and the Beings of Light to transmute and transform the karma you are observing and/or experiencing. That is why you are here.

Let go of a need to know, for knowledge is not always wisdom.

Turn over any thoughts of judgment to your compassionate heart. That is where the wisdom lies. Trust the wisdom of your heart to lead you through this time of confusion. Then you will have no reason to fear. Sit, be still, and go within to listen. Find the wisdom of the Light within your heart. Love all unconditionally, beginning with you. As you then find peace within, you will help to spread peace throughout the world.

St. Germain
* * *
Linda Stein-Luthke & Dr. Martin Luthke
Expansion Publishing
Fire Dance 4
Jan Toomer

Energy Update – December 7, 2015

Do you feel it? Anticipation is building!

Now, during December, empaths feel that anyway…along with hopelessness, despair, excitement, wonder and anything everyone else is feeling during this holiday season. (Empaths – please utilize a shielding technique frequently if needed.)

But there’s also a personal, non-holiday related anticipation. I’m feeling it in my heart and solar plexus. For me, this means my soul is excited – something is gearing up, and changes are coming for “Jan”.

I’ve no conscious clue, except for the sense of getting one step closer to becoming who I really am – my non-physical soul self…

…and this excites the physical part of me.

For any of us, these changes can be subtle, like a slight shift in your thought processes; an epiphany that changes something in your life; or an energetic smack-aside-the-head awakening. *grin*

Do you feel it?

Energy Update – December 21, 2015

Energy is Already Coming In

- Feeling disconnected
- Self-absorbed
- Inattentive
- Scattered

This energy update is to inform you of a few of the signs of what this energy can do.

Because of the energy we are currently in, I recommend staying in the now. Awareness of your surroundings is important especially now through the second week of January.

- We are in the holiday season.
- We are heading for a full moon.
- This full moon is bringing some massive energy for shifts/downloads/updates.

This is showing up, for example, while driving. People are literally not seeing some of us, and are reporting feeling invisible on the road and in the stores.

Those who aren’t practicing self-awareness along side awareness of one’s surroundings are so internalized and self-absorbed that they are not seeing those around them.

And…Closer to Home

Many people are reporting having very intense, vivid and/or bizarre dreams, really cranking up this past week.

I, for the last four nights, have been experiencing deep and super regenerating sleep with the bizarre dreams (and remembering most of them).


Staying focused, centered and aware – shielding as needed, especially for the empathic nature of our beings.

Energy Update – December 24, 2015

Well, the team came in this morning to pass along a message. Some people are having a difficult time with some heavier emotions. Please remember that, in general, emotions run higher this time of the year, and empaths can be overwhelmed (shielding can help).   On top of that, we are each receiving an energy surge to help us purge.

So…hang on to your boots. This surge is a heck of a final end-of-year push to release, release, release.

We are seeing, remembering, and/or feeling deep past sorrows, regrets, hurt, etc.

- Feelings (memories) of abandonment (physical and/or emotional)
- Feelings (memories) of being treated disrespectfully and/or dismissed
- Feelings (memories) of hurt

We are also being given a chance to experience realizations; we are given a chance to look at the memory scene/feeling a bit more objectively. What was the long term positive results that emerged from that incident?

Can you internally thank that memory and person/people associated with it? Can you appreciate it now?

Please breathe deeply. Crying to release it (not hold onto to it) is okay. And, let go.

by Jan Toomer

Your Meta Questions – December 2015

Q. You wrote about growth spurts and heightened senses. I consider myself to be a spiritual person, but I don’t recall experiencing any of this. Is there something wrong with me?

A. Just because you don’t experience something, or anything that I write about does not mean something is wrong with you.

Each person has their own experiences and walks their own path. Some may experience something similar to what I’ve written; some might experience it years down the road; some never. All is okay.

Also, your integration and interpretation may have been so smooth that it never jumped out at you. And that is also okay.

Another thing to consider is that you may not turn on, tune into, or pay attention to that channel (picture a TV channel or radio tuner). We are not two dimensional (aka flat) beings; we are multi-layered or multi-dimensional. If you aren’t paying attention to other layers, you won’t recognize it.

I’ve written / spoke about how earthbounds (ghosties) are on one “channel”; guides yet another and so on. In order to hear and/or see, one has to tune into the correct channel (frequency) and be available for a clear reception.

The same idea can be applied to our life journey experiences. They are not always so cut and dried; there may be layers of information and/or knowledge in one incident. But if you aren’t tuned in, you may only get the surface information and not the deeper stuff.

One (extreme) example: When we are injured or ill, our energy and thoughts are focused on pain, discomfort, maybe shock, and/or survival. We are paying attention to that and working towards getting better. But there are energetic layers there.

Maybe the reason for the injury/illness lurks beneath the surface – but as long as you are focused only on the injury or illness, you probably won’t see anything else.

* *
When we make a conscious effort to pay attention to our own words and our own bodies, we can begin to learn to interpret what energy WE ARE CREATING.

With this practice, we may start to become more aware of what we see, smell, hear, taste, feel (emotionally, energetically as well as tactile), and sense/know. In other words, we begin to expand our own awareness of self; and when we can do that, the heightened sense(s) from a growth spurt are very hard to miss.

Please, if you aren’t experiencing any of this – again – it does NOT mean something is wrong with you.

Q. I am a sensitive, and I also have migraines. Are the two connected?

I am not a doctor, and do not diagnose migraines and/or their causes. I can share, however, my experiences and my interpretations of those experiences with you.

My mother had migraines, and I had migraines (when I was a kid) – so I figured that it was hereditary and I would be stuck with it.

In my late teens/early adulthood, my then holistic practitioner told me that if I quit drinking (cow’s) milk, my headaches would go away.

I was a milk-aholic. Seriously. Give up my 1-2 gallons of milk a day! Blasphemy!

However, the headaches worsened…so I quit cold turkey.

And haven’t had a migraine since.

I asked the practitioner if all migraines were due to milk; he said no. They could be stress related, or some other food or chemical intolerance, electromagnetic overload, etc. – and that each person is unique.

I have heard of SOME people who work very hard to ignore or block their abilities getting headaches. SOME, not all.

So I can’t sit here and say whether or not your migraines are connected to being a sensitive.

Perhaps you can begin exploring by:
  • Practicing shielding
  • See a physician to help you with exploring some possible triggers or causes

by Jan Toomer

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News and Views – December 21, 2015

News and Views from the Other Side

Upcoming 2016

We will still be presented with opportunities to accept the gifts of fear, separation, lack, victim role, etc.

But please remember, we do not have to accept every gift – positive or negative – that approaches us.

2016 will also provide us the opportunity to rise above the non-love energy, and maintain that while living our lives.

Positive changes are coming as we move further away from fear.

We’ve also been given a hint: Change begins within each one of us, and the choices we make.

Channeled by Jan Toomer
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