“The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel” (which means “God with us”)" Matthew 1:23
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Immanuel, God with us....


God with us. He humbled himself and became the helpless baby in a lowly manger.  This time of year we take joy in remembering what God has done for us. The season of celebrating God's redemption promised to Eve in Genesis.  Immanuel, God with us...JESUS God in the flesh.  

What if you had never heard of God? The word Immanuel has no meaning for you? What if you had no word for Jesus in your own language?  Or if you had never heard the story of Adam and Eve, and didn't know you were separated from God and in need of a Savior to come for you?

This Christmas when you sing songs this year like O Little Town of Bethlehem, or Away in a Manger...please pray for those who don't have the Bible in their own heart language. Please pray for missionaries who are serving overseas (missing their families at this time of year) and those who are going (like us). Most importantly ask God how YOU can be a part of making His plan of salvation known to ALL people, in their own languages.  One of the ways you can do this is by partnering in our ministry with Wycliffe Bible Translators.  You can sign up to pray for us, help as financial partners and you can send encouraging notes to us. 

We are so thankful for all of you, reading this means you have touched our lives! We pray that you and your families have a very Merry Christmas and are blessed by His presence this time of year. 

“She will bear a son,

and you shall call his name Jesus, 

for he will save his people from their sins.”

Matthew 1:21

Partner With Us
Bella and Zeke as little angels for our church's Christmas play! 
Many of you have been asking and we are so excited to share that we are at 46% of our monthly Wycliffe Ministry budget! Thanks to those who have become part of our ministry team by praying for us and as financial partners. You have been amazing!! So many of you have helped us in countless ways.  We have seen God move on our behalf. We KNOW it's your prayers and willingness to be a part of our Wycliffe ministry team that has brought us this far.

We are moving to North Carolina for training for about 5 months at the end of February.  After our training we will be driving back to California and seeing friends and family on the way. We will spend time in Northern and Southern Ca...hopefully including some time with family in Arizona!  Then January 2017 we will leave for Papua New Guinea (PNG) as long as we are at 100% of our Wycliffe monthly budget and our onetime "LaunchExpense" moving costs.

This means we will be nomads for the most part once we leave San Diego.  We look forward to seeing/staying with many of you as we travel around! 
We are SO blessed by you and we know that God will bless you as you partner with us in our Wycliffe Ministry. 
These pictures are from our trip to see family and friends in Northern California for Thanksgiving.  (top left moving clockwise) Bella in the SNOW (that's as much as we got), Zeke at the duck pond enjoying all the beautiful fall colors, our family at the Placerville Christmas tree lighting (I was SO excited and thankful to be able to go to this), Bella and Zeke at my Aunt's house on Thanksgiving (nothing says fall like kids playing in a pile of leaves)! It was such a blessing to be in the cold fall weather and see family and friends.  If we missed you this time around hopefully we will see you when we come again next year!  

New Blog

Follow our journey to PNG as a family.  We will be posting pictures, travel adventures and many other fun family adventures!! 

You can also click on the green link at the bottom to get to our website as well. 
Aceves Blog
Praise and Prayers
1. As we celebrate the birth of Jesus, let us give praise to God for all He has done.  To remember the sacrifice it was, and how it must have been such a bitter sweet time as it would mean that eventually Jesus would have to die for all mankind. Let us be thankful, and remember as we worship.  
2. Praise that in October we were at 1.6% and now we are at 46% what an amazing God we serve! We are so thankful for all those who have been able to partner with our Wycliffe ministry in that way. 
3. We have at least 50 prayer partners (and many more who aren't official) this bring tears of joy and fills our hearts with thankfulness! We are so humbled and honored to be in your prayers.  We believe it is your prayers that have carried us, brought our team 
together, and helped us in the times when we needed wisdom. THANK YOU!!

1. Pray for health and a continued kingdom perspective during the chaos of the holidays, preparing to move, saying good bye's...we are so excited to be moving forward! Pray for that joy to fill us in the tough times. 
2. Pray for the continued building of our team.  That the Holy Spirit would move people's hearts.  We would be brought to mind when our family is in need of prayer!

Finally we pray over our list of partners, if you have any need that we can pray for with you please let us know.  We would love to bring you and your families before the throne of God! 

Merry Christmas  
Copyright © *|2015|* *|Daniel and Tonita Aceves|*, All rights reserved.
*|Aceves Adventures #2|*

Our mailing address is:
*|7168 Stanford Ave. La Mesa, Ca 91942|*

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