Teaching with a Feather - Issue 12
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In This Issue:


Next Issue:

  • What's happening?
  • New TWAF strategies

Keep In Touch


Welcome to Teaching with a Feather

The teacher must believe in the potential power of students, and must employ all their art in seeking to bring their students to experience this power.

                                   Adapted from a quote by Albert Adler
Welcome to issue No. 12 of the Teaching with a Feather (TWAF) newsletter. 

Hi Everyone,

A new year begins!  It's a great time to think about, and plan for new beginnings and new ideas. 

I am pleased to announce these new offers for the 2016 Teaching with a Feather program.

PLEASE NOTE: Expressions of Interest are now open for teachers keen to participate in the TWAF Personal Mentoring Journey for Term 1, 2016 or the 'Brand New Day, Brand New Way program.

Follow this link to find out how you can apply today.   Expression of Interest

I am currently working on a new project to be launched in February. This project is geared towards getting teachers to abandon a traditional practise and introduce a different way of working every day with students during question and discussion time. Stay tuned for more information in the February edition of the TWAF newsletter.

What new ideas are you developing for your students this year? What current practises will you keep?

Now is a great time to start noting down some thoughts in readiness for the school year.

All the best,

Kind Regards,
Robyn Cotter

Teaching with a Feather Professional Development Opportunites for 2016

  • Would you like to have a more cohesive classroom? 
  • Do you need help dealing with difficult or disengaged students?
  • Are you looking to develop and enhance your teaching techniques?
  • Do you want to 'do things differently? 
  • Are you tired of traditional teaching and management techniques?
  • Do you want to provide your students with new ways of thinking and responding?
Teaching with a Feather provides innovative teaching and management strategies for teachers and students to use every day in the classroom.
Apply for a TWAF Journey with Robyn in 2016 - Read on to find what's on offer this year. 

Teaching with a Feather
Personal Mentoring Journey for 2016

Expressions of Interest to participate in a Teaching with a Feather Personal Mentoring Journey in Term 1, 2016 are now open!
To register please complete an Expression of Interest (EOI) form available on our website. Once you have registered an EOI you will receive a questionnaire via email. This contains 6 questions for you to reflect on your current practises and select a TWAF Journey of your choice from the 3 on offer. 

Please Note: Robyn works in consultation with school leadership to assist with teacher selection and number of hours undertaken for the intensive mentoring program. 

All teachers who submit an EOI will be considered for the program. Due to the strictly limited numbers there will be options available for placement in future programs.

Due to the high demand for places in our flagship Teaching with a Feather Intensive Mentoring Program we suggest you register your interest in 2016 as early as possible. 


Download an Information Pack to read full details of the professional development journeys available.

 Contact Robyn at for further details.

Rachel, Michelle, Tyson, Ashleigh and Stephanie participated in a personal TWAF journey in Term 4 last year. 

Celebrations were held at a local cafe at the end of the 'journey'.  

Teaching with a Feather Newsletter Subscription Program
 New offer

New offer for  2016 - 8 Teaching with a Feather newsletters for only $10 a teacher

The newsletter provides great value. Use TWAF as part of your professional development this year. 

What does a paid subscription to the newsletter offer?

1. You receive exclusive access to all the Teaching with a Feather teaching and management strategies available on the website

Links to inspiring and informative educational articles suitable for teacher professional reading. New articles are provided with every newsletter

3. Regular information re upcoming dates for Expressions of Interest to participate in Teaching with a Feather programs during 2016

4. The latest photos showing TWAF in action in classrooms

5. Feedback from teachers and students participating in TWAF

6. Quotes to use with your students

7. Links to new TWAF resources available throughout the year

What does a yearly subscription cost for a teacher?

 $10 per teacher

How often would I receive a TWAF newsletter?

2 per school term = 8 newsletters for a subscription year. 

How would I receive a TWAF  Newsletter?

The newsletter  is sent to you via email.

How do I access the 'paid content' TWAF strategies via the newsletter?

You will have a personal password to access the Paid Content section when you become a registered subscriber.

Please Note: You can also access the Paid Content directly from the website using your password.

How do I subscribe?

Click here to access the registration page.

New Offer! 
'Brand New Day, Brand New Way'

Spend a day with Robyn in your classroom


 Create an exciting new classroom environment for yourself  and your students in one day!

Brand New Day is a new and innovative program unlike any other. It's professional development for both you and your students. 

What's involved?

