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GWP welcomes climate agreement

The UNFCCC climate change conference, COP21, successfully reached a deal in Paris on 12 December. GWP welcomes the landmark agreement, which was signed by nearly 200 countries, and is committed to support it. Read more >>

December 2015

GWP Thailand: the power of active citizens

GWP Southeast Asia has produced a video as part of their Water, Climate and Development Programme (WACDEP). It introduces the Maesot district in Thailand, where communities help each other to deal with flood related problems.
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GWP at UNECE Water Convention session

The 7th session of the Meeting of the Parties to the UNECE Convention on the Protection and Use of of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes was held 17-21 November in Budapest, Hungary. GWP took part in the event. Read more >>

GWP in the news
Putting the water issue on the COP21 table (Caribbean News Service)

Youth Water Forum empowers the young (New Era)

Water management policy discussed (The Curacao Chronicle)

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Up-coming events
18-21 Jan 2016, International Water Summit, Abu Dhabi, UAE

10 Feb 2016, EIP Water Conference, Leeuwarden, The Netherlands

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New resources
Entre-aguas 2/15 (GWP Central America)

Drying wells, rising stake: towards sustainable agricultural groundwater use (OECD)

Transboundary water governance and climate change adaptation (UN WWAP)

More resources >>

Resilient cities 2016 call for contribution. Deadline 8 January.

2016 World Water Week - abstracts and event proposals. Deadline 24 January.

More calls >>

IWRM training in Brazil

GWP Senior Knowledge Management Officer Dr. Danka Thailmeinerova conducted a training on the IWRM ToolBox in Sao Paolo, Brazil, on 9-10 December. The training was targeted at university lecturers from Bolivia, Chile, Peru, Uruguay,Venezuela, Ecuador, Colombia and Brazil. Read more >>

More news from Brazil: 

Demo projects raise hope in Ghana

The village communities of Tampizua II in the Bawku municipality and Azum Sapelga in the Binduri district of northern Ghana are welcoming the benefits of GWP projects being implemented in their communities. Read more >>


Consultation on disaster risk plan

The Limpopo River Basin is prone to natural disasters as a result of climate change. On 24 November, the Resilience in the Limpopo Basin Program (RESILIM) and GWP Southern Africa took a look at the disaster action plan. Read more >>

GWP at UN water and disasters meeting

GWP Chair Dr. Ursula Schaefer-Preuss participated in the 6th Meeting for High-level Experts and Leaders Panel on Water Disasters (HELP) and the 2nd UN Special Thematic Session on Water and Disasters in New York, USA. Read more >>

Global Water Partnership (GWP)
PO Box 24177
SE-104 51 Stockholm, Sweden

Phone: +46 8 1213 86 00

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