Robyn works for a full day in your classroom modelling TWAF teaching and management strategies.  The day includes modelling, team teaching, discussing and explaining the strategies and answering your questions.  You observe, take notes and record questions you may have.

Students are engaged in:

  • Learning new ways of thinking and responding as they experience Teaching with a Feather strategies.
  • Setting up the classroom into Optimal Work Environments.
  • Creating their own display using a combination of Teaching with a Feather posters, your teaching philosophy, students Learning Likes and Preferences and a hand made feathered Parrot of Purpose designed by the students.

The day is 'jam packed' with TWAF strategies to show you how quickly and easily they can be implemented into your own teaching program. 
You will observe first hand the positive responses from your students as they participate and use the strategies to their advantage.

Your students will immediately be provided with opportunities to become independent thinkers, make worthwhile decisions, problem solve, think differently, use negotiation skills to create win/win situations, work with others and make choices in real-life situations.

You will have a Teaching with a Feather package of strategies to use in your day-to-day teaching and management that will provide continuing positive outcomes for yourself and your students.

Brand New Day, Brand New Way is an exciting, challenging and powerful day that will change your perspective and thinking in relation to the teaching and management practises in your classroom.

How much does the program cost?

Special introductory offer for Term 1, 2016 - $399 per teacher

  • Suitable for Prep to Year 6 
  • Invite colleagues to sit and observe any part of the day

Email an Expression of Interest today.  

Please contact Robyn via email if you require more information re any of the TWAF offers.

Brand New Day, Brand New Way! 
Students nominate their personal Learning Likes and Preferences during the Brand New Day, Brand New Way program.
Questioning students as they prepare resources for their classroom display during the Brand New Day, Brand New Way program.

 Teaching with a Feather  - What teachers are saying

What impact did using the Teaching with a Feather strategies have on your students?

The changes I made in my classroom had such a positive impact on social, problem-solving and thinking skills. I saw my students making connections by themselves instead of constantly asking, 'Where to next?' I saw five year olds be critical of their own thinking, especially with our inquiry topic in the last term. I saw students put their best foot forward. I now have an array of strategies to use from day one with a brand new bunch of Preps in 2016.
Tyson Pierce - Prep

What have you noticed since using Teaching with Feather strategies in your classroom?

I feel like I’m not as tired and frustrated at the end of the day. I do more preparation at the beginning of the day but less ‘other’ workload during teaching time. I’m not overwhelmed with students and can direct them to the set criteria to check whether their work is ‘finished'. 

 I have really found it moving to see how students work together and how small changes can really help them as people and not just as learners. Changes I have noticed in my students include:

  • Working together more collaboratively
  • Kinder to each other
  • Taking more responsibility for their actions
  • Prouder and have opportunities for leadership that aren’t just classroom jobs
  • Making better choices in the classroom and when the choices are questioned they take positive action.

It has made me really proud of my students and I realise they are capable of a lot more than we give them credit for.

Ashleigh Perry Year 3

Click here to read more teacher testimonials.

More Please

Here's a few ideas to use for the first week back at school.

1. Make an 8 page book from one piece of paper. Use to record wonderings, news, information or stories. Provide criteria and check the amazing ideas students will create.

2. Make a compilation of music to play. Welcome your students on Day 1 with music playing in the background. Great for setting a mood.

3. Gather interesting items from nature. Put together a Curiosity Display on a table, a low cupboard or bookshelf. Listen to the interesting conversations started between students who are meeting one another for the first time. Add a few questions to get their brains thinking.

4. Check out your local op shop for cheap books to add to your classroom collection.

Curiosity Display
Put together a collection for your classroom. Items from nature, wire puzzles and pop up books are a great way to start.
Challenge your students to collect items to add to the Curiosity Display each week. 

TWAF Information and Communication

Facebook and Twitter:

Teaching with a Feather has both a Facebook and Twitter account. I make regular Facebook posts providing ideas, photos, quotes and information relating to the TWAF program.

If you have any questions re the Teaching with a Feather Programs for 2016 I can be contacted via email at


 All previous TWAF newsletters are available on the website for you to access and read here: 

Previous TWAF Newsletters

Please feel free to share the newsletter with your colleagues. 

Teaching with a Feather Website:
All links to TWAF strategies and resources can be accessed through the newsletter or directly from the Teaching with a Feather website.


'Everything begins with an idea.'  

                                                                                               Earl Nightingale   1921 - 1989

Copyright © 2016 Teaching with a Feather, All rights reserved